Benefits of Freedom of Worship Rule To The Community

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Benefits of Freedom of Worship Rule to the Community

The main text used in the paper is Babie’s “Freedom of Religion or Belief: Creating the

Constitutional Space for Fundamental Freedoms.” The analysis argues that while some societies with

religious freedom are built on the idea of freedom of worship, others are not and naturally drift toward

a distinct view. In the sixth century BC, the ancient Greeks, notably Cyrus the Great, established the

first freedom of religion statute. However, one must recognize that religious openness, liberty, and

freedom of worship are all distinct and have differed to some extent in the past. Most societies

currently provide religious freedom, and remarkably tolerant societies, such as the United States or

Canada, provide the free expression to assemble and worship.

American communities have had the right to religious freedom since the creation of the

constitution. Even though many Individuals still think otherwise, the media depicts society as

becoming more anti-God. We see schools dismissing children who acknowledge God or other religious

components, citing a lack of sensitivity to other pupils of different religions. Some public schools

debated whether the pledge of loyalty should include a mention of God. Religious freedom also

includes the liberty to communicate your religious doctrine information with others, notwithstanding

your allegiance to another. How can we comprehend other cultures if we don't appreciate our own? The

school board's response excludes religion from the school system (Babie et al. 76). That is simply

restricting individuals' freedom of worship; they can no longer exhibit it.

Individuals have the right to determine how to express their spiritual beliefs through freedom of

worship. Today, numerous charitable organizations participate, depending on one's beliefs. Each of

these spiritual institutions has its particular set of principles and philosophies to which believers must
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subscribe. When it is mentioned that one has freedom of belief, they can decide how to demonstrate

their views and ideology because it is the component of religion (Bussey 76). Worship can be

performed in various ways, such as the Muslims' faith in worshiping five times a day as a form of


Throughout most societies around the nation, freedom of worship is a fundamental right granted

to all citizens. However, some societies do not acknowledge this and place constraints on what

residents think regarding religion. The concept of freedom of worship enables people to select whether

or not to belong to a particular religion. It allows one to be a devotee or a non-believer, according to

what they like (Heiner, Prof, et al. 54). This also implies that you have the option of changing your

faith at any time.

In most cultures, freedom of worship is one of the essential human principles that every

individual must enjoy. This is because it allows each person to believe that they are appropriate and

acceptable for them. With religious freedom, one can express their religion publicly or privately.

Nevertheless, it should be recognized that this independence does not imply interfering with others

(Ghanea-Hercock et al., 45). This means that, even if you are free to perform, you should not do it in a

manner that jeopardizes the peace and joy of those who do not share your religion.

As broad as it may appear, religious freedom has boundaries. There are times when a human's

freedom of worship is violated. The ability should be displayed exclusively in the sphere of religion; it

should extend only to practitioners or specific individuals who agree with the very same religion. When

freedom of worship is regarded to constitute a threat to people who do not share the same faith, it can

be violated(Heiner, Prof, et al. 54). For example, a nation or government authority may violate a

human's freedom of worship if the acts prescribed in that belief endanger the lives of others.

Religious freedom promotes free and prosperous civilizations. Religious liberty makes room for

the institutions, conventions, and practices that underpin free communities. Dr. Joe Connors, an

economics expert at St. Leo University, studied the relationship between freedom of religion and
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political and financial freedom. In a new conversation, he provided some initial findings, stating that

"on a preliminary stage, freedom of religion does appear to provide an effect on the average income

threshold of each individual." It essentially means that suffering will be reduced and general wealth

will increase." Freedom of religion has an impact on our capacity to thrive.

Religious liberty protects households. In the background of the United States, freedom of

religion and family values are always companions. The pilgrims desired personal freedom as well as a

chance to establish, reside, and worship God as they thought proper. The cultural, civic, and

administrative structures they established are strongly connected with their strong Christian values,

upheld mainly by the family. They envisioned the Christian family as a mini-church, mini-government,

and mini-society. New generations would be educated in the household, learning the virtues required to

live meaningful lives. The family's purpose was to serve God by instilling Christian ideals within the

next generations so that they might contribute positively to society("Joy of Freedom (Worship and

Spirituality)" 98). Freedom of religion aided in making such achievements possible.

Consider the situation in which a particular religion, for example, mandates followers to

perform child sacrifice. In such a circumstance, the government has the authority to refuse the

practitioners' freedom of religion for the reasons that it is intended to impede the right to life of

others("Joy of Freedom (Worship and Spirituality)" 98). While freedom of religion allows participants

to interact in religious rituals that they believe appropriate, the results of such actions must not affect

those who do not share the same belief.

Religious freedom does not refer to a single concept. The independent practice of religions may

appear more distinct for you than for other individuals, based on religious traditions or individual

preferences. Spiritual exercise might highlight ritual and celebration, or it can be concerning clothing or

nutrition, or it can be about how we serve individuals, or it can be well about norms and ideals that

dedicate themselves to. It might refer to various things from different seasons of the year or night.

Religious freedom is a requirement for being allowed to live. In any other aspect, you may enable me
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to participate, own assets, and freely socialize in the public sphere. But if you don't let me express and

act on the views about absolute truth that determine who I am and why I'm here, then the other liberties

are meaningless. In a somewhat real sense, however, all human freedoms are dependent on religious


Finally, there are many various beliefs globally, and each society has its unique acceptance

policy. In the United States, they have rules governing the separation between church and state and

laws prohibiting discrimination based on religious beliefs. Jihad is more prevalent than before, and 9/11

ushered in a War Of Terror that continues today. Perhaps one day, the entire world will agree on

religious acceptance, but for now, let us be grateful that we live in a society where we can believe

anything we wish.
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Works Cited

Babie, Paul T., et al. Freedom of Religion or Belief: Creating the Constitutional Space for Fundamental

Freedoms. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020.

Bussey, Barry W. The Status of Religion and the Public Benefit in Charity Law. Anthem P, 2020.

Ghana-Hercock, Nazila, et al. Does God Believe in Human Rights?: Essays on Religion and Human

Rights. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2007.

Heiner, Prof, Bielefeldt, et al. "Part 1 Freedom of Religion or Belief, 1.3.1 Freedom to Worship."

Freedom of Religion or Belief, 2016.

"Joy of Freedom (Worship and Spirituality)." Paulos Mar Gregorios, 2017, pp. 189-204.

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