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 Title
 Abstract – A brief
explanation of what your
project is about and why it
is important.
 Questions – What
questions will you answer
with your model or your
experiment? What is the PURPOSE of this project?
 Hypothesis – Remember, a hypothesis must be written as an IF/THEN
statement. Your hypothesis should help you answer your essential questions
in the previous step.
 Background Research – Include at least 3 sources of information such as
scientific articles or websites. Summarize their research; what do they
already know about your topic? Make sure you site each of your 3 sources!
 Materials list – List out EXACTLY what you need to complete your model
or your experiment. Be as specific as possible!
 Experimental Procedures OR Model Building Instructions – Here you
will list out the steps you took to complete this project. These need to be
VERY DETAILED and VERY SPECIFIC. Remember that a good
experiment is repeatable: your procedures or steps should be specific enough
that someone could repeat EXACTLY what you did.
 Data Analysis & Results - What sort of data did you gather from your
model or experiment? Did your model work? Create at least 1 data chart
and 1 graph.
 Conclusion - Did your experiment or model prove or disprove your
hypothesis? Did this project fulfill its purpose and answer the essential
questions? Explain what worked and what didn’t work. What would you do
differently next time? Discuss any future research, what else should we look
at? What can we use this data for?
 Bibliography – Site any resources you used to complete this project.

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