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1. Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006
2. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
3. Food Safety Rules and Regulations
4. Food Safety Officer
5. FSSAI initiatives
6. Food standards and accreditation
7. Food Labelling and Packaging
8. Food safety and Hygiene
9. Food Testing and Analysis
10. Food microbiology
11. Food chemistry
12. Food nutrition
13. Food processing
14. Food Preservation
15. Proximate Analysis of food
16. Nutraceuticals
17. Quality Assurance and Quality control
18. Microbiology and Milk Testing
19. Physical and Chemical instrument analysis
20. HACCP and FSMS
21. Food Safety Regulatory System
22. Fruit and vegetables products Technology
23. Food Standard and Legislation

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Food safety and standards Act 2006
Section 4 to 17
 Bill(2005)- FSSAI, 2006
 Done by ministry of food processing industries
 Under section 1, 24 August 2006
 Prevention of food adulteration Act 1954
 Fridge products order 1955
 Meat food products order 1975
 Vegetable oil products (control) order 1947
 Edible oil packaging regulation order 1988
 Milk and milk products order 1992
 Essential commodities act 1955
 The solvent extraction oil, De oil Meal and edible flour control order,1967

FSSAI established in 2008 and work begin on 2011

Salient features of FSS Act, 2006

 Multilevel to single line of control
 Applies to all India, inform licensing and registration
 Licensing decentralisation, power States
 Effective, transport framework
 Regulatory resume to self compliance
 Food import regulation
 Food recall provision
 Surveillance
 Graded penalties provision
 Consistency between domestic and international food policy.

Objective of FSS Act, 2006

 Safe and wholesome food to public
 Establish FSSAI as single reference point

General principles of food safety

 Section 18
 Not applicable to pharma in his operations

Food Safety Act, 2006 is a compilation of the following,

1. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
2. Fruit Products Order, 1955
3. Meat Food Products Order, 1973
4. Vegetable Oil Products (Control) Order, 1947
5. Edible Oils Packaging (Regulation) Order 1988

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6. Milk and Milk Products Order, 1992

SEC 1= Short title, extent and commencement
SEC 2= Declaration as to expediency of control by the Union.
SEC 3= Definitions.


SEC 4= Establishment of Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.
SEC 5= Composition of Food Authority and qualifications for appointment of its
Chairperson and other Members.
SEC 6= Selection Committee for selection of Chairperson and Members of Food
SEC 7= Term of Office, salary, allowances and other conditions ofservice of
Chairperson and Members of Food Authority.
SEC 8= Removal of Chairperson and Members of Food Authority.
SEC 9= Officers and other employees of Food Authority.
SEC 10= Functions of the Chief Executive Officer.
SEC 11= Central Advisory Committee.
SEC 12= Functions of Central Advisory Committee.
SEC 13= Scientific Panels.
SEC 14= Scientific Committee.
SEC 15= Procedure for Scientific Committee and Scientific Panel
SEC 16= Duties and functions of Food Authority.
SEC 17= Proceedings of Food Authority.


SEC 1= General principles to be followed in Administration of


SEC 19= Use of food additive or processing aid
SEC 20= Contaminants, naturally occurring toxic substances, heavy metals, etc.
SEC 21= Pesticides, veterinary drugs residues, antibiotic residues and microbiological
SEC 22= Genetically modified foods, organic foods, functional foods, proprietary
foods, etc.
SEC 23= Packaging and labelling of foods.
SEC 24= Restrictions of advertisement and prohibition as tounfair trade practices.


SEC 25= All imports of articles of food to be subject to this Act.

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SEC 26= Responsibilities of the Food business operator.
SEC 27= Liability of the manufacturers, packers, wholesalers, distributors and sellers.
SEC 28= Food recall procedures.


SEC 29= Authorities responsible for enforcement of Act.
SEC 30= Commissioner of Food Safety of the State.
SEC 31= Licensing and registration of food business.
SEC 32= Improvement notices.
SEC 33= Prohibition orders.
SEC 34= Emergency prohibition notices and orders.
SEC 35= Notification of food poisoning
SEC 36= Designated Officer.
SEC 37= Food Safety Officer.
SEC 38= Powers of Food Safety Officer.
SEC 39= Liability of Food Safety Officer in certain cases.
SEC 40= Purchaser may have food analysed
SEC 41= Power of search, seizure, investigation, prosecution andprocedure thereof.
SEC 42= Procedure for launching prosecution.


SEC 48= General provisions relating to offences.
SEC 49= General provisions relating to
SEC 50= Penalty for selling food not of the nature or substance or
quality demanded.
SEC 51= Penalty for sub standard food.
SEC 52= Penalty for misbranded
SEC 53= Penalty for misleading advertisement.
SEC 54= Penalty for food containing extraneous matter.
SEC 55= Penalty for failure to comply with the directions of Food
Safety Officer.
SEC 56= Penalty for unhygienic or unsanitary processing or
manufacturing of food.
SEC 57= Penalty for possessing
SEC 58= Penalty for contraventions for which no specific penalty is
SEC 59= Punishment for unsafe
SEC 60= Punishment for interfering with seized
SEC 61= Punishment for false
SEC 62= Punishment for obstructing or impersonating a FoodSafety Officer.
SEC 63= Punishment for carrying out a business without licence
SEC 64 = Punishment for subsequent
SEC 65= Compensation in case injury of death of consumer.

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SEC 66= Offences by companies.
SEC 67= Penalty for contravention of provisions of this Act in case
of import of articles of food to be in addition to penalties provided under any other


SEC 68= Adjudication.
SEC 69= Power to compound offences.
SEC 70= Establishment of Food Safety Appellate
SEC 71= Procedure and powers of the Tribunal.
SEC 72= Civil court not to have
SEC 73= Power of court to try cases
SEC 74= Special courts and Public Prosecutor.
SEC 75= Power to transfer cases to regular
SEC 76 = Appeal.
SEC 77= Time limit for prosecutions.
SEC 78=Power of court to implead manufacturer etc.
SEC 79= Magistrate’s power to impose enhanced punishment.
SEC 80 =Defences which may or may not be allowed inprosecution under this Act.


SEC 81= Budget of Food Authority.
SEC 82= Finances of the Food Authority.
SEC 83= Accounts and audit of Food
SEC 84= Annual report of Food


SEC 85= Power of Central Government to issue directions to Food Authority and
obtain reports and returns.
SEC 86= Power of Central Government to give directions to State Governments.
SEC 87= Members, officers of Food Authority and Commissioner of Food Safety to be
public servants.
SEC 88 = Protection of action taken in good
SEC 89= Overriding effect of this Act over all other food related laws.
SEC 90= Transfer of existing employees of Central Government Agencies governing
various foods related Acts or Orders to the Food Authority.
SEC 91= Power of Central Government to make rules.
SEC 92= Power of Food Authority to make
SEC 93= Laying of rules and regulations before Parliament.
SEC 94= Power of State Government to make rules.
SEC 95= Reward by State Government.
SEC 96= Recovery of penalty.
SEC 97= Repeal and savings.

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SEC 98= Transitory provisions for food standards.
SEC 99= Milk and Milk Products Order, 1992 shall be deemed to be regulations made
under this Act.
SEC 100= Amendments to the Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and Infant
Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 1992.
SEC 101= Power to remove difficulties.

General provisions as to articles of food (19-24)

 Sec 19= No food additives other than prescribed
 Sec 22= No food not following standard
 Sec 23= packaging, labelling requirements
 Sec 24 = no misleading advertisement, no unfair trade practices
 Sec 25 = provision relating to import
 Sec 26 to 28= special responsibilities as to food safety
 Sec 27= liabilities of manufacturers distributors, sellers
 Sec 28= responsibilities of FBO to withdraw food if didn't follow regulations.
 Sec 29 to 46 = responsibilities, power of authorities
 Sec 43 to 47 = recognition and accreditation of laboratories, research institutions.
 Sec 48 to 67 = punishment for breaking law.
 Sec 68 to 80= adjudication and food safety apellate food appellate tribunal.
 Sec 81 to 84 = food authority to prepare annual budget.
 Sec 85 to 101 = empower central government to issue directions to food authority.
FBO = Food Business Operator
Foreign Trade Development and Regulation Act, 1992


Agriculture and Processed Food Export Development Authority
Established in 1986
Promote export of Agricultural and Processed Foods
Overcome various constraints inhibiting exports growth
Undertake special export promotion efforts
Safeguard intellectual Property Rights
Rewards for achievements
Issuance of certificate for export as per schedule

Marine Product Export Development Authority
Established in 1972
Promote Export of Marine Products

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Providing Training in Safe handling of Marine Product
Undertake special export promotion efforts of marine products
Financial assistance for food safety measures
Identifiaction and mapping of marine products
Quality products promotion growth through international fair and online trade

Aricultural Marketing
Established in 1937
System of post harvesting grading of agriculture product
Product quality certification
Ensuring safety of products
Network of quality control laboratories
Ensuring quality of imported products
Assist in marketing and fair trade practices

Milk and Milk Product Order
Established in 1992
Issue licence for dairy industry
Ensuring minimum hygiene practices in dairy industry
Continuous monitoring of GMP
Regular inspection of dairy industry
Safe Handling ,Storage and transport of Dairy products

Bureau of Indian Standards
Established 23 Dec 1986
Formulating standards and guidelines
Ensuring the quality and safety of products
Product Certification
Quality system certification
Contact point for WTO matter

Export Inspection Council of India
Established in 1963
India’s official export certification body
Notify commodities for pre shipment quality control and ispection
Establish quality standards for above
Certification of quality of export items via inspection
Issue certificate for origin and health
Mutual agreements for equivalence

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Fruit Product Order
Established in 1955
Stablish quality and safety standards
Certification and monitoring the quality of notify products under order
Ensuring GHP and GMP
Promotion of quality system
Financial assistance for installing quality system
Promotion of Research and Develpments

Meat Food Product Order
Established in 1973
Establish quality and safety standards for meat products
Ensuring minimum hygiene practices in meat industry
Continuous monitoring of Good Manufacturing Practice
Regular inspection of meat industry
Safe slaughtering, handling, storage and transport of meat products

National Horticulture Board
Established in 1988
Promote productivity of hotriculture produces
Ensure measures to reduce post harvest losses
Production of process able varieties
Undertake special export promotion efforts
Finnancial assistance for quality and safety measures
Rewards for achievements.

Quality Council of India
Established in 1997
Apex body to establish national accreditation
Promote, coordinate, guide and implement a national quality building confidence
in Indian product and service


Food standards
 A set of criteria that a food must meet if it is to be suitable for human consumption.

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Food standardization

a) Purpose of food standards establishment

Protection of public health from risk
Promoting fair trade in food
Prevent misleading or deceptive product
Enable consumers to make informed choice by providing adequate information.

International food standards

 Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC)
 International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)
 World Trade Organisation (TO)
 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

A. Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC)

 Term "Codex Alimentarius” (Latin) = "food code”.
 It is an intergovernmental body
 Parent organizations: WHO and FAO
 Started in :May 1963
 Headquarter –Rome
 Members : 189 members (Present time)
 Made up of 188 Member Countries and 1 Member Organization (The European Union)
 India became member of Codex Alimentarius in 1964.
 Document published by CAC is Codex Alimentarius and includes
 Standards
 Codes of Practice
 Guidelines

Establishment of (CAC)
It was created in 1963 by FAO and WHO
 To develop food standards, guidelines
 To protect consumer’s health
 Ensure fair practices in the food trade
 Promote coordination of all food standards work.

Codex functioning in India as NCCP

Codex in India
Located at FSSAI(MoHFW), FDA Bhawan Kotla Road, New Delhi
It coordinates and promotes Codex activities in India

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Shadow committees of NCC
The Shadow Committees assist the National Codex Committee in the following areas:
 Codex Alimentarius Commission
 Executive Committee of CAC
 General Principles
 Food labelling
 Methods of Analysis and Sampling
 Pesticides Residues
 Veterinary drugs
 Food Hygiene
 Food Additives
 Contaminants in Foods
 Food Export and Import and Certification Systems
 Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses
 Fish and Fishery Products
 Fats and Oils
 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
 Processed Fruits and Vegetables
 Milk and Milk Products
 Spices & Culinary Herbs

Functions of Shadow Committees

 To advise the NCCP NCC on the implications of food Standardization, food quality and
safety issues.
 To follow the Codex agenda.

Core Functions of NCCP-India

Act as a link between the Codex Secretariat, National Codex Committee and Shadow
Coordinate all relevant Codex activities within India.
Receive all Codex final texts and working documents of Codex Sessions.
Send comments on Codex documents or proposals to the CAC or its Subsidiary bodies
or the Codex Secretariat within the time frame.
Work in close cooperation with the National Codex Committee and its Shadow
Act as a channel for the exchange of information and coordination of activities with
other Codex Members.
Receive invitations for Codex Sessions and inform to the relevant Chairpersons and
the Codex Secretariat of the names of participants representing India.
Promote Codex Activities throughout India.
Build capacity in country to effectively take up Codex work.

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Responsibilities of NCCP-India
Undertake secretariat responsibilities to the National Codex Committee.
Act as the contact point for the country for maintaining liaison with the Codex
Secretariat in elaborating international food standards.
Collect, procure and analyze data for elaborating international food standards.
Keep track of international food standards work and give comments and data to
ensure that international food standards elaborated are practicable for local
manufactures and do not hinder exports of food.
Undertake study and research work to solve any problem resulting from the
elaboration of international food standards.
Encourage food manufacturers to improve quality and hygiene management to meet
requirements of international food standards.
Disseminate information of food standards and food laws to relevant government
agencies, primary producers, manufacturers, exporters, consumers and concerned

Two schedules
 5 zones, All states, UT
 Acts, orders, repealed with coming into force of this act.

Food safety and standards authority of India

 Autonomous statutory body
 Established under FSS Act 2006
 Parents agency= Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India.
 Headquarter =New Delhi
 FSSAI established by Dr. Albumen Ramadoss.(former Indian minister) on 5th August
 1 chairperson, 22 members
 Set food standards, ( only 1 body)
 Administrative military of FSSAI = Ministry of Health and Family welfare.

Powers of FSSAI
 Regulations framing
 Guidelines for accreditation
 Provide scientific advice and technical support to central government

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