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Inventions 發明 and inventors 發明家 姓名:_____________

Inventions 發明 Inventors 發明家 Year 年

A_______ C_______ Wilhelm Schickard 1623
A_____ C______________ Willis Carrier 1914
A_______________ Wilber and Orville Wright 1903
B______ P_______ P_____ John Loud 1888
B____________ Kirkpatrick Macmillan 1839
E____________ Elisha G. Otis 1852
H_____________ Igor Sikorsky 1939
J_____ E___________ Hans Von Ohain 1936
L___________ Dr. Charles H. Townes 1960
L__________B__________ Heinrich Goebel 1854
M_____________ Edward Butler 1848
P____________ Bartolomeo Cristofori 1700
R________________ James Harrison 1851
Dr. Albert H. Taylor &
R____________ Leo C. Young 1922
R____________ Guglielmo Marconi 1894
S_____________ Adolphe Sax 1846
S__________ M__________ Elias Howe 1846
T____________ Peter Mitterhofer 1841
T_______________ Graham Bell 1874
V_________ C_________ Ives McGuffey 1869
W__________ w_________ Mary Anderson 1903
Tim Berners Lee with
W_____W_____ W______ Robert Cailliau 1989
X__________ Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen 1895
C_________M___________ Chester Carlson 1928

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