CFE ComicStrip

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'I realize that due to the pandemic occuring,

our interactions with people are also 'I'm gonna ask grandmother what I can do to
restricted which is a hindrance in performing face this challenge in order to proceed to
our mission---to share the Word of God' perform my Christian mission'

Well even if you don't interact
ple phy sica lly the re are still other
lly that
ways to do your mission especia
Grandma, what can I do in are usin g inte rne t/so cial media
order to spread the Word of ant age of it and
God knowing that we have less
these days---take adv ch
con ten t of the Bib le whi
interaction with people due to share the
contains the Wor d of God .
the Covid so it will be hard to
do so..?
Dear, remember that God taught us courage through His son
Jesus Christ. Also, we received the gift of the Holy Spirit and
But grandma I have many one of them is courage. You want to express real courage?
followers on social media and Then never be afraid to lose followers as long as you keep
I'm afraid they will make fun spreading the word of God and performing what He wants us
of me and unfollow me if I to do---now that is courage.
shared some posts about the
Bible especially that they find
it 'not cool' and 'cringy'.

You're right Grandma, the apostles successfully spread the

Word of God because of their courage despite knowing that
they are going to lose their lives. I would want to completely
serve the Lord even if it means losing my followers for it can
never compare to the apostles losing their lives.

omg thank you I needed this as

a reminder to keep holding on to This inspired me to continue
my faith. praying because indeed God
listens to our prayers.
Amen. God is good.

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