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Read the comparison-and-contrast paragraphs; then, follow the instructions below.

Immigration: Past and Present

Immigration to the United States is quite different today from what it was a century ago. In the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, most immigrants to the United States came from southern and
eastern Europe. In the last fifty years, however, about 80 percent of the immigrants have come from Latin
America, the Caribbean, and Asia. A hundred years ago, most of the immigrants were uneducated, unskilled,
and poor. In contrast, although some more recent immigrants are in similar circumstances, many of them are
well-educated professionals who are not poor. Most immigrants a hundred years ago made a conscious effort
to blend in. They saw the United States as a melting pot in which they could lose their immigrant identities
and become like others in American society. More recent immigrants, however, prefer to keep their
distinctive identities while still taking part in American society. Regardless of these differences, most
immigrants still come to the United States for the same reasons—to improve themselves economically and to
find freedom. - Jorge
Hernandez (student)

1. Underline the topic sentence of the paragraph.

2. Does this paragraph deal mainly with similarities or differences?
How do you know? The topic sentence refers to differences.
3. Is this paragraph a subject-by-subject or point-by-point comparison?
How do you know? Di

4. List some of the contrasts the writer describes. The first contrast has been listed for you.
A century ago, most immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe; more recently, most have come
from Latin America, the Caribbean, and Asia.

A hundred years ago, most of the immigrants were uneducated, unskilled, and poor; more recently, many of
them are well-educated professionals who are not poor.

Most immigrants a hundred years ago made a conscious effort to blend in. More recent immigrants,
however, prefer to keep their distinctive identities while still taking part in American society.

were uneducated, unskilled, and poor,

while many more recent arrivals are well-educated professionals who are
f keep their ethnic identities.
5. Circle the transitional words and phrases the writer uses to contrast his two subjects.
6. Underline the paragraph’s concluding sentence. Alte

Saint Croix versus the United States

Life in Saint Croix is very different from life in New York City. One difference between Saint Croix and
New York is that Saint Croix is much smaller than New York. Saint Croix, the largest of United States
Virgin Islands, has a population of about 60,000 people. The two main towns on the island are Christiansted,
with a population of about 3,000 people, and Frederiksted, with a population of about 830. Unlike Saint
Croix, New York City is large. It has a population of over 8 million people crowded into the five boroughs
of Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island. My neighborhood in Brooklyn is more than
twice the size of Christiansted and Frederiksted together. Another difference between Saint Croix and New
York City is their lifestyles. Life in Saint Croix is slower than life in New York. In Saint Croix, people
operate on “island time.” Things get done, but people don’t rush to do them. When a worker says “later,”
that can mean “this afternoon,” “tomorrow,” or even “next week.” No one seems to mind, as long as the job
gets done. People don’t see any point in getting anyone upset. In New York, however, people are always in a
hurry. They don’t take the time to slow down and enjoy life. Everything is fast-fast food, fast cars, and fast
Internet access. As a result, people can seem unfriendly. Although Saint Croix and New York City are
different, life is very interesting in both places.

1. Underline the topic sentence of the paragraph.

2. Does this paragraph deal mainly with similarities or differences?
How do you know? The topic sentence refers to differences.
3. Is this paragraph a subject-by-subject or point-by-point comparison?
How do you know? Di

4. List some of the contrasts the writer describes.

One difference between Saint Croix and New York is that Saint Croix is much smaller than New York

Another difference between Saint Croix and New York City is their lifestyles. Life in Saint Croix is slower
than life in New York

Aago, most immigrants

were uneducated, unskilled, and poor,
while many more recent arrivals are well-educated professionals keep their ethnic identities.
5. Circle the transitional words and phrases the writer uses to contrast his two subjects.
6. Underline the paragraph’s concluding sentence. Alte

immigrants of a century ago and those of recent y

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