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Jia D. Dagandan (BEED – 1) October 26, 2021

At the end of 1 hour discussion, the grade 4 Peace pupils should be able to;
➢ Define the increasing order and decreasing order;
➢ Rearrange numbers in increasing and decreasing the order
➢ Demonstrate the ability to place multi-digits numbers in correct order.
M4NS-Ib- 13.4
Topic: Orders Numbers up to 10 000 in increasing or decreasing order.
IM's: Cartolina, Marker, Tape, Chalk, and Cellphone.
Values: Attentiveness, Learning and Understanding
A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher's Activity Pupil's Activity

a.1. Prayer/Greetings
Good morning pupils! Good morning ma'am!
Please stand up! Let us pray first. (the pupils will stand for the prayer)
Okay Ms./Mr. (name of the pupil) lead the (Let us bow down our head and feel the
prayer. presence of our Lord. In the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
Amen. Dear God…..)
a.2. Checking of Attendance
You may now take your sits. Say present
once your name is called. (checking the name of (Present, ma'am)
the pupils from the class monitor)
a.3. Checking of Assignment
Okay class before we start our class Yes, ma'am!
discussion today, kindly pass all your (The pupils will pass their assignment to the
assignment in front. Pass it silently! Avoid talking teacher's table)
with your seatmate.
a.4. Review (Drill)
In previous lesson we compare numbers
using relation symbols.
Who can give the different symbols in relation?
(The teacher will call pupils to answer her
question) These are less than (<), greater than(>) and
equals (=)
Okay very good! Now to test your mastery let us
try this example.
524, 369 __ 527, 369
What is relation symbol we have to used in this Less than (<)
Yes! Because the hundred thousand digits is
both 5 so they are both equal. The ten thousand
digits is 2 they are again equal. The thousands
digit are 4 and 7. 7 is bigger than 4 therefore;
524, 369 < 527, 369
*Note that the open side of the symbol is facing
the larger number which is 53, 569 and the arrow Yes, ma'am.
bead is pointing at the smaller number which is
53, 469.

Good job! Now if you have mastered our

previous discussion let us now proceed to our
new lesson for today.
a.5. Motivation
The class will be shown a picture of ducks then
the teacher will ask a question that is related to

- Okay class, what have you seen in the - There are trees , zebra's and ducks.
- Good, what else? Have you observe - The pictures are arranged according
something similar in the picture? to their heights. From smallest to
biggest, biggest to smallest.
Great job! The pictures that I've shown has
something to do in relation to our new topic this

B. Activity
Our topic for today all about numbers in
increasing and decreasing order.
- I want you to group yourselves into 5 (The pupil’s group themselves into 5
groups. groups)

- Now that you have grouped yourselves,

I will give each group an activity sheets. (They are now gathering)
Each member of the group should be
able to participate, understand? Yes Ma'am.

- I will only give you 5 minutes to answer

the following task.
(The pupils are now start working together)
Okay you may now start your work and
don't make any noise.

Direction: Arrange the numbers in increasing

order. (least to greatest)
1. 56 341 3. 32 848
62 655 32 812
32 064 32 842

2. 42 100 4. 11 321
29 155 12 321
53 777 11 322
(They are now presenting their answers)
Times up! Finished or not finished gather your (Group 1)
work and choose a representative in each group 1. 32 064 3. 32 812
and present it in front. 56 341 32 842
62 655 32 848

2. 29 155 4. 11 321
42 100 11 322
53 774 12 321

Group 2,3 and 4)…..

Excellent Give yourself a very good clap.

- How was your the activity? Was it A bit, ma'am.
- Since you already know our topic this - Based on the activity that we did a
afternoon, who can share his./her idea to the while ago I think increasing order
class about increasing and decreasing the refers to arranging numbers from
order? smallest to biggest order, and vice
versa to decreasing order.

Very good pupils!

D. Abstraction
Now let's move on to our topic this afternoon.
“Ordering numbers up to 100 000 in increasing
to decreasing order”
What is increasing and decreasing order?
Increasing Order – is just like going up! You
need to arrange the numbers from least to

Like for example.

5,708 6,636 6, 652

Explanation on arranging increasing order;

Compare the highest value.
On the set of numbers given above what is the
smallest digit? Yes we have 5 number as the
smallest since 6 is higher than 5. Your first
increasing order are 5, 708. The next step that
you should do since the first are both 6 numbers
same also to the next number, then you have to
proceed to the next set of numbers again so you
have 3 and 5. Since 3 is lower than 5 then our
next increasing order is 6, 636 followed by 6,
So in the example given above the increasing
order of this are:
6, 652 6, 636 5, 708 = 15 213, 12 216, 15 352, 15 874
= 19 071, 20 391, 21 654, 22 586
Who wants to give it a try? Rearrange these = 10 000, 10 030, 10 412, 10 670
numbers in increasing order.
(The teacher will called pupils to answer the Yes ma'am.
• 15 216, 15 213, 15 352, 15 874
• 21 654, 19 071, 22 586, 20 391
• 10 000, 10 030, 10 670, 10 412
Very good! Did you understand well our
discussion for increasing order, class?
Now let's proceed to decreasing order.
Decreasing Order – is just like going down! You
need to arrange the numbers from greatest to

Like for example:

626 548 412 954
Explanation on how to arrange decreasing
Compare the highest value.
On the set of numbers given above what is the
highest number in the first digit? Yes, we have
9. So 954 is our first set of numbers in
decreasing order. The next highest of 9 is we 5
for 548 and lastly 4 for 412.
Therefore the decreasing order for this are;
954 626 548 412

Here's another example for decreasing order.

▪ 43 754, 40 251, 40 235, 38 100, 30 642
▪ 576, 342, 253, 237, 106, 100
▪ 643 400, 564 935, 536 963, 364 950
= 86 193, 75 539, 75 502, 69 592, 19 042
= 73 302, 56 953, 47 974, 34 211, 29 853
Now try rearranging this numbers into
= 952, 704, 604, 521, 206
decreasing order.
1. 75 502, 69 592, 19 042, 86 193, 75 539
2. 34 211, 47 974, 29 853, 56 953, 73 302
3. 521, 704, 952, 206, 604
(The teacher will call pupils to answer the
following questions on the board) None so far ma'am.

Good Job! Do you have any questions or

clarification regarding to our discussion?
E. Application
Okay since you don't any clarifications I will be
the one to ask you a questions.

What is increasing order? - Arranging numbers from greatest to

What is decreasing order?
- Arranging numbers from least to
Can you give me an example of increasing and greatest.
decreasing order? - Examples of Increasing Order
✓ 52 052, 72 140, 84 001, 90
314, 99 456
✓ 561, 304, 300, 205, 200, 100
- Examples of Decreasing Order
✓ 452, 643, 865, 963, 966, 987
✓ 13 630, 17 532, 35 740, 47
244, 65 041

Great Job class! You really paid attention to our

I want you to get your activity notebook, let us
now test your level of understanding to our
discussion awhile ago.

Write each set of numbers in increasing order.

1. 34 152, 32 812, 40 005, 43 710, 21 944 = 21 944, 32 812, 34 152, 40 005, 43 710
2. 190 365, 261 047, 243 864, 201 650, 391 234 = 190 365, 201 650, 243 864, 261 047, 391
3. 111 654, 406 010, 486 410, 328 944, 621 935 234
= 111 654, 328 944, 406 010, 486 410, 621
Write each set of numbers in decreasing order. 935
1. 34 971, 30 211, 68 510, 34 800, 63 481
2. 72 100, 64 211, 84 002, 94 600, 49 234
3. 54 403, 62 604, 81 000, 24 741, 95 432 = 68 510, 63 481, 34 971, 34 800, 30 211
= 94 600, 84 002, 72 100, 64 211, 49 234
= 95 432, 81 000, 62 604, 54 403, 24 741
Direction: Give atleast 5 set of numbers for
increasing and decreasing order. Write your
answer on separate sheet of paper.

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