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Kristen R Moore

1160 Anthrop Dr. #2 Purdue University

West Lafayette, IN 47906 Department of English
314.809.8896 207A Heavilon Hall West Lafayette, IN 47906


PhD Composition and Rhetoric Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

May 2011)
M.A. Composition and Rhetoric Miami University, Oxford, OH (August
Thesis: Multimodality and Multiliteracies: Remapping the
Committee: Michele Simmons, Chair; Cynthia Lewiecki-Wilson,

B.A. English Literature and Music Performance, Blackburn College

Carlinville, IL
(May 2004)
Summa Cum Laude


Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Graduate Instructor, Department of English (2007-Present)
Introductory Composition, English 106
Rhetoric-based composition course, focusing on developing
critical inquiry and rhetorical research strategies.

Miami University, Oxford, OH

Graduate Instructor, Department of English (2005-2007)

First-year Composition
College Composition, English 111
Rhetoric-based composition course, focusing on developing
critical inquiry and rhetorical research strategies.

Composition and Literature, English 112

Themed composition course focused on writing through literature
and expanding definitions of “text.”

Blackburn College, Carlinville, IL

Basic Writing Tutorial, Communications 100
For first-year students who need additional assistance with
composing, taught in conjunction with first-year composition


“Multimodality and Multiliteracies: Remapping the Graduate

Experience.” Qualitative Research Network Roundtable. Conference on
College Composition and Communication. New York, New York, March

“Music, Movement, and Performance: Integrating Activity into the

Composition Classroom.” Thomas R. Watson Conference. Louisville,
Kentucky, October 2006.

Relevant Graduate Coursework

Composition and Rhetoric

History of Composition (Irwin Weiser)
New Media Writing (Samantha Blackmon)
Empirical Research Methods (Michael Salvo)
Theories of Genre (Cynthia Lewiecki-Wilson)
Research Methods in Composition and Rhetoric (W. Michele
Theories of Composition Instruction (Cynthia Lewiecki-Wilson, Jay
Dolmage, Jen Cellio)
Teaching Multiliteracies (John Tassoni)
Women’s Rhetoric (Kate Ronald)

Teaching Practica
Teaching Composition Practicum (Richard Johnson-Sheehan,
Shirley Rose)
Digital Writing Practicum (Heidi McKee)
Teaching Composition Practicum (Cythia Lewiecki-Wilson, Jay

Professional Development

Composition Online Instructor’s Network (COIN), Member 2007

Digital Writing Collaborative
Developed curriculum for wireless classrooms and worked on
creating a campus-wide digital writing initiative, including a
series of workshops open to all faculty members, graduate
students, and undergraduates.

“Blogging: Integrating and Interrogating Blogs in the Classroom.”

October 2006. Co-presenter.
As a member of the Digital Writing Collaborative, presented
workshop on the risks and affordances of integrating blogs into
the composition classroom

“Audacity Workshop.” September 2006, Attendee

Learned to use and teach Audacity software.

“Dreamweaver Workshop.” October 2006, Attendee

Learned to use and teach Dreamweaver.

“iMovie Workshop.” November 2006, Attendee

Learned to use and teach iMovie.

Library Committee, Miami University, Graduate Representative 2006-


National Council of Teachers of English, Member 2006-2007

College Composition at Miami, Editorial Board Summer 2006

Compiled first-year writing submissions to publish as a reference
for first-year composition teachers and students.

2006-2007 Teacher’s Guide, Editorial Board Summer 2006

Developed and edited the handbook given to first-year
composition teachers, which offers classroom activities, timelines
and assignment suggestions for the sequences taught in English
111 and 112, our first-year composition courses.

Portfolio Reader, June 2006

Read and assessed student submissions for the portfolio program
at Miami University.

Literature Capstone Assessment, June 2006

Read and assessed student capstone papers as a component of
the assessment of the literature program.

First-year Writing Assessment, February 2006

Read and assessed first-year composition papers as a component
of the
assessment of the first-year composition program.

First-Year Composition Committee, Blackburn College 2003-2004

Revised the first-year writing course, from a one-semester
traditional composition course to a two-semester course focused
on rhetorically situated writing assignments and texts.

Head Writing Tutor, Blackburn College Writing Center August 2000-May

Co-taught a tutor-training course, assisted writers campus-wide
with paper development, served as on-site tutor for athlete study
sessions, and met regularly with students with learning
disabilities or ESL needs.

Freshman Inquiry Composition Assessment (Summer 2002, 2003,

Worked with one other rater to score writing assignments from
Freshman Composition Course and presented assessment results
to Freshman Inquiry Committee.

Writing Across the Disciplines, Blackburn College March 2003

Member of committee to develop concepts of writing across the

Research Assistant, Blackburn College Library 2003

Worked with librarians to provide extra research support for
students during evening hours, helping students navigate online
databases, handling research queries when librarians were not
on duty, and teaching students about library facilities.

Grants and Awards

Stoddard Prize, Award for Excellence in English Studies, Blackburn

College 2004

Humanities Prize, Award for Highest Grade Point Average in Major,

College, 2004

Summer Research Grant, Blackburn College 2003

With Dr. Patricia Kowal to research the integration of reflective essays
into first-year writing programs

Alpha Chi Honor Society, Member 2002-2004

Beginning Scholar Award for Excellence as a Young Scholar, Blackburn
College 2002


Irwin Weiser, Department Chair

Department of English, Purdue University

Richard Johnson-Sheehan, Director of Composition Program

Department of English, Purdue University

Michael Salvo, Assistant Professor

Department of English, Purdue University

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