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Data 1 units

1 Height Of Retaining Wall(H) 8m

2 Unit Weight Of Soil(γ) 18 kN/m3 Ka = 0.33333
3 Surcharge (q) 20 KN/m2 (1+sin⁡(∅))
4 Angle Of Friction (∅) 30 Degree
5 Angle Of Repose (µ) 0.45
6 Unit Weight Of Concrete(γ) 25 KN/m3
7 Fe500 500 N/mm2
8 Fck 25 N/mm2
9 M25
10 SBC 80 kN/m3
11 Cosb 0 Degree 1
Imperical Relations 0.4H 0.6H
1 Width of Base (B) 4m 3.2 4.8
0.4𝐻 𝑡𝑜 0.7𝐻
2 Thickness Of Stem at Top
𝑡=𝐻/12 𝑡𝑜 𝐻/10 0.4 m 0.6667 0.8

3 Thickness Of Base Slab H/10 H/14

H/10 to H/14 0.7 m 0.8 0.571429
4 Toe Projection B/3 B/4 ⍺*B
⍺*B 1m 1.3333 1 3.177

5 Depth Of Foundation (Df) Formula

𝑆𝐵𝐶/(𝐺𝑎𝑚𝑎(𝑌)) 𝐾𝑎^2 1m 0.4938 m

6 Width Of Bottom Stem 1m

7 Thickness of stem at bottom 1m H/12 H/10

0.6667 0.8
7 Width of heel Slab 2m

Calculations Where,
B=0.95∗𝐻√(𝐾𝑎/(1−ɑ)(1+3ɑ) ) ⍺=1−(𝑞/2.7γ𝐻)
when horizontal backfill & live load is given when live load is given

5.25942574090438 0.794239

16 # @
100 mm c/c


7000 12 # @
150 mm c/c

16 # @
100 mm c/c

16 # @
EXIST. GL #REF! 100 mm c/c
12 # @
180 mm c/c
h= #REF! mm c/c
D= #REF!

12 # @ 12 # @
100 mm c/c 750.00 100 mm c/c
#REF! # @
12 # @ #REF! mm c/c
150 mm c/c 1000
1000 1000 2000

Calculations Where,
B=0.95∗𝐻√(𝐾𝑎/(1−ɑ)(1+3ɑ) ) ⍺=1−(𝑞/2.7γ𝐻)
when horizontal backfill & live load is given when live load is given

5.259426 0.794239

S.N Designation Column1 Force Liver Arm Moment
kN m kN-m
1 W1 Stem Rectangular 73 1.8 131.4
2 W2 Stem Traingular 54.75 1.3 71.175
3 W3 Base Slab 70 2 140
4 W4 Retaining Soil 262.8 3 788.4
5 W5 Weight Of Surcharge 40 3 120
ΣW 430.55 ΣMr 1250.975

Total earth pressure at base 75 kN

Overturning moment at toe, due to earth pressure 200 kN-m
Overturning moment due to horizontal pressure caused by live load 83.3333 kN-m
Total Overturning moment 283.333 kN-m

FOS against Overturning =("ΣMr " /("ΣM" 𝑜))> 1.5 4.41521

IS 456 Clause 20.1 =0.9("ΣMr " /("ΣM" 𝑜))> 3.97369 >1.4

1.4 CHECK FOS>1.5
Total horizontal pressure (ΣH) ΣH 128.333

FOS against Sliding =(µ"ΣW " /"ΣH" )> 1.5 1.50972

KaXq 6.66666666666667 Provide Shear key
IS 456 Clause 20.1 =0.9(µ"ΣW " /"ΣH" )> 1.4 1.35875 >1.4

Pressure distribution
Algebric sum of moments ΣM 967.642
Algebric sum of vertical forces ΣW 430.55

Distance x̅ from toe, the point of appication of resultant, 2.24745

Eccentricity, e =(b/2)-x̅ -0.24745

This value should be less than = (b/6), so that tension will not act 0.66667

Pressure P1 at toe P1=(𝜮𝑾/𝑩)(𝟏+(𝟔𝒆/𝑩) 67.6844

Pressure P2 at heel P1=(𝜮𝑾/𝑩)(𝟏−(𝟔𝒆/𝑩) 147.591

Pressure P at the junction of stem with toe slab 87.6609

Pressure P at the junction of stem with heel slab 107.638



107.6375 0.628818

107.6375 1.371182

-19.97656 -19.97656

-19.97656 -39.95313
Design of stem (Limit state method)
1 Height of stem (Consider one meter length of retaining wall) (H1) 7.3 m
2 Due to surcharge(q) there will be uniform horizontal pressue (Ka*q) 6.66667
b= 1000 mm
d= 950 mm
Provided depth 950 mm
2 Total bending moment Ok 849.976 kN-m
M=1.5𝑋((𝐾𝑎∗𝑞(𝐻1)^2)/2+ (𝐾𝑎∗γ(𝐻1)^3)/6)

4 Required depth (d) for fe500 503.71 mm


5 Reinforcement in stem (Area of steel required) 2155.66 mm2

M=0.87𝑋𝐹𝑦𝐴𝑠𝑡𝑑(1− 𝐴𝑠𝑡𝐹𝑦/𝑏𝑑𝐹𝑐𝑘)

6 Spacing 145.756 mm
Provide 20mm∅ bar
Provide Spacing 100 mm

7 Area of steel provided 3142 mm2

Bend all the bars in toe slab to serve as the reinforcement there

8 Total shear force 312.805 kN

V=1.5𝑋((𝐾𝑎∗𝑞(𝐻1))/+ (𝐾𝑎∗γ(𝐻1)^2)/2)

9 Nominal shear stress(τv= (V/bd) 0.32927

100As/bd= 0.330737 %
τc = 0.4588
10 Distribution steel
Average thickness of stem 650 mm
Area for distribution reinforcement 975 mm2
Using 16mm∅ bar Spacing 206.244 mm
Provide spacing 150 mm
Hence, provide 16mm∅bars@150mm throughout the length

11 Temperature reinforcement
Temperature reinforcement should be provided 0.24 percent of cross-section
or same as distribution steel at the outer face.
0.24 1560

Total area 1560 mm2

Using 16mm∅ bar Spacing 128.903 mm
Provide spacing 125 mm
Provide 16mm∅bars@150mm on both ways of outer face.

12 Curtailment of bars
Curtail 50% steel form the top
(H1/H)2 0.5
(H1/4.6)2 0.5
H1 5.65685 m
Actual point of cutoff H1 - Ld 4.414 m

Where, Ld 1242.857 mm

Spacing of bars <300mm

177.6333 0


11875000 0.090765
0 0.82
Bar(∅) Area
8 50.272 10000000
10 78.55 0.00005
12 113.112 1.1494252874
16 201.088 0.0022988506
20 314.2 5.747126E-06
25 490.9375 4884.9166667

48.66667 159.87

Design of Toe slab
1 Downward weight of slab per unit area 17.5 kN Fck
2 Net pressure intensity under "C" 50.18438 kN Fy
3 Net pressure intensity under "E" 70.16094 kN
4 Total force = Shear force at "E" 60.17266 kN
5 CG of force from "E"= x̅ = 0.472334 m 56.84323
6 Bending moment at "E" 28.42161 kN-m
7 Factored shear force(V) 90.25898 kN
8 Factored Moment (M) 42.63242 kN-m
9 Depth required (d) 112.81 mm
Provided depth (d) 650 mm
10 Ast Required 151.56 mm2
M=0.87𝑋𝐹𝑦𝐴𝑠𝑡𝑑(1− 𝐴𝑠𝑡𝐹𝑦/𝑏𝑑𝐹𝑐𝑘) 8125000

11 Spacing 1326.788 mm
Provide 16mm∅ bar
Provide spacing 100 mm
12 Ast provided 2010.88 mm2

13 Nominal shear stress(τv= (V/bd) 0.13886

100As/bd= 0.309366 %
τc = 0.403
14 Distribution steel
Average thickness of stem 650 mm
Area for distribution reinforcement 975 mm2
Using 16mm∅ bar Spacing 206.2441 mm
Provide spacing 150 mm
Hence, provide 16mm∅bars@150mm throughout the length

Bar(∅) Area
8 50.272
10 78.55
12 113.112
16 201.088
20 314.2
25 490.9375
Design of Heel slab
1 Weight of soil (h=4.6m) 262.8 kN Acting at 1 From B
2 Live load 40 kN Acting at 1 From B
3 Weight of heel slab 35 kN Acting at 1 From B
4 Upward soil reaction 255.2281 kN Acting at 1.052 From B
5 Total shear force 82.57187 m
6 Bending moment at "B" 337.8 kN-m
7 Factored shear force(V) 123.8578 kN
8 Factored Moment (M) 506.7 kN-m
9 Depth required (d) 388.9135 mm
Provided depth (d) 650 mm
10 Ast Required 1904.548 mm2
M=0.87𝑋𝐹𝑦𝐴𝑠𝑡𝑑(1− 𝐴𝑠𝑡𝐹𝑦/𝑏𝑑𝐹𝑐𝑘)

11 Spacing 105.5831 mm
Provide 16mm∅ bar
Provide spacing 100 mm
12 Ast provided 2010.88 mm2

13 Nominal shear stress(τv= (V/bd) 0.19055

100As/bd= 0.309366 %
τc = 0.403
14 Distribution steel
Average thickness of stem 650 mm
Area for distribution reinforcement 975 mm2
Using 16mm∅ bar Spacing 206.2441 mm
Provide spacing 150 mm
Hence, provide 12mm∅bars@150mm throughout the length
Fck 25
Fy 500


8125000 0.117203
Bar(∅) Area
8 50.272
10 78.55
12 113.112
16 201.088
20 314.2
25 490.9375
Design shear key
1 Passive pressure (pp) Kp X P 262.9828 kN/m^2
Kp 3
2 Total Passive pressure (Pp) pp X a 197.2371 kN
Assume "a"
a 0.75 m
H' 8.75 m
KaXq 6.666667
3 Total sliding force at the bottom of is ΣP 245 kN

4 Weight of soil below thw base to shear key 54 kN approx

5 ΣW 484.55 kN

Hence, factor against sliding is =((µ"ΣW 1.695039 Safe

+Pp" )/"ΣP" )> 1.5

It should be noted that passive pressure taken into account above will be
developed only when a length "a1" given below is available in front of key.
a1 = a*tan(45' + ∅/2)= a*√Kp 1.299 m
Actual length available 1m
Lets us keep the width 0.75 m
Actual force to be resisted by the key(V) 224.1788 kN
=1.5𝑋 ((1.5 "XΣP - "
µ"ΣW) " )/

Hence, Nominal shear stress(τv= (V/bd) 0.298905 Safe

Permissible Shear stress 100(As/bd) M25
<=0.15 0.29
70 175

Working stress Method
1 Grade of Concrete Permissible stress in compression(σcbc) Modular ratio (m) = (280/3σcbc)
M15 7 18.66
M20 8.5 13.33
M25 10 10.98
M30 11.5 9.33

2 Steel (IS-1786) Permissible stress in tension(σst) Permissible stress in compression(σcbc)

Fe 250 140 130
Fe 415 230 190
Fe500 275

3 K k=𝑚𝜎𝑐𝑏𝑐/ 0.285343 For M25 and fe500

(𝑚𝜎𝑐𝑏𝑐+ "σ" 𝑠𝑡)
4 j j=1−𝑘/3 0.904886

5 R R=(𝑗∗𝑘∗𝜎𝑐𝑏𝑐)/ 1.291014
ess in compression(σcbc)

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