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Various Committees
a) High Power Committee
b) Committee of Secretaries for Tenders


Sl. G.O./Memo No. & Date Subject Page

No. No.
Committees – High Power Committee for Action
G.O.Ms.No.103, (PW:GENERAL)
1 Plan Projects of Irrigation & CAD Department – 1
Constituted – Orders - Issued.
Committees – Prioritized and other important
G.O.MS.NO.121 (PW COD) Water Resources Development Projects –
2 Dated: 15.10.2004. Finalization of procurement – Constitution of 3
High Power Committee and Committee of
Secretaries – Orders – Issued.

c) Evaluation Committee / State Level Standing

G.O.MS.NO.110 (PW:GENERAL) Committees – Evaluation Committee for Action
3 Dated: 22-07-2003. Plan Projects of Irrigation & CAD Department – 5
Amendment – Issued.
Tenders – Turn Key EPC contract basis –
MEMO.NO.51881/COD/2004 (IRR. Representation from the bidders – Evaluation
4 I) Dated: 02.04.2004. Committee – Review and recommendation for 6
qualification criteria and other relevant tender
conditions – Reg.
Tenders – Turn Key EPS Contract basis –
Memo.No.51881/COD/2004 Evaluation Committee – Review and
5 7
(Irrigation. I) Dated:08.10.2004. recommendation for qualification criteria and
other relevant tender conditions – Regarding
Memo.No.26858/Maj.IV.1/2005 Irrigation & CAD Department – Evaluation
6 Dated: 29.07.2005. Committee – Re – constituted – Revised orders 8
– Issued
7 G.O.Ms.NO.46 (PW: Reforms) Major Irrigation – Prioritized Projects under 9
Dated:16-03-2006 E.P.C. system – Constitution of Committee for
approval of Additional items, PIL etc –Orders –
8 G.O.Ms.No.121 (PW: Reforms) Major Irrigation – Priotorized Projects under 11
Dated:26.06.2006 EPC System – Constitution of Committee for
approval of Additional items, PIL etc – Orders –
issued – Modification – Orders – Issued

d) Advisors Committee
I& CAD Department – Projects under E.P.C.
G.O.Ms.No.204, (PW: Reforms) System – Constitution of State Level standing
9 13
Dated: 13-09-2007 Committee and Advisors Committee – further
instructions issued.

e) IBM Committee
EPC Turn Key system – Methodology of
tendering – Constitution of Committee for
10 1, Dated: 08.05.2006 15
undertaking for fixing IBM values – Orders –
MEMO.NO.2536/Reforms/07 EPC Turn Key system – Committee for fixing
11 16
Dated: 02.02.2007 IBM – Reg.
EPC – Category I, II, - Empanelling of Contractors
G.O.Ms.No.971, (PPMU) IRRIGATION – Water Resources Development
12 Dated: 13.08.2004. Projects – Bids on EPC Turnkey system – Panel 17
of Firms / Agencies – Orders – Issued.
Irrigation – water resources development
G.O.Rt.No.727 (PPMU)
projects – medium sized packages – bids on
13 Dated: 24.09.2004. 18
EPC turn key system – panel of firms /
agencies – orders – issued.
G.O.Rt.No.26 (MI.X) Irrigation – Water Resources Development
14 Dated: 07.01.2005. Projects – Bids on EPC Turnkey System – of 21
Additional Firms / Agencies – Orders – Issued.
15 Dated: 01.02.2006. PACKAGES – BID ON EPC TURN KEY SYSTEM – 24

IIIrd Party QC – Panel of Agencies / Guidelines

16 25
Irrigation – Major Irrigation – Prioritized
Memo.No.30940/Reforms/2005 Projects – 3rd Party Quality Control and
17 27
Dated: 03.09.2005. Assurance – Constitution of committee for
approval of bids – Issue of orders – Regarding
Water resources Development Projects under
Memo.No.2286/Reforms/2006-1 EPC turn key system – Third Party Quality
18 28
Dated: 16-02-2006 Control and Assurance – Panel of firms/
agencies – Further instructions - Issued – Reg.
Memo.No.1605/F3(2)/2006-1 Works Accounts – Centralization of Payment of
19 Dated: 04.10.2006. Bills pertaining to 3rd Party Quality Control 29
Agencies under EPC System – Reg.
Third Party Quality Control Agencies –
Memo.No.13150/Reforms/2006-2 Furnishing of information about the progress in
20 30
Dated: 07.06.2006 respect of all works in Rayalaseema Region,
Prakasam and Nellore – Review – Regarding
I & CAD – Quality Control – Roles and
Circular No.DCE-I/OT Responsibilities of construction staff, Quality
21 MP/AEE/29384/2005-3 Control wing and 3rd Q.C. Agency in execution 31
Dated: 15.06.2006 of Projects – Further Instructions / guidelines
issued – Reg.
Quality Assurance and quality monitoring in
22 Project works Compliance with the quality 33
Dated: 24.06.2006
assurance requirements – Reg.
Quality Assurance and quality monitoring in
Memo No. 18393 / Reforms /
23 Project works – Compliance with the quality 34
2006 Dated: 28-06-2006
assurance requirements – Reg.
Furnishing Copies of Quality Managements
Plans & Copies of Approved drawings to the
Memo.No.19147/Reforms/2006 third party quality control organization –
24 36
Dated: 06-7-2006 Submission of test reports and quality
certificates with the bills for Work done
payments – Regarding
Payments of bills pertaining to 3rd Party Quality
25 Control under E.P.C. System – Certain 38
Dated: 18.07.2006
information called for – Regarding
Centralization of Payments of bills pertaining to
G.O.Ms.No.143 (PW Reforms) 3rd Party Quality Control Agencies under E.P.C.
26 39
Dated: 02.08.2006 System – Proposals accepted – Orders – Issued
Memo No.19017/ Reforms/07, Maintenance of Quality standards – Further
27 41
Dated: 13-7-2007 Instructions – Reg.
Irrigation Projects – Online Quality Monitoring
System (Extension of Project Monitoring
Systems) developed by SPIU (Irrigation) –
Meeting with Nodal Officers and Third Party
28 LETTER NO.19061/REFORMS/2007 43
Quality Control Agencies – Proposed to conduct
at CGG on 21.07.2007 and 02.08.2007 at
11:00AM – Arrangements – Request –
I&CAD – Prioritized Projects under EPC System
– Quality Assurance and Quality Control – Role
and Responsibility of construction Staff, Quality
29 Memo.No.18594/Reforms/2007 44
Control Wing and 3rd Party Quality Control
Dated: 18-07-2007
Agency – Further Instructions / Guidelines –
I&CAD Department – Poor quality of Steel –
30 Reports of 3rd Party Quality Control – 46
Dated: 30.08.2007
Instructions issued – Reg.
I & CAD Department – Poor Quality of Steel –
31 Reports of 3rd Party Quality Control – 47
Dated: 1-09-2007
Instructions issued – Reg.
Third Party Quality Control Agencies –
32 Extension of term beyond Agreement period – 48
Dated: 6-11-2007
Instruction – Issued.
Major and Medium Irrigation Projects Work –
33 Quality Control checks of the Works – 49
Dated: 27.6.2008

EPC – Procedures – Executive Instructions

Memo.No.64073/F.8(1)/05-(W&P Work – EPC Contracts – Flaw in the format of
34 CTS) Dated: 10.06.2005. Bank Guarantee towards Bid Security, EMD- 50
Instructions –Issued
Memo.No.22724/Reforms/ 2005- Works – EPC contracts – Flaw in the format of
35 1 Dated: 01-07-2005 Bank Guarantee towards Bid Security, EMD – 51
Instructions – Issued – Reg.
Works Accounts – Finance (W&P) Department –
G.O.Rt.No.274 (W&P:F3) Payment under EPC contracts Constitution of
36 Dated: 17.12.2005 committee for issue of suitable guidelines for 52
admission, security of bills and Payment –
Orders – Issued.
Implementation of EPC system – Obtaining
37 revised administrative sanction – Reg. 53
Dated: 15-02-2006
Memo.No.5217/Reforms/06 Major Irrigation – Prioritized projects under EPC
38 54
Dated: 23-02-2006. system – Guidelines – Orders – Issued.
Payment of bills pertaining to third party
39 quality control under E.P.C. System – 87
Dated: 22-03-2006
Instructions – Issued.
MEMO.NO.358/F3(1)/2006-1 Payment of bills pertaining to third party
40 88
Dated: 08.03.2006 quality control – Instructions – Issued.
Memo.No.10544/Reforms/2006-1 Major Irrigation – Prioritized Projects under EPC
41 89
Dated: 20-04-2006. system Instructions – Issued – Regarding
MEMO.NO.12440/REFORMS/2006- Calling of tenders for works – Guidelines –
42 90
1, Dated: 02-05-2006. Issued – Regarding.
Tenders – Turn Key EPC Contract basis –
Evaluation Committee to review and
43 recommend for qualification criteria and other 91
Dated: 11-08-2006
relevant tender conditions – Modification
Orders – issued
Memo.No.22918/Ref/06 I & CAD Department – Alert Note –
44 Dated: 14-8-2006 Intermediate payments to the Contractors 93
under EPC – Certain instructions – Issued.
Memo.No.22131/Reforms/2006-1 I&CAD – Prioritized Projects – Guidelines for
45 94
Dated: 17.08.2006 fixing up of Mile Stones – Orders – Issued
46 Memo No.26135 /Reforms/06, Mobilization Advance to contracts exceeding 95
Rs. One Crore – Revised Orders issued –
Dated: 16.09.2006
Irrigation & CAD Department – Execution of
Memo No.16316 /Reforms/2006
47 Project Works – Recovery of Mobilization 96
Dated: 31.03.2008
advance - clarification – Issued
Irrigation &C.A.D. Department – occurrence of
Memo. No. 7237/Reforms/2008
48 Fire accidents in the Camps of the contractors 97
Dated: 10-04-2008
– precautions – instructions issued
Circular I & CAD Department – EPC Contract system –
49 Memo.No.34843/Reforms/2006, certain clarifications – issued. 98
Dated: 7-May, 2008
Prioritized Projects – Execution of works under
MEMO.NO.13857/REFORMS/2006, various contracts – Fixing mile stones as per
50 100
Dated: 16.05.2006 the scope of work as per the Agreement Bond –
Review – Regarding
Memo No.014244/Reforms/06 Inspection of works by Secretary Irrigation –
51 101
Dated: 20.05.2006. Regarding
Circular Review on the progress of Irrigation works –
52 Memo.No.14811/Reforms/2006-1, Maintaining the quality standards – instructions 102
Dated: 25-05-2006 issued
Memo No.5217 /Reforms/2006 Projects under EPC SYSTEM – Bank Guarantees
53 103
Dated: 13.07.2006 – Orders – Issued.
I&CAD Department – EPC guidelines –
Memo.No.5217/Reforms/2006 Relaxation of certain conditions of payment up
54 104
Dated: 19.07.2006 to 05.08.2006 – instructions issued –
Works Accounts – EPC guidelines – Relaxation
55 of certain condition for payment up to 105
Dated: 04.08.2006
05.06.2006 – Regarding
Circular Regulation of Payments in EPC contracts –
56 Memo.No.54508/F3(2)/2006-4 Instruction already issued reiterated for 106
Dated: 07.8.2006 scrupulously – Reg.
Regulation of Payments in EPC contracts –
57 Instructions already issued – reiterated for 107
Dated: 18.08.2006
scrupulously compliance – Regarding.
Memo.No.4514/Reforms/2007-1 EPC Contracts – Price Adjustment on materials
58 108
Dated: 19.2.2007 – Regarding.
Procurement – Invitation of tenders for
Irrigation Project Works – Pre-bid Conferences
59 – Procedure for issuing clarifications during 109
Dated: 19.2.2007
Pre-bid Conferences with Contractors –
P.S. Veligonda Project – Deletion the work of
G.O.Ms.No.98, (PW:MAJOR feeder canal from K.M. 0.00 to K.M.0.500 from
60 IRRIGATION-II) the scope of Package – II and entrustment of 110
Dated: 16-04-2007 the same as on additional item to Package – I –
Orders – Issued.
Arugula Rajaram Guthpa Lift Irrigation Scheme
– Adjustment of mobilization advance against
61 progress of work – Modification in agreement 112
clause towards mobilization advance –
JCRDLIP Phase-II – Price Adjustment for steel,
MEMO NO.9669/Maj.Irr.IV.1/07-1
62 cement and POLs – Clarification orders – 113
Dated: 02-05-2007
Issued – Regarding.
Indira Sagar Polavaram Project Canals –
Memo. No. 37245/Reforms/2007 Structures Payment Schedule – Sub-division
63 114
Dated: 11-02-2008 into appropriate sub components – Instruction
– Issued.
Memo No.16316 /Reforms/2006 Irrigation & CAD Department – Execution of
64 Dated: 31.03.2008 Project Works – Recovery of Mobilization 115
advance - clarification – Issued.
Memo.No.31960/Reforms/2007-1 I&CAD Department – Payments on 3rd stage of
65 116
Dated: 27.05.2008 CM & CD Works – Instructions – Issued.
66 Memo.No.31246/Reforms/2007 Usage of MILD STEEL PIPES for Lift Irrigation 117
Projects – certain guidelines – amendment
Dated: 09.06.2008
I&CAD Department – Review the progress of
67 works of Irrigation Projects – Certain 118
Dated: 21.06.2008
Instructions – Issued.
Irrigation & CAD Department – Execution of
Memo No.22500/Reforms/2008-1,
68 Project Works – Recovery of Mobilization 119
Dated: 20.08.2008
advance – Issued.
Mobilization advance – Levy of interest on
Memo No.23724
Mobilization advance in EPC contracts beyond
69 /Reforms-A/2008-1, Dated: 120
the Agreement period - Instructions – Issued –
Irrigation & CAD Department – Release of
70 Retention money against Bank Guarantees – 121
2008 Dated: 23.12.2008
Amendment issued – Regarding.

Designs / HPs
Mahatma Gandhi (Kalwakurthy) Lift Irrigation
Scheme Package No.29 – Constitution of
71 Committee to assess the Deviations or savings 122
Dated: 28.10.2006.
from the Agreement – Orders – Issued –
MEMO.NO.16937/ EPC contracts in irrigation projects – Approval
72 Maj.Irrgn.,III(1)/06-2 Dated: 16- of designs – Reg. 123
Irrigation Projects – Approvals of Hydraulic
73 Particulars & Designs of Structures – 124
Dated: 17-09-2007
Instructions issued.
Committees – High Power Committee of
G.O.Ms.No.358, (Major. IV)
74 Experts in Electro – Mechanical Systems – 125
Dated: 05.06.2006
Constituted – Orders - Issued.
Designs of structures in packages under EPC
75 contracts – Submission of Monitoring reports – 126
Dated: 20.04.2007
Projects under EPC System – Consolidation of
MEMO NO.024974/Reforms/2007-
76 canal banks in embankment reaches – certain 129
1 Dated: 29.08.2007
instructions issued – Regarding.
I&CAD Department – State Dam Safety
Organization – Constitution of Panel of Experts
G.O.MS.NO.203, (PROJECTS for Safety Review of Dams in the State and
77 WING-GENERAL.I) appointment of Sri S.K. Das, former Chairman 130
Dated: 12.09.2007 C.W.C. as the Chairman of the Panel of Experts
for Safety Review of Dams in the State –
Orders – Issued.
Irrigation Projects – Approvals of Hydraulic
78 Particulars & Designs of Structures – 133
Dated: 17-09-2007
Instructions issued.
EPC Works – Streamlining the guidelines for
MEMO.NO.3277/REFORMS/2008 approval and Finalization of designs of
79 134
Date: 02.04.2008 structures by the EPC Agencies – Orders –
Irrigation &C.A.D. Department – occurrence of
Memo. No. 7237/Reforms/2008
80 Fire accidents in the Camps of the contractors 136
– precautions – instructions issued.
Execution of works under EPC system –
Revision of approved designs Delay in
Memo.No.8597 /Reforms/2008
81 submission of Revised Drawings not 137
attributable to the Department – Instructions –
Preparation of estimates reflecting
contemporary taxes, duties and equitable
82 payment to work contractors – Committee of 138
Date: 23.04.2008
Chief Engineers – Constituted – orders –
Irrigation Projects – Online monitoring of
progress of all Irrigation Projects –
G.O.Rt.No.282 (PW: Reforms) Implementation of Project Monitoring System
83 139
Dated: 10.05.2006 (PMS) developed by Center for Good
Governance (SPI Unit Irrigation) – Orders –
Issued – Regarding.
Irrigation Projects – On line monitoring of
Progress of all irrigation projects –
84 Implementation of Project Monitoring System 141
Dated: 31.05.2006
(PMS) developed by centre for good
governance (SPI unit irrigation) – Regarding.
Project Monitoring System – Workshop on
implementation of uploading of data and
85 presentation of output formats – Participation 142
Dated: 02.08.2006
of Superintending Engineer of Prioritized
Projects – Regarding.
Irrigation Projects – Online Quality Monitoring
System (Extension of Project Monitoring
Memo.NO.19061/REFORMS/2007- Systems) developed by SPIU (Irrigation) – Non
86 144
2 Dated: 13.07.2007 – Implementations by the Irrigation Project
Administrators, S.Es and their Nodal Officers –
Instructions – Regarding
MEMO.NO.026099/REFORMS/ Online Quality Monitoring System – Reg.
87 145
2007/ Dated: 10.09.2007

Tender Procedures & Price Adjustments

88 I&CAD Department Tender procedures and
G.O.Ms.No.94 (PW – COD)
Registration of contractors Rules – 146
Dated: 01.07.2003
Comprehensive – Orders Issued.
Memo.No.2668/Reforms/2006 I&CAD Department – Tender procedures and
89 (PW:REFORMS) Registration of Contractors Rules – 173
Dated: 23.06.2007 Comprehensive – Orders – Issued.
Roads & Buildings – Adoption of Price
G.O.Ms.No.94 (TRANSPORT, Adjustment for Steel and Cement for all
90 ROADS & BUILDINGS R.I) ongoing works of Bridges, Roads and Buildings 174
Dated: 16.04.2008 and other Civil Works of all Departments –
Further Orders – Issued.
Roads & Buildings – Adoption of Price
Adjustment for Bitumen and POL for all ongoing
Works of Bridges, Roads and Buildings –
Dated: 28.08.2008.
Further Orders – Issued.
Roads & Buildings – Adoption of Price
Adjustment for Steel and Cement for all
ongoing works of Bridges, Roads and Buildings
and other civil works of all Departments –
Dated: 15.09.2008
Further Orders – Issued – Amendment –
Roads & Buildings – Adoption of Price
G.O.Ms.No.35 (TRANSPORT, Adjustment for Other Materials, Labour and
93 ROADS & BUILDINGS (R.I) Machinery for all ongoing and future Buildings 179
Dated: 30.01.2009. Works of all Departments – Further Orders –

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