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Daftar Ruangan Rumah Sakit

First floor
1. Emergency Room :UGD
2. Surgical ward : Ruang perawatan bedah
3. ICU : Ruang perawatan intensif
4. Nutrient dept : Dapur gizi
5. Admission dept : Tempat pendaftaran pasien
6. Laboratory :Laboratorium
7. Operating theatre : Ruang operasi
8. Body death room : Kamar jenazah
9. Pharmacy/Dispensary : Apotek
10. intensive cardiologi care unit (ICCU)room : Ruang perawatan intensif bagi pasien
dengan gangguan jantung
11. Canteen : Kantin
12. X-ray dept : Ruang radiologi
13. Laundry room : ruangan mencucu

The Second Floor

14. Physiotherapy room : Ruang fisioterapi
15. Hemodialysis room : Ruang hemodialisa
16. Internal room : Ruang interna
17. Eye room : Ruang mata
18. Tht room : Ruang tht
19. Kids room : Ruang anak
20. Medical ward : Ruang perawatan umum
First floor
11. Canteen

13.Laundry room
8. Body death room  4. Nutrient dept 

12. X-ray dept 

3. ICU  2. Surgical ward 
7. Operating
c theatre
10. ICCU

9. Pharmacy

5. Admission dept  1. Emergency Room  6. Laboratory

20. Medical ward  14. Physiotherapy


The Second Floor

18. Tht room 16. Internal room

17. Eye room

19. Kids room 15. Hemodialysis room

How to find pharmacy room ?
How to find a X-ray dept  ?
Where is Laboratory ?
Where is the icu room ?
Where is canteen room ?


1.from the emergency room go straight there is a fork turn left straight ahead
2. from admission straight there is a fork turn left then go straight there is a fork turn left then go
straight, then turn right and xray is on the left
3.from the admission room go straight and follow the path at the fork straight past the emergency
room straight ahead there is a straight fork and the room is on the right
4.from admission straight fork turn left straight turn right straight there is a fork to the left the
room is on the right
5.from admission straight T-junction turn left straight crossroad turn right straight then fork
straight then there is a fork turn left straight fork again straight ahead there is a fork turn right
past the nutrient dept straight T-junction there is a fork turn left straight behind the laundry room

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