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etme aus Conus ‘There are different methods to determine the water content of soil in the laboratory. Here we will discuss few important points on, ‘these tests, Different methods 1. Oven drying method: Dry the soil in oven at 108°C - 110°C for 24 hrs. 2 Pyenometer method: Quick method, involves diferent weighing and calculates the water content 3. Sand bath method: In the absence of oven. Soil dried by sand bath, 4. Rapid moisture meter method: Instrument used to measure the water content in the lab and field as well. Calcium Car- bide reacts with froe moisture and releases acetylene gas. ‘This gas pressure is calibrated to give water content. 5. Torsion balance moisture meter method: Instrument run fon clectricity. Use infrared radiation to dry the sample. Tor sion wite is used to measure the weights hence name is so. Food for thought: + Why the temperature range is 105 to 110 in the the oven dry test. What will happen if we increase the temperature? ‘+ Whatare the different types of water in soil? + Which method is gives precise result from the above? + Which isthe quick method for water content determination, ‘+ Which is most suitable in the field? PReone eee) Different methods to determine the specific gravity of the soil: 1. Pycnometer method: Procedure is same as explained in the Water content determination, Only some algebraic adjust- ment will give specific gravity. 2. Core-cutter method: Sand replacement method: 4. Water displacement method: Department of Civil Engineering Kamal $ Patel Eredar “Although there are large variations in soil, But the soil showing approximately similar behaviour ean be grouped. This classifica- tion is performed based on some test, The numerical values ob- tained by these tests are called Index Properties of soil. It can be divided into two groups: 1. Soil grain properties: depends on individual grain not on the manner of soil, (2) Mineralogical composition (©) Specific gravity of solids (6) Size and shape of grains 2. Soil aggregate properties: depends on soil mass as a whole. {Also influenced by soil stress history. 3.1. Grain Shape + Bulky grains + Flaky grains + Needle shaped grains 3.2 Grain size distribution + Dry sieve analysis ~ Gravel fraction - coarse sieve analysis -(80 mm, 20mm, 10 mm, 475mm) ~ Fine sieve analysis = (2 mam, 11mm, 600 425 , 212, 150 p,75 9) + Wot sieve analysis for less than 75) = Sedimentation Analysis ~ Hydrometer Analysis ~ Pipette Method of Analysis CEEocuce ane) [Based on Stoke's law. Velocity of free fall is different for different size of particle. All particle are assumed spherical. For a single particle is allowed to fal freely, after certain time it attains con- stant velocity called terminal velocity. a Applicable for the sphere of diameter between 0.2. mm (larger particle causes turbulence) and 0.0002 mm (smaller particle takes brownian motion) Get 78007 ’ 2 Deparment of Civ Engineering - Kama S Pate! Limitatins: 1. Theory is based on assumption that particle is spherical. 2. Diameter is between 0.2 mim to 0.0002 man. 3. Velocity of free fall ofa single sphere in a suspension of infi- nite extent, 4. Average value of specific gravity of grains is used. 5, Floc formation between the particle of small diameter (carry charge). Hence the diameter calculated will be of loc not of, particle, Important points to remember: + Ldyne see per sq em = I poise + 1 gram see per sq em = 9807 poise + y= 90.980" by taking G, = 2.67 ¢ 0.01 poise, y Elirocacueee) ‘Weight of solids present at any time is calculated in this test, di- rectly by reading the density of soil suspension, Important steps for the Hydrometer analysis. 1. Calibrate the hydrometer. + Relation between hydrometer reading Rry on the stem and the effective depth II, fora given hydrometer. + Effective depth is distance from the the surface of soil suspension to the level at which the density of soil sus- pension is being measured, 2. The reading of hydrometer provide the density of the soil suspension atthe centre of bulb at any instance of time. 3. For example at any point of time hydrometer reading is 25, then the specific gravity will be 1.025 4. Agraph i plotted betwoen the hydrometer reading Aur and the effective depth, this graph is called calibration curve. Procedure to perform the hydrometer test + 50g of sol sample < 754. ‘+ Mix with 100 ce of distilled water + Mic 100 cc of defloccalating agent (sodium hexametaphos- phate) + Allowed to soak for § min + Sample is transfered into dispersion cup + Add water (three fourth) and mix well «Transfer the sample to 1000 cc jar + Mix the sample well by turing the jar upside down, + Reading through hydrometer after 1/4, 1/2, 1,2 minutes ‘+ Again mix the sample and take reading at 5, 10, 15, 30 min, 2A bes. Hydrometer corrections: + Meniscus Correction: 4 Cry ‘+ Temperature Correction standard temperature then added, if below then subtracted. 4C; temperature is above the + Dispersing agent correction : ~C' always negative Ro = Ry + OnE Cr Ca @ Riv is used to get the effective depth J1, using the calibration graph. After getting the effective height soil particle diameter is calculated using the Stoke's Law and motion equation: 189 4 Particle als through height (in cm) in time v= H,/60t (5) hence )., [ea Plem) = ia 6 Percentage of particle finer than Dis calculate Weight of solids per cat depth He after time t Weight ofsoids per ein he orginal suspension * o a If Reis the corrected hydrometer reading, the specitic gravity ‘of soil suspension is equal to1 + = 106, Re __ Weight of water/ce+ immersed wt of sls /ee 1 90 Weight of water/ce ® and finally ®) fovton oat empl in aes eee Pies Masg . Deparment of Civ Engineering - Kama S Pate! Pee Relative ease with which a soil can be deformed. (used to describe the degree of firmness). Depending upon the amount of water presence following four stages of consistency of clays are defined: + Liquid state + Plastic State + Semisolid State + Solid state (Change from one state to other is called consistency limit. Also known as Atteberg’s limits 7A Liquid timit w;, ‘When soil changes from liquid to plastic limit, the boundary water content is ealled liquid limit. + After liquid limit soil enters in plastic state. 7.2 Plastic limit w,, When water content is further reduced and soil changes its state from plastic state to semi solid state (soil does not have plasticity becomes brit). 7.3 Shrinkage limit ws ‘Maximum water content at which a decrease in moisture con- tent does not cause any decrease Water content at which soil state changes from semi solid to solid state. upto shrinkage limit soil is fully saturated. 7. Plasticity Index Range of moisture content over which soil exhibits plasticity Ip wn up (19) 1. Greater the plasticity index, greater the plasticity of soi, 2. Fine grained soil posses more plasticity, rather than coarse grained sil 3. For coarse grained soil wz, and wy are generally same, Food for thought: 1. Whats the physical significance of plasticity index? 2. Two soil samples, one with high plasticity index and one with low plasticity index. Which one you will suggest, from. strength point of view? 7.5 Relative Consistency, Jc Its the ratio of difference between liquid limit and natural mois- ture content of the soil, to the plasticity index ofthe soil To= = a 1 For wy = wile 2. Forwy = we, le Food for thought: 1. Whatis the meaning of Jc having negative value? 2. Can we compare the soil based on Le? 7.6 Liquidity index, 1, Itis the ratio ofthe difference between natural water content and plasticity index ofthe sol ne (12) 7.7 Flow Index, Ir Its the slope of flow curve (curve between number of blows and ‘water content in A Casagrande Apparatus) 1 Togo) “ Food for thought: 1. Which one is better soil, with low or with high value of flow index 7.8 Toughness index, Ir Itis defined as ratio of plasticity index to flow index. ae (14) 1. Gives idea about shear strength of the soil at plastic limit. 2. Different soil have different shear strength at plastic limit, (explain) 3. In generally lies between 0 to3. 7.8. Shrinkage ratio, SR op ea 100 sr=— 3) where Vi = Volume of soil mass at water content wi(%) Va = Volume of soil mass at water content w(%) Va= Volume of dry soil mass Deparment of Gil Engineering - Kamal S Pat! PR 1. Consistency limits are determined at disturbed state, 2. Stil they are good indicator ofthe engineering properties. 3. Consistency limits and engineering properties both are func- tion of clay minerals, and ions in pore water, the stress his- tory of the soil deposits. 4. TFliquidity index is less than zero, the soil is likely to behave like a brittle solid, that is britle fracture will assured when, sheared, 5.160 < Ir, < 1, the soil will behave like a plastic and stress- strain responses may vary between the shape of two curves as shown in Fig. 6. Greater the liquid limit greater the compressibility of the soil 17. For soil with same value of liquid limit, the grater the plas- ticity index, the greater the dry strength. Pee eae ‘The symbols of various soils are: Liniee SL fraps) 1 Gravel-G ma) (RE ems erse iact ances) SSS 2 Sand-S 3. sit-M. pervine 4. Clay or Calyey -C 5. Organic-O a 8 6 Peat-Pt [ 7 on 7. Well graded -W onpmae ater} 1 peers 8. Poorly graded -P a> “ ome [on se A ‘Liquid timit <5 H a1 i wae we Sue § ‘Liquid limit in in between 35 - 50 ce Gl st orn Lf Liquid limit > 0 | cH 7 i oe ‘ig | Deparment of Civ Engineering - Kama S Pate!

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