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Be down
A. Be depressed
____2. Check in
B. Register on arriving at a hotel or at the airport
____3. Dig in
C. Start eating greedily
____4. Doze off
D. Fall asleep
____5. Drop by
E. Pay a brief visit
____6. Ease up
F. Relax, calm down
____7. Get up
G. Get out of bed
____8. Give away
H. Entrust your daughter to her husband through the
____9. Fill in
marriage ceremony
____10. Get along
I. Complete a form
____11. Lock away
J. Have a good relationship
____12. Mess up
K. Put someone in prison or a mental hospital for a very
____13. Pay back
long time
____14. Plug in
L. Make something untidy or dirty
____15. Root for
M. Repay money borrowed

N. Connect machines to the electricity supply

O. Support

They will __________ your office to leave some documents.

The T.V. is not working, maybe is not _________.
I don’t understand why you don’t __________ with her; she seems nice.
Either you ___________ and stop screaming or I’ll leave.
Clean your room now! Is all ________.
Let’s ___________ and have some breakfast.
I will _________ as soon as I get my paycheck.
If you want to get your passport, you will need to ________
these forms.
____1. Be down
A. Be depressed
____2. Check in
B. Register on arriving at a hotel or at the airport
____3. Dig in
C. Start eating greedily
____4. Doze off
D. Fall asleep
____5. Drop by
E. Pay a brief visit
____6. Ease up
F. Relax, calm down
____7. Get up
G. Get out of bed
____8. Give away
H. Entrust your daughter to her husband through the
____9. Fill in
marriage ceremony
____10. Get along
I. Complete a form
____11. Lock away
J. Have a good relationship
____12. Mess up
K. Put someone in prison or a mental hospital for a
____13. Pay back
very long time
____14. Plug in
L. Make something untidy or dirty
____15. Root for
M. Repay money borrowed

N. Connect machines to the electricity supply

O. Support

They will __________ your office to leave some documents.

The T.V. is not working, maybe is not _________.
I don’t understand why you don’t __________ with her; she seems nice.
Either you ___________ and stop screaming or I’ll leave.
Clean your room now! Is all ________.
Let’s ___________ and have some breakfast.
I will _________ as soon as I get my paycheck.
If you want to get your passport, you will need to ________
these forms.
Be down
- Be depressed
Check in
- Register on arriving at a hotel or at the airport
Dig in
- Start eating greedily
Doze off
Fall asleep
Drop by
- Pay a brief visit
Ease up
- Relax, calm down
Get up
- Get out of bed
Give away
- Entrust your daughter to her husband through the marriage ceremony
Fill in
- Complete a form
Get along
- Have a good relationship
Lock away
- Put someone in prison or a mental hospital for a very long time
Mess up
- Make something untidy or dirty
Pay back
- Repay money borrowed
Plug in
- Connect machines to the electricity supply
Root for
- Support

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