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Imem sahnoun

Teacher : Mid-term test No 1 level: 9th year

Preparatory school
Mrs Houda Benmiz November 15th ,2021
Subject: English Duration: 1 hour.

Name: …………………….……….... Class: 9B…… ........./20

Listening (8marks)
1- Listen and find out how we usually earn money. (1mark)


2- Listen and fill in the following paragraph . (2marks)

Scarcity means that you want--------------------than you can--------------------

3- Tick the right answer (1mark)

To solve the problem of scarcity we should

- buy things we need first. 

- buy things we want first. 

4- Listen and mention at least one of saving’s benefits. (1mark)


5- Listen to the following sentence and determine its function ( 1mark)

♣ advice ♣ warning ♣ asking for information

6- Listen and fill in the sentence (1mark)

Some people sell------------------while others have---------------by simple


7- Listen and say Similar(S) or different(D) (1mark)

Cry fly ………… children teacher ……………..

Language (12marks)

1- Fill un the paragraph with the right words from the list ( 4 mks)

on / clothes / freedom / myself / in / tempering / longer/ than / miserable / tempered

I have a special relationship with my mother. I rarely get------------------------

well with her. She is less understanding ----------------------- my friends’ mums..
She is making my life ------------------------------. She usually nags me and
criticizes my appearance,------------------------------ ,hair style and the type of
music I like Why does she always sound so bad-………………… and
unfriendly? She doesn’t respect my privacy .She keeps interfering in my life and
restricting my -------------It’s really unfair She should know that I’m no
--------------------- a young child and I can take good care
of---------------------------. I hope she will stop being so worried about me and
leave me alone.

2) Circle the correct option. (4 marks)
Family members must live together in peace and harmony.. The father is the
breadwinner and chief provider of the family. This is the traditional (role / place /
problem) of the father. Today, the father also (has / participates / is) actively in
the housework and helps looking ( on / at / after ) the
children .The mother prepares family meals and cares for children. The girls help
the mother in doing the house (chairs / cheat / chores) .The boys are usually
assigned the ( hardest / harder / hard ) tasks in the house. Nowadays, father and
mother, as well as girls and boys in the family, (share / help / find ) almost all the
roles at home. Performing the roles expected of each member can (leading / lead /
leads) to family harmony and happiness. None can rely (at / on / in) the other.

3 )Put the bracketed verbs in the simple past: (4 marks)

It is really fantastic to see parents and children share the

(responsible)------------------------------- of the house. Some husbands don’t mind (give)
------------------------a hand to their (wife)-----------------------------. But others would
never like doing even the (easy) --------------------------routines like the washing up or
the (iron)---------------------------. They think that the housework is a woman’s activity.
Moreover they believe that their (day)------------------- work outside the house is
(difficult) ---------------------------than housework.May be in the coming years things
( change)------------------------better.


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