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Vincent van Gogh 梵谷 (1853-1890) 姓名:______________ 10 /22/2021

1853 年,出生於荷蘭的梵谷,其實在成為畫家之前,曾經做過不同的工作,好比被伯父帶
進歐洲最大藝術品交易公司上班、憑藉著高度的宗教狂熱向採礦工人傳教等等。從 27 歲開始
梵谷全心投入藝術創作,到 37 歲舉槍自盡之間,這短短十年時光,梵谷的生活可說是窮困
生前僅售出過一幅油畫,而弟弟西奧(Theodore Van Gogh),便成為他最重要的經濟支柱

「Starry starry night,Paint your palette blue and gray⋯」這首由美國民謠詩人唐・麥克林

(Don McLean)撰寫的動人歌曲〈文森特(Vincent)〉,除了獻給藝術家梵谷之外,在歌曲
控行為,終於讓他在 1889 年 5 月 8 日自願前往位於阿爾勒聖雷米精神病院進行治療,在那
裡度過了漫長的 108 天。《星夜》正是那時期創作出來的代表畫作,從畫面上來看,當時藏在

Interesting Facts about Vincent van Gogh 關於梵谷

He would get so obsessed with painting that he often wouldn't (1) _________. He had poor

(2)_____________ as a result. Van Gogh was influenced by (3)______________ prints and woodcuts

which he studied intensely. Some people think that he may have only sold (4)___________ work during

his lifetime. It was called The Red Vineyard. His brother Theo died (5)____________ months after

Vincent and was (6)___________ next to him. In some of his (7)__________________ his

(8)__________ is bandaged from when he cut it. It looks like his right ear in the pictures because he was

using a (9)______________ to paint himself. You can see the painting Starry Night at the

(10)_________________ Museum of Modern Art.

He would get so obsessed with painting that he often wouldn't eat. He had poor health as a result. Van

Gogh was influenced by Japanese prints and woodcuts which he studied intensely. Some people think that

he may have only sold one work during his lifetime. It was called The Red Vineyard. His brother Theo

died six months after Vincent and was buried next to him. In some of his self-portraits his ear is

bandaged from when he cut it. It looks like his right ear in the pictures because he was using a mirror to

paint himself. You can see the painting Starry Night at the New York Museum of Modern Art.

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