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Varianta 2


I. (10 x1p = 10p)

1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.D

II. (10 x 1p = 10)

1.unlike 2.entirely 3.consequently 4.scientific 5.weight 6.difference 7.roughly 8.heat 9.descent 10.enables

III. (5 x 2p = 10p)
1.succeed in // getting
2.far as // I am (I’m) concerned
3.was // such a nice have (to get) // my (the) car repaired
5.wish // I had not (hadn’t) taken

IV. 10 points
Şedea la fereastră, privind cum seara se revarsă asupra străzii. Trecea puţină lume. Din ultima clădire ieşi un om,
trecând în drum spre casă; îi auzi paşii bocănind pe trotuarul de beton şi apoi scrâşnind pe aleea din zgură din faţa
noiloe case roşii. Cândva acolo era un maidan unde se jucau în fiecare seară cu copiii altora. Apoi un om din Belfast a
cumpărat câmpul şi a construit case pe el - nu cum erau căsuţele lor cafenii, ci case luminoase de cărămidă cu
acoperişuri strălucitoare. Copiii de pe stradă se jucau împreună pe maidanul acela - copiii familiei Devine, Water,
Dunn, micul Keogh schilodul, ea cu fraţii şi surorile ei. Ernest, însă, nu se juca niciodată: era prea mare.

Level of
achievement /Description

High / No errors in comprehension of the passage. Rendition of the passage into Romanian
conveys, as far as it is possible for a translated text, all aspects of the sense of the
9-10 points original, including nuances of style, register, metaphor and cultural reference.

Good / Virtually no problems of comprehension of the passage. The Romanian version

shows flair in use of the language, which accurately renders the original in an
8-8.9 points appropriate register. The student correctly identifies all points of difficulty in the
translation and shows imagination in dealing with them. Only one or two
imperfections. Work which would be judged as excellent or very good at the next
highest level of study.

Low 1st / Fairly good comprehension of the passage; any problems are handled resourcefully,
resulting in a Romanian version that reads clearly and convincingly with no
7-7.9 points mistranslations or awkwardness of style.

Low 2:1 / Good comprehension of the majority of structures and no significant difficulties
6-6.9 points with vocabulary. Demonstrates sensitivity to the mismatch between structures
existing/in common use in the English and those existing/in common use in
Romanian. There may be a few mistranslations and one or two examples of
awkwardness of style.

Low 2:2 / Good comprehension of the majority of structures and vocabulary, but attempts to
overcome translation problems posed by the passage are not always successful.
5-5.9 points Romanian version reads well but shows some areas of unsuitable register,
mistranslations and awkwardness of style. The student sometimes assumes wrongly
that a grammatical or idiomatic structure that exists in the language of study also
exists, or is in common use, in Romanian.

Low 3rd / General comprehension of a reasonable range of structures and vocabulary, but with
evidence of inability to handle some or the more difficult areas. Evidence of a
4-4.9 reasonable attempt to handle areas of difficulty should be awarded a mark at the top
of the range. Romanian version shows awkwardness and tendency to literal
translation. Where some of the Romanian lacks sense and there is a lack of ability to
handle some basic grammar in the language of study, the work should be awarded a
mark at the bottom of the range.

Fail / Satisfactory understanding of the original but shows inability to handle relatively
common structures and vocabulary. There may be serious misunderstanding of part
2.5-3.9 points of the passage. The translation is literal, showing several instances of failure to
produce a comprehensible Romanian text.

Lowest fail / Understanding of a minority of the passage demonstrating inability to comprehend

basic grammatical structures and vocabulary in context. Romanian version not able
0-2.4 points
to convey the gist of the passage, lacks sense and is disjointed.


I. (5 x 2p= 10p)

1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B

II. 50 points

Narrative-descriptive Essay CEFR*
Structure Possible approach LEVEL
- Details about the character / place / event etc.;
Introduction - Creation of mystery / anticipation of the event;
- Sketching the initial atmosphere.
- The description of the character has to include physical details,
personality, lifestyle;
Main Body - The description of the place, objects, buildings includes details B1 - B1+
that go from general to specific;
- A wide range of descriptive vocabulary.
- Explanations regarding the impression made by the character /
place / event;
- The effect of the experience;
- The resolution / denouement.
It is recommended that the student should:
∙use lexical structures characteristic of physical description, personality traits, lifestyle / occupation /
ambitions / opinions using a personal or impersonal point of view;
∙use narrative techniques (shift of focus / point of view, alternation of tenses in accordance with the
presentation of events in chronological or random order etc.);
∙use lexical structures related to factual information: size, weight, shape, structure, material, colour etc.;
∙use vocabulary related to the five senses;
∙use past tenses for recollections, impressions, reactions;
∙use grammatical structures in accordance with the level of language competence;
∙express feelings, opinions, reactions;
∙use cohesive devices to express: cause and effect, addition, contrast, result etc.


Analytical Exemplary Proficient Partially Proficient Weak Incomplete P

criteria 10p 8p 6p 4p 2p o
CONTENT The essay is The essay is The essay is The essay is The essay is
completely fairly completed partially completed faulty, wholly
relevant to with the with slight logical including inadequate the
topic, descriptions of impediments in the serious quality of the
describing persons/places/e logical development logical descriptions
persons/places vents and of the descriptions impediment failing the
/events and objects, being around an s in the requirements of
objects, ascribed to an engendering idea. sequencing the task.
ascribing the engendering of events.
whole idea.
description to
ORGANIZATIO There is There is a fairly There is partial There is Paragraphs are
N AND complete completion of completion of the serious incomplete,
COHESION logical paragraph task. Paragraphs are inconsistenc both linking
connection of organization partially complete y in the devices,
paragraphs due to scarce due to unfinished organization mechanics, and
due to a misuse of ideas and scarce use of the length
judicious use linking devices, of linking devices, paragraphs requirements
of linking mechanics, and mechanics, and due to the having been
devices, length length requirements. misuse of disrespected.
mechanics, requirements. the linking
and length devices,
requirements. mechanics,
and length
VOCABULARY A wide range A range of The range of A limited A very narrow
of vocabulary vocabulary is vocabulary is range of range of
is used used adequately used in vocabulary vocabulary is
appropriately appropriately the essay; errors in is present present; errors
and accurately and accurately word choice / within the in word
throughout the in the essay; formation are essay; less choice/formatio
essay; precise occasional present when more common n predominate;
meaning is errors in word sophisticated items items of spelling errors
conveyed; choice/formatio of vocabulary are vocabulary can make the
minor errors n are possible; attempted; spelling are rare and essay obscure at
are rare; spelling is well can be faulty at may be times. The
spelling is controlled with times. The register often faulty; register d in
very well occasional slips. is partially relevant spelling the descriptive
controlled. The register of to the task with a errors can essay is
The register of the descriptive narrow make text inappropriate
the descriptive essay is relevant inconsistency of understandi for the type of
essay is totally to the task with style, leading to ng difficult. functional
relevant to the slightly halts in the logical The register writing.
task, being incongruent development of is
organically lapses within ideas inconsistent
integrated all the discourse. due to the
along the mixture of
discourse. styles.
STRUCTURES A wide range A range of A mix of complex A limited A very narrow
of grammatical and simple range of range of
grammatical structures is grammatical grammatical grammatical
structures is used accurately structures is present structures is structures is
used and with some throughout the present present within
accurately and flexibility along essay; errors are along the the essay; errors
flexibly the essay; present when essay; predominate;
throughout the occasional complex language is complex punctuation
essay; minor errors are attempted; language is errors make the
errors are rare; possible; punctuation can be rare and text obscure at
punctuation is punctuation is faulty at times. may be times.
very well well controlled often faulty;
controlled. with occasional punctuation
slips. errors can
make text
ng difficult.
EFFECT ONThe interest of The text has a The effect on the The effect The text has a
TARGET the reader is good effect on reader is on the negative effect
READER aroused and the reader. satisfactory. reader non- on the reader.
sustained relevant.

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