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Anita Balmamion L11 n.

matricola: 933832

Has the number of direct Anglicisms in dubbed tv series

increased through the yeaers?

1 Introductin
Since the worldwide spread of Anglo-American culture in the 20th and 21st centuries,
many English words have entered popular usage in other languages. These words are called
Anglicisms and they can be divided into two categories: direct borrowings and indirect

Direct borrowings can be divided into loanwords, false and hybrid. In this study we will
focus on loanwords. They can be classified into Non-adapted and adapted. Non adapted
loanwords are “ a word or multi-word unit borrowed without or with minor formal and
semantic integration”(Molino, moodle material 2021) while adapted loanwords are “a word or
multi-word unit borrowed with ortographic, phonological and/or morphological
integration”.(Molino, moodle material 2021)

On the other hand, Indirect borrowings are divided into Calque and Semantic loan. Our
attention will be on the previous one. Calque can be further divided into: Loan translation, “a
word or multi-word unit which translates an English item into the RL”(Molino, moodle
material 2021) and Loan rendition is “a word or multi-word unit which translates part of a SL
item and provides a loose equivalent for the other item in the RL” (Molino, moodle material,
2021) finally a Loan creation is “a word or multi-word unit in the RL which freely renders the
SL model using items of the RL”. (Molino, moodle material 2021)

Another important distinction should be made between Necessary loans and Luxury loans.
A Necessary loan is an Anglicisms that introduces a new object or concept – cultural,
scientific, technical knowledge- in the Recipient language(RL). A luxury loan is used to refer
to an object or a concept already present in the RL to express it in a more fashionable way.

Anglicisms can be found also in audiovisual products originnally produced in English and
than translated to italian through dubbing. Since the 21st century the Anglo-American
audiovisual products dubbed into italian started to increase and to be part of the italian
television probgrammes and to be shown in cinemas. The language of dubbing is called
dubbese. “Dabbese has been found to have specific linguistic traits which distinguish it from
both the source and the target language and to constitute a third norm” (Pavesi, 1996, p.128)

2 The study: purpose, method and sources

The purpose of this study is to analyse the growth of the number of

Anglicisms through the years. In order to reach my target I chose a famous
american tv series that is widely known also in italy: “Gilmore girls” (2000-
2007). I decided to analyse the number of Anglicisms in the first episode of the
first season(5 ottobre 2000) and the last episode of the final season, the seventh
one (15 maggio 2007).

To achive my goal I started watching the episodes, the fist one lasted 44
minutes while the last one lasted 42 minutes. While watching the series I took
note of the Anglicisms I found. I retrived a total of 89 english loans, some of
which were repeated several times. I decided to Analyse only the most
interesting, 12 for the first episode and 7 for the second.

To analyse the Anglicisms I used some useful tools: The Italian dictionaries
Lo Zingarelli 2020(Nicola Zingarelli, 1917, , and Il Ragazzini 2020(Giuseppe
Ragazzini, 1967, , The Italian Web
2016 corpus(itTenTen16, and finally the english
dictionary, The Oxford English Dictionary(also called OED, James Murray,
1884, . The two italian dictionaries were used to verify
the presence of the recorded Anglicisms in the italian language and to find a
possible translation. We also divided the words into luxury loans and necessary

Table 1:number of non-adapted and adapted Anglicisms and of Necessary and

Luxury loans

Table 1: luxury and necessary loans between the selected ones

Non-adapted Adapted Necessary Loan Luxury loan

Season 1 12 0 4(Marshmallow, 8(Baby, Ok,
episode 1 Muffin, Film, Weekend,
Internet) Supermarket,
Season 7 7 0 3 ( Hamburger, 4(Party, Drink,
episode 22 Tennis, Wow,
Pancake) Reporter)

3 Gilmore Girls
Gilmore Girls is an American comedy-drama television series created by Amy
Sherman Pallandino. It first aired in 2000 and it ended in 2007, with a total of 153 episodes.
The series tells the story of Lorelai Gilmore and her dauther Lorelai Gilmore, better known as
“Rory”, and their mother-dauther relationship based on friendship and complicity. The two
main charachters are not only mother and dather but they are best firends also due to the fact
that Lorelai had Rory when she was only 17. They live in a small town called Stars Hollow
and they are much-needed members of the community. They know evrybody there and
during the episodes we see the main characters form bonds of love and friendship.

This section examins the presence of Anglicisms in the dubbed dialogues of the fist
episode of the first season, 44 minutes of vision. I found a total of 32 english loans but some
of them were repeated many times. These terms are all direct non-adapted Anglicisms. For
example ok was repeated 13 times during the vision.

In episode 22 of the 7th season, the last of the tv series, I observed 57 Anglicisms ( Also
here some of the english loans were repeated. For example the interjection “wow” is repeated
4 times). In the episode we can see several repetitions of the term “hamburger” and of the
term “Hot dog” because the characters are organising a party and so they used the lemmas
many times in their dialogues. This information allows us to understand that the words we can
find depend on the topic of each episode. A further confirmation comes from Minutella’s
study where she says “The degree of Anglicisation in Italian dubbed language in genre-
related and depends on the type of audience, the plot, the setting of the story and the
characters”.( Minutella, 2015 p.101)

Afetr taking notes of the Anglicsms I reparted them into the field of usage of The Grande
Dizionario Italiano dell’uso( De Mauro, 2nd ed. 2007, henceforth GDU). As the scholar
Virginia pulcini tells us in her analysis (Anglicisms in Italian:moving on into the third

“The Grande dizionario italiano dell’uso is one of the most authoritative and comprehensive
dictionaries of italian. Its characteristics feature is the rich variety of usage labels, which helps users to
distinguish between lemmas that are common(CO= comune), high frequency(AU=alto uso) or low
frequency(BU=basso uso) and so on. Lemmas of foreign origin are marked as
ES(esotismo=exoticism). The label TS indicates technical and specialist terminology and is
accompanied by a specific field label.”

Besides the label ‘TS’ for Technical and specialist terminology we can find other labels in
the GDU as Pulcini explains

“The GDU adopts a wide range of field labels as this dictionary records many ters belonging to
specialised areas of vocabulary. For this reason we grouped these labels(translated into English)
according to the three disciplinary domains used by European Research Council to cover the wide
spectrum of knowledge, i.e., SH(Social Sciences and Humanities), LS (Life Science) and PE(Physical
Sciences and Engineering)”
We have this distribution due to the choice of the Anglicisms: SH 68,43%, LS 26,31%, PS 5,26%

Disciplinary domain

SH (Social Sciences Humanities)

LS (Life Sciences)

PS (Physical Sciences and


Figure 1

4. Conclusion
The goal of this studio was to demonstrate the increasing number of Anglicisms in dubbed
italian through the years. In order to reach my purpose I analysed two episodes of the same
american tv series, “Gilmore Girls”, that are seven years apart. Although the years between
the two are not many I could however verify my thesis.

During the 44 minutes vision of the first episode I could find 32 english loans of which
only 15 were different. On the other hand throughout the 42 minutes of episode 22 I detected
57 Anglicisms of which 31 were different. Despite the short timefreme between the two we
can observe that the number of Anglicismi has doubled. There is a reason that explains why
english loans has increased in dubbed dialogues “The reason for such phenomenon can be
ascribed to the overt and covert prestige of the English language and Anglo-American culture
as well as to marketing and commercial factors linked to globalisation”.

 English in Italy: Linguistic, Educational and professional challenges( p.87- 102).

Milano, Italy: Frano Angeli. Minutella, V. (2017). “Direct Anglicisms in dubbing in

 Minutella, V.(2017). “Anglicisms in italian: Moving on into the third millennium”. In

English in Italy: Linguistic, Educational and professional challenges.

 Pulcini, V. (2017). “Anglicisms in italian: Moving on into the third millennium”. In C.

Boggio e A. Molino. English in Italy: Linguistic, Educational and professional


Una mamma per amica - Wikipedia

Lo Zingarelli 2020., last access February 6, 2022.

Il Ragazzini 2020., last access February 6, 2022.

Italian Web 2016 (itTenTen16)., last accessed February 6,


Oxford English Dictionary (OED)., last accessed February 6, 2022.


Entry Definition [Lo First Field of Italian equivalent Frequenc OED

Zingarelli 2020] attestati usage [Il Ragazzini y in the Definition
on in 2020] itTenTen [Oxford
italian 16 English
languag Dictionary]
Baby Baby: 1 1877 SH – Bambino, 75,339(12 a. A very
neonato/bambino Social bambina; neonato, .85 per young
2 ragazzo/ragazza life neonata; million) child, esp. one
3 piccola dose piccolo(di not yet able to
di… animale); persona walk and
più giovane;(la dependent on
propria o il the care of
proprio) ragazza/o others; an
infant. Also
applied to an
unborn child.
b. the young
of an animal
c. In extended
use. The
person in a
family, group
of people, etc.
Also: the most
junior member
of a team or
other group.
with of.
figurative (col
loquial). A
concern, or
area of
interest; (also)
something that
a person has
invented or
brought to
fruition, to
which he or
she has an
Marsh dolce a base di 1965 LS - Pasta soffice; 110(0.02 a. A soft sweet
mallo zucchero, Gastron dolce rotondo di per confection
w gelatina, albume omy pasta soffice million) made
montato e altri originally
ingredienti, from the root
variamente of the
aromatizzato e marshmallow
colorato, plant and later
generalmente a from albumen,
forma di piccolo gelatin, sugar,
cilindro etc.; a small
cake of this.
b. figurative.
A person who
or thing which
weak, or
Ok Ok: va bene, 1945 SH - Ottimo; perfetto 189,049(3 All correct, all
d'accordo Interject 2.24 per right;
ion million) satisfactory,
good; well, in
good health or
order. In early
frequently in
acceptable. O
K by
fine by (a
acceptable to
(a person).
weeke Weekend: fine 1905 SH – Fine settimana 111,064(1 1 The
nd settimana. Social 8.95 per conclusion of
vacanza di fine life million) a week's
settimana da time. Obsolete
dedicare al riposo 2 The end of
e allo svago, che the week.
si usa prendere Cf. year-
nei giorni di end n. rare b
sabato e domenica efore 20th
3The period
between two
regarded as a
time for
leisure or
Also with
indicating an
during this
4 he weekly
period (esp.
from Friday
evening to
during which
business is
suspended or
reduced, and
shops are
5The last day
of the week;
Saturday. rare
Muffi Muffin: focaccina 1841 LS - Focaccina soffice; 15,024(2. 1 a. Originally
n leggermente Gastron dolcetto soffice 56 per (now British
dolce, servita omy con pezzetti di million) regional): any
calda frutta o di of various
accompagnata cioccolato kinds of bread
con burro, or cake.
marmellata e Now: spec. (in
miele, tipica della North
tradizione American usa
britannica/ ge generally
piccolo dolce a known
forma di as English
panettoncino, muffin) a
talora guarnito small, flat,
con cioccolato, cake made
mirtilli o frutta, from yeast
specialità batter and
statunitense cooked on a
usually eaten
split, toasted,
and spread
with butter,
jam, etc., esp.
for breakfast
or tea.
riginally Nort
h American. A
small, usually
sweet sponge
cake, baked in
a cup-shaped
indicating the
flavour or
Super Supermarket:supe 1956 SH – Supermercato; 6,158(1.0 A large store,
marke rmercato econom grande emporio; 5 per typically one
t y grande magazzino million) of a chain,
selling a wide
range of food
and groceries,
as well as
goods and
Film Film: 1 pellicola 1889 SH - Film 1,247,135 1A
fotografica o Intertain (212.66 representation
cinematografica ment per of a story or
2opera million) event recorded
cinematografica on film
3 cinema, arte (sense 9) or, in
cinematografica later use, in
4 patina, strato digital form,
sottile and shown as
images in a
cinema or
(latterly) on
video, the
internet, etc.; a
picture, a
2 A thin layer
or sheet of
tissue in an
animal or
plant, or in a
product of an
animal or
plant; a
pellicle; a
Now rare.
Motel Motel: albergo 1955 SH- Motel 7,557 A roadside
con parcheggio, Entertai (1.29 per hotel catering
ubicato su grandi nment million) primarily for
vie di motorists,
comunicazione e typically
frequentato having rooms
soprattutto da arranged in
automobilisti low blocks
with parking
Colleg College:1 in 1892 SH - Istituto superiore; 45,070(7. 1 An
e Inghilterra, scuola School scuola di studi 69 per organized
secondaria con superiori; istituto million) society of
internato o istituto universitario; persons
d'istruzione università performing
superiore annesso certain
a un'università | common
negli Stati Uniti, functions and
facoltà possessing
universitaria o special rights
istituto and privileges;
universitario con a body of
corsi gener. di colleagues, a
quattro anni guild,
2edificio, o fellowship,
complesso di association:
edifici, in cui ha a Religious
sede tale scuola o b Secular
istituto c College of
Justice n. in
Scotland, the
supreme civil
composed of
the lords of
council and
together with
the advocates,
clerks of
session, clerks
of the bills,
writers to the
signet, etc.
2 A society of
within, or in
with, a
University, or
formed for
purposes of
study or
Sloga Slogan: breve 1930 SH – Motto 72,894( 1 A war cry or
n frase che esprime Advertis pubblicitario; 12.43 per battle
in modo sintetico ing motto; parola million) cry; spec. one
ed efficace un d’ordine; grido di of those
concetto, usato guerra formerly
nella propaganda employed by
e nella pubblicità Scottish
or Borderers,
or by the
native Irish,
consisting of a
surname or the
name of a
2 transferred.
note, phrase,
cry, etc. of
any person or
body of
now esp. a
with a
political party
or movement
or other
group, or a
short and
striking or
phrase used in
Mana Manager : 1888 SH - Job Amministratore/ 119,143(3 gen. A person
ger capoarea amministratrice; 3.96 per who
direttore/direttrice million) organizes,
;dirigente; directs, or
gestore/gestrice; plots
impresario/impres something; a
aria; direttore person who
sportivo; regulates or
commissario deploys
tecnico; allenatore resources;
†the wielder
of a weapon
Interr Internet: sistema 1990 PS - IT Internet 836,972(1 Originally
net integrato di 42.72 per (with lower-
interconnessione million) case initial): a
tra computer e reti computer
locali, che network
consente la comprising or
trasmissione di connecting a
informazioni in number of
tutto il mondo smaller
such as two or
more local
area networks
connected by
a shared
ns protocol; an
spec. such a
(called ARPA
NET) operated
by the United
Department of
Defense. In
later use
(usually the
internet): the
comprising a
n protocols,
n systems
such as the
World Wide
Web and
email. Also:
the resources
accessible via
this global
network, esp. t
he World
Wide Web. In
early use
usually attribu
Party Party: 1937 SH - Festa; 66,177(11 A social
trattenimento, Entertai ricevimento; .28 per gathering, esp.
ricevimento nment riunione million) of invited
guests at a
drinking, and
and often held
to celebrate a
Hamb Hamburger: 1963 LS - Hamburger; 17,295(2. 1 A native or
urger medaglione di Gastron medaglione(di 95 per inhabitant of
carne bovina o omy carne); svizzera; million) Hamburg.
suina, tritata e panino con Also attributiv
variamente hamburger e or as adj.
speziata, cotto in 2 (Now
padella o ai ferri, frequently
servito spec. dentr with lower-
o un panino tondo case initial.)
di pasta soffice | il In
panino stesso full Hamburg
steak = Hamb
steak n. at stea
k n. 2c; also, a
kind of
sausage. Now,
chopped beef,
spiced and
formed into a
cake and fried,
often served
between two
halves of a
toasted bun.
So hamburger
bar, etc.
Originally U.S
Drink Drink:1nel 1954 LS- Bevanda; bere; 27,724(4. 1 Liquid
linguaggio dei Gastron alcol 73 per swallowed for
barman, miscela omy million) assuaging
liquida, calda o thirst or taken
fredda, alla cui into the
base è una system for
bevanda alcolica | nourishment.
correntemente, Also figurativ
bevanda alcolica e.
2 piccola 2 A kind of
festicciola o liquor for
riunione in cui si drinking; a
offrono bevande beverage.
Wow Wow: esprime 1980 SH- wow!; oh!; 26,031(4. Exciting or
entusiasmo, interject ohibò!; urca!; 44 per expressing
soddisfazione, ion perbacco!; ma million) admiration
divertito stupore guarda! and delight.
factor n. a
quality or
feature that is
exciting, etc.,
to elicit the
(wow int. 2);
(also, as a
mass noun)
the ability to
produce such
a response.
Repor Reporter: inviato 1874 SH - Job Cronista; reporter; 17,380(2. a. A person
ter speciale, chi riferisce; 96 per who gives or
corrispondente stenografo(al million) brings back an
parlamento) account of an
situation, or
fact. Also with
indicating the
nature of the
account given
Tenni Tennis:1 gioco di 1828 SH - tennis 91,228(15 A game in
s origine inglese, Sport .56 per which a ball is
tra due o quattro million) struck with a
giocatori su un racket and
campo driven to and
rettangolare fro by two
diviso a metà da players in an
una rete, che enclosed
consiste nel oblong court,
rinviare, secondo specially
certe regole, una constructed
pallina nella metà for the
campo avversaria purpose, and
servendosi di (in the
apposite racchette developed
2 campo o form of the
impianto sportivo game) having
dove si pratica an enclosed
tale gioco: il corridor on
campeggio è one of the
dotato di tennis e long sides
piscina roofed over by
a penthouse
Panca Pancake: frittella 1942 LS – Crespella; crêpe; 3,314(0.5 A thin flat
ke dolce o salata Gastron frittella dolce 7 per cake of batter,
servita con limone omy million) fried on both
e zucchero, sides in a pan.
marmellata o
salse, tipica

In yellow the Anglisisms I chose from the first episode and in green those of the last episode.

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