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ELC 231










We reviewed the article entitled ‘Single Parent Struggle’, written by Chris Polito Paola
Brown on 25 March 2008. The article illustrates the problems of the single parent struggle for
their children. The author is optimistic and advocates its problem because nowadays, many
single parents that have divorce have to struggle by themselves. Therefore, there are many
problems that single parents have to struggle for their child.

Firstly, the problem that single parents have to struggle with is they must work full time
to be able to afford to provide for themselves and their child. They also must be able to still
have time to offer an exuberant amount of emotional time for the well-being of their child. In
the article, “Single-parent families cause juvenile crime”, author Robert L. Maginnis states that,
“Children from single-parent families are more likely to have behaviour problems because they
tend to lack economic security and adequate time with parents”. The simple statement that
raw criminals are products of single-parent adolescence is absurd. What this writer must
understand is that it can be extremely difficult for one parent to raise a child by themselves for
many reasons. However, even though this may seem impossible, it still can be done.

In addition, the struggle of single parents also can cause different problems as well.
As Magginnis states in his article, “Boys who do not have fathers as male role models suffer
especially”. It is important for a male child to have his father around, and teach their child.
However, Maginnis said that he never had his father around while growing up and he has
many positive male role models. He also said that his mother had to work to support and
provide the time and attention that he needed. Being a child with a single mother had its
benefits. Although he came to find how hard it really was for her mother to always meet the
needs of her child, she did the best job that she possibly could and gave me the knowledge
that I needed to become a successful man without the guidance of his father.
Therefore, the struggle that most of single parents faced are not have enough health
structure. Health structure is really important as they are the only one that need to work just
to support their families. They need to work in order to give what their child need especially
for school expenses. Being a single parent means all the responsibility are all on your head.
As Magginis states in his article, “Not all families are lucky enough to have a healthy structure.”
Which is means, not all single parents have a good health conditions. Magginis states in his
article that government should take an action such as funded programs to help assist single-
parent families with childcare and finances for parents who must work and still have time for
their children. Normal families may not feel how difficult is it for single-parent families. We
need to help single-parent families struggle and make the world open their mind about this

We are really agreeing about that single-parents struggle need to see by the world. It
is also make the world realize how lucky are their life right now even it is not as perfect as
dream families. The single-parent family are really common these day as it is also stated in
article, “Since 1995 the American family structure for children ages fourteen to eighteen
consists of forty-two percent living in a first marriage family with both parents, twenty-two
percent living in a second marriage step-family, twenty-one percent living in a single parent,
divorced or separated family, six percent living in a single parent never married family and
three percent living in a single parent widowed family.” Their also need affection from their
parent even the single-parents need to work and don not have enough times with their
children. It also stated in article that they will only become a product of what they are taught
from a young age and these children are deeply affected emotionally by the amount of love
and compassion that is put into raising them. Whichever family structure is implied it must be
one of respect and strong moral values that they can someday pass on to their family.

In conclusion, based on the contents that author have evaluate in his article, we can
see that single-parents struggle need to be acknowledges by the world. Government also
need to help to lower the burden of single-parent families. As single parent is it harder to them
because they are the father, they are mother to their children. They also need to work and
giving affection to their children at both times so that the children can have a great
development as others normal family out there.

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