Vincent (Starry Night) Song Lyrics

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Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890)

Starry, starry night 滿天繁星的夜色
Paint your palette blue and gray 你將調色盤用藍灰色塗滿
Look out on a summer's day 你望向仲夏夜的窗外的那雙眼眸
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul 彷彿可以看透我靈魂底部的悲傷

Shadows on the hills 山丘上的影子

Sketch the trees and the daffodils 你臨摹著樹與水仙花的輪廓
Catch the breeze and the winter chills 用如同亞麻遍佈大地的雪白色調
In colors on the snowy linen land 捕捉冷風以及凜冬的畫面
Now I understand what you tried to say to me 如今我明白了你試著跟我訴說的那些
And how you suffered for your sanity 你如何為了不與世人沈淪而飽受折磨
How you tried to set them free 你如何嘗試喚醒世人
They would not listen, they did not know how 但他們聽不進去也不能理解
Perhaps they'll listen now 或許現在他們會開始嘗試傾聽
Starry, starry night 星斗遍佈的夜空
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze 火樹銀花般閃爍的燦爛夜景
Swirling clouds in violet haze 在淡紫色朦朧薄霧中翻騰蜷曲的雲彩
Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue 映襯在文森陶瓷般藍色的眼眸中
Colors changing hue 千變萬化的色調
Morning fields of amber grain 遍佈琥珀色穀物的清晨稻田
Weathered faces lined in pain 飽經風霜的雙頰羅列的痛楚
Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand 在藝術家溫暖的手底下被撫平
Now I understand what you tried to say to me 如今我明白了你試著跟我訴說的那些
And how you suffered for your sanity 你如何為了不與世人沈淪而飽受折磨
And how you tried to set them free 你如何嘗試喚醒世人
They would not listen, they did not know how 但他們聽不進去也不能理解
Perhaps they'll listen now 或許現在他們會開始嘗試傾聽
For they could not love you 他們當初無法愛你
But still your love was true 即使如此你對世界的愛依舊如此真實純粹
And when no hope was left inside 生命中已經看不到任何的希望
On that starry, starry night 當那個星光燦爛的夜晚
You took your life as lovers often do 你如同為愛殉情的戀人結束了自己的生命
But I could have told you, Vincent 但我一直想對於你說,文森
This world was never meant 這個世界從來都配不上
For one as beautiful as you 像你這麼美麗的人

Starry, starry night 閃爍的星空下

Portraits hung in empty halls 空蕩蕩的大廳裡掛著的一幅幅肖像畫
Frameless heads on nameless walls 無名的牆壁上掛著的無框的人頭像
With eyes that watch the world and can't forget  看著世代的更迭流轉卻仍無法忘懷
Like the strangers that you've met 就像你曾見過的那個陌生人
The ragged men in ragged clothes 那位形如枯槁且衣衫襤褸的陌生人
A silver thorn, a bloody rose 也像銀色的荊棘叢中血紅色的薔薇
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow 斷裂的殘枝躺在在純潔的雪中
Now I think I know what you tried to say to me 如今我明白了你試著跟我訴說的那些
And how you suffered for your sanity 你如何為了不與世人沈淪而飽受折磨
And how you tried to set them free 以及你如何嘗試喚醒世人
They would not listen, they're not listening still  當時他們聽不進去但如今也一樣
Perhaps they never will 或許永遠沒有人可以理解

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