Light Speed Bleach

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Hello everyone, this is Shinigami right here, ready for some Aizen vs Madara things.

now, people will be wondering about some of the speed metas for Aizen since a lot of people
would be curious about. So I suppose this is what I will do, for every argument that is
brought up to downgrade Aizen's, I will debunk it, and I will mention the more consistent light
speed meta that everyone knows about.

-Light speed feats:

So for this, I will be basing it on this:

1) As long as its stated to be light based, I am fine with it.

2) If it presents real life properties of light, that is also acceptable.

So lets do this:

1) Quincy arrows were always stated to be light based, in the databooks, novels and in
the manga, every piece of Bleach media describes them as light based. This is
especially consistent as I will present now.

There are also calcs that either places the characters at rel to faster than light speeds:

Visual calc We look at the scene and compare how far the light moved and how far
he moved (this is downplay as rewinding it would prove he needs to be faster than
that) Scaling such we can say he moved at 24% light speed. Also arguably much
faster since the close up shows his face zoomed in.

Using both context of the scene and logical imagery, Uryu is his shadows height/his
height plus 2 arm length from ichigo. Which is about 2.95m from ichigo. The enemy
in this scene is able to attack ichigo and uyru while also out running the light. Again
an arm distance away from both, as he does s sword slice. Travel distance 3.33m
Light only moved 1.33m Speed = 2.498x faster than light.

When comparing how far he moved in comparison to how far the light speed attack
moved, we see they moved 4.51x further than the light speed attack in this sceen
did, meaning its 4.51x faster than light.

Ulquiorra is 1.69m in height, which means we can scale his wing to be 2.17m, and
the distance from the arrow to be 0.946m. The minimum speed needed to hit that
light speed arrow is therefore 2.3x the speed of light, any slower and he would have
been hit. However, we can argue a high ball too. Looking at his wing, we can find it
hit the tip of his wing (circling it in red), this tip is 0.909m from Ulquiorra. Meaning the
arrow only travelled 0.037m or 3.7cm. Meaning with his wing moved 2.17m we get a
high ball of 61.32x the speed of light.

So this calc is based off the artistic representation that ichigo is between Orihime
and the light arrows. Perspective scaling off Orihime and Ichigo, we find the arrows
are about 10.4m from the arrows. Ichigo then ichigo hits them when they are only
2.2m from him, making them travel 8.2m, while his slice is 9.9m in length. This gives
a speed of 1.21x the speed of light.

Further evidence that Quincies uses light as attacks, we have Mask who has a literal light
beam, he calls it light, it travels in a straight line, burns stuff and reflects.

Mask: 86 px Window: 45 px Mask: 253 cm Window: 132.383 cm Window: 8 px

Screen: 887 px Distance: 146.779 m
_light Timeframe: 2.225039e-8 s Velocity: 6596690000 m/s 22c

As Nodt has thorns that Rukia calls light, other Shinigami call it light as well.

Scaling off Rukia full 1.44m height, we find she moved 1.27m while the light attack
only moved 0.149m. This means she would be 8.53x the speed of light. She does
this consistently in the scene too.

X Axis also uses light as an attack, he is the literal embodiment of light, as he fights with
nothing more but light.

Scaling off the building storey we see that they moved 45.1m while the light based
attack moves 51.7m. This makes them 87.3% light speed.

Yhwach uses a technique that specifically says that the opponent would get shredded by
"God's light".

Yhwach also uses an ability called Aushwaleon, characters call it light.

2) A character, who scales below Aizen, is described to be having movements that are
like light, meaning that these characters move so fast that they are described as light
speed, as they present every property that happens when you move at the speed of
● “At that instant to an observer at that point, it would appear as if
they're under the illusion that the surrounding environment's time
stopped. You may notice that Hikone, who should have been crossing
swords in the distance with Kenpachi, was standing right behind Aura.
What kind of movement did Hikone use? It can't just be speed. While
arriving from that elevation at speed within an instant, Hikone was
landing at that spot with raising a single piece of dust. Yet it is a
spectacle that even the force of gravity and inertia are distorted by
his reiatsu and technique, that most people aren't even able to react
immediately in the face of that seemingly beautiful movement. Only one
person was capable of reacting. There was no trace of hesitation, even
in the middle of crossing blades with Kenpachi, only Hisagi understood
that Hikone would go to attack Aura immediately, in order to protect
Aura's rear, he stood in Hikone's way.”

This is consistent as characters earlier on in the series or in flashbacks are shown to outrun
their shadows, mainly Uryu and Young Byakuya.

Aaroneiro was shown blitzing light, and its calced at 3 times the speed of light.

Using some persepctive stuff we can see the distance travelled it about 22.406
meters while by comparing rukai with the ground we can find the length of a square
and count them
04/unknown.png getting a distance of 7.4 meters for how far the light travelled
meaning Aaonienro must travel a minum of 3.02 times the speed of light supporting
this the wall started to crumble before he noticed
57/unknown.png so the light had a head start, and the minimum is still 3x ftl

3) More feats to further support this include Aizen scaling to people who can react to
Ceros or Negaccion and more abilities that are all stated to be light based.

And we have other characters as well who are also shown to be either rel or faster than the
speed of light based on these feats.

Shark shot is fired right at Shunsui face. Scaling off Shunsui (1.94m tall), his pupil is
0.034m or 3.4cm, and the gun would be 0.068 or 6.8cm from his face. Yet he moved
a full 5.096m before it reach his face. Meaning he moved up to 75.2x the speed of
the cero or 75.2x the speed of light.

Ukitake height 1.87m or 14 pixels Blast distance = 110 pixels or 14.3m. Ukitake
absorbs and redirects a cero in a manner starrk that looks like he’s just firing a cero.
One of the changes to the cero is the velocity, however if the goal is to make it
harder to avoid than the original cero it should be some vague speed increase. For
this calculation we’ll just use that ceros are light speed. Next we should say that the
cero travels through his blades, however as this appears faster than a the rest, lets
simply it saying the time frame is like the cero only travels 1m. Time frame = 3.3
nanoseconds. Starrk blitz distance = 14.3m Speed = 4,297,160,708m/s or 14.3x the
speed of light.

Yammy is 2.3m tall. Scaling off that we see that the attack happened from 18.14m.
The attack is 20x faster than a cero.
Cero are light based, so assume light speed. Time frame = 0.000000003s Low end If
Urahara moved 1m his speed is 330,456,939m/s or 1.1x the speed of light. I can’t
think of high end.

Several more abilities include Gantenbine's light beam, for example, and several
Scaling off Gantenbine we can find the distance from the light speed attack is
18.15m. Meaning chad needs to react in 5.51% the speed of light.

4) These are other feats that can further prove Aizen is casually light speed, or relative
to it in his lesser forms without even trying.

Ichigo fires his attack with thickness of 1.66m. Aizen is able to move a total of 19.5m
(5.2m from the attack, 12.6m behind ichigo and the length of the attack. This makes
him 11.75x the speed of ichigo’s attack, or 11.75x the speed of light.

Scaling off both their official heights, we see Urahara is 3.16m from Aizen. When
hado 88 is fired, its done so with Urahara needing to move, as the blast passes him,
meaning it travelled about this far (arguably more). This attack is basically a
lightning, with lightning bolt being from 200,000mph to 270,000mph (89,408m/s to
120,700.8m/s). This means Aizen reacting in 26.2 microseconds to 35.4
microseconds. The tree line varies in size, as the type of trees in this panel variy
from 60 to 80 feet. This means the difference between the tree line peak and bottom
should be 20 feet or 6.096m, with the explosion reaching 168.4m in height. Using
this, we find Dankū spawn in at 4,760,375.4m/s to 6,426,506.8m/s or 1.59% to
2.14% light speed.

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