Project: Strategic Analysis and Strategic Recommendation

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Project: Strategic Analysis and Strategic Recommendation

Project can be elaborated in team of 2-4 students. Students have to choose real operating company, preferably medium-
sized. Each team needs choose a different company or its SBU (Strategic Business Unit operating in one
industry)/subsidiary of company) in selected country. Originality and authorship of the work will be tested. It is
obligatory to use sources and proper form of citation inside the text and list all the references in the end.

A final deadline for the project is 8.12. 2021 (word document/pdf). Each project also needs to be presented in class
(smaller parts of the project 2 times during seminars, supported by ppt and take 5-10 minutes per presentation and class
discussion). Project can be consulted during seminars.

The structure of the project:

1 Presentation of the company and its strategy
1.1 Identification of Company
(In this section, briefly introduce and describe the company that will be examined in the project. After brief
introduction (type of the company, age, size, major products and markets, type of industry, its current market
position and other important facts), describe the nature and specifics of the business (its business model)).
1.2 Specification of approach to strategy
(According announced strategy and/or examination of the behaviour of the company, define approach and type
of strategy (prescriptive/emergent approach) that company implements. Justify your opinion.)
2 Strategic analysis of the company
2.1 Evaluation of Vision and Mission Statement
(Evaluate vision statement of the company in terms of its formulation, communication and the reality based on
strategic management recommendations. Evaluate mission statement of the company in terms of formulation,
communication and audiences that want / should the company address based on strategic management
recommendations. Based on results, formulate recommendation for improvement or entire own proposal of
formulation if the vision and/or mission were not formulated. Justify your opinions.)
2.2 Analysis of the opportunities and threats of the macro-environment
(Analyse the macro-environment based on real data and estimated development of 1-3-year. Evaluate only
factors with direct impact on business performance, business model and company´s results. As an outcome of
this analysis, select and identify only key strategic opportunities and threats that will be subsequently used in
the SWOT analysis. Follow the recommendations for macro-environment analysis and use PEST analysis and
Issue Priority Matrix, relevant sources and prognoses and justify your results).
2.3 Analysis of the opportunities and threats of the micro-environment
(Identify the industry of your company with major characteristics. Evaluate the micro-environment using
Porter's analysis. As an outcome of this analysis, select and identify only key strategic opportunities and threats
that will be subsequently used in the SWOT analysis. Follow the recommendations for macro-environment and
use Porter model, relevant sources and justify your results).
2.4 Analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the company
(Based on the selection of 2 main competitors, apply of the Strategic Profile Analysis method and evaluate the
company's internal environment (use factors that are important for a company operation and its competitive
environment). As an outcome of this analysis, select and identify only key strengths and weaknesses that will be
subsequently used in the SWOT analysis, use relevant sources and justify your results.)
3 Strategic recommendations
3.1 Synthesis of the results using SWOT analysis
(Based on the results 2.2-2.4, evaluate selected S, W,O,T on the scale 1-10 and create a SWOT graph. Then
evaluate the direct relationship of each factor in the SWOT matrix. Comment main results).
3.2 Strategic Recommendations
(Based on the results of the SWOT graph and the SWOT matrix, describe one concrete strategic
recommendation that will be related to the type of strategy (graph) and the combination of the most appropriate
combination of factors (matrix). Explain implementation of your strategic recommendation for the company).

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