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Speaker 1: Tú An

a. Introduction:
Good morning, Mr. Paget and everyone
We, as today’s negative team, strongly disagree with the statement that
workplace diversity is difficult for Vietnamese businesses.
b. Rebuttal
Before diving into our case, I have to say that I disagree with….’s idea about
language barrier. 
Firstly, conflict only begins when different ideas collide. Language is just a
tool to convey your ideas to the other party, so language is not a big obstacle that
causes controversy.
Secondly, language barrier is not a new problem and can be prepared.
Employers who would like to adopt diversity are expected to train employees to
work in a diverse environment, while employees are expected to speak an
international language, so they can communicate with each other. This will be
discussed further in our main point.
c. Outline:
 Now back to our team. As the first person, I will classify the first reason which
shows how Vietnam handles cultural differences.
 Next, Ân will continue by proving that there are practices that the Vietnamese
government and companies can carry out to erase discrimination
 Finally, Châu Anh will summarize our main points. 

d. First Argument:
 Now I will come to our first argument which is cultural differences. Through
practices that were and can be implemented, we believe this factor can not make
workplace diversity difficult for Vietnamese businesses.
Supporting Idea 1: LANGUAGE BARRIERS:
 First of all, we would talk about language barriers. The English program was
included in the textbooks early, and most Vietnamese now, especially the
youth, can speak English, which is an international language.
 Proposed by the Ministry of Education, on February 9, 2021, students need
to learn one among 6 languages, including English, Russian, Chinese,
French, Korean and German as a requirement for graduation.
 On the other hand, in production line factories, most workers do not interact
and exchange much with each other because there are always detailed step-
by-step instructions to create a product. This means that lack of
communication can not become an obstacle in production.

Supporting Idea 2: 

Secondly, we admit that cultural shock in general can happen, but it is a subjective
factor that makes applying diversity become hard. 
 According to Navigos Group, 60% of respondents who come from different
continents and professions claimed to have not enrolled in induction courses
exclusively for foreigners.
 What I mean is that this is the challenge that anyone can be prepared to face.
Obviously, there are induction courses for adapting to a new environment.
4.0 Technologies allow people to network from far distances and give access
to information about the culture of another country.
 According to the textbook, companies, particularly managers, can also apply
diversity skills training, which teaches employees skills for working in a
diverse workplace.

Speaker 2: Khánh Ân
a. Rebuttal 1
Good afternoon everyone, my name is Khánh Ân and I come here with our team's
second argument. But first, one minute for my rebuttal.
You said that…
Nếu bên kia bảo vì cần phải multicultural thì mới làm nên được diversity:
First, I am sorry we have to disagree. Second, we would like to remind that
diversity is not just about diverse cultures, it’s also about diversity in sex
orientation, age, genders,... Therefore, increasing the variety of culture is not the
only way for a company to make itself more diverse.
Nếu bên kia bảo multicultural nên gây khó khăn trong làm việc (cultural
shock các kiểu):
I’m afraid I have to disagree with you saying that multicultural makes workplace
diversity difficult for Vietnamese business. First, the setback caused by
multicultural is actually the lack of preparation. As An mentioned, 60% of
employees admitted to have not taken any induction training to get familiar with
the culture they are going to work in. Secondly, according to the textbook, much
money is spent for diversity training every year. This means that there have already
been effective methods for this issue.
b. Second Argument
Now, moving on to our next reasons, which discuss how discrimination ,a
well-known issue of diversity, is no longer a difficult problem in Vietnam.
 Firstly, since long ago, government and social organizations have been
putting effort to protect people from discrimination. Various convention
have been ratified to enhance equality and protect vulnerable employees
 In 1982, Vietnam ratified the Convention on the Elimination of all forms
of Discrimination against Women. Additionally, Vietnam has also
accepted the Discrimination Convention of International Labour
Organization (ILO), and Equal Remuneration Convention. This action,
according to ILO’s 2012 report, effectively resulted in a small gender
wage gap in Vietnam, at about 9.4%, while globally, this gap can increase
up to 36%.
 For the disabled, implementing ILO Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment for Disabled Persons, Vietnam modified or abolished
existing laws, regulations and customs that constitute discrimination
against persons with disabilities

 Secondly there are many organizations that even go “beyond their

obligations”. They themselves, without requirements, plan projects and
events with aims to reduce or remove disparities among diverse
 According to Dao Xuan Lai, Assistant Resident Representative in
Vietnam, many Vietnamese enterprises are already greening their
investments, creating good jobs, reducing workplace disparities, and
challenging stereotypes, particularly for LGBT and disabled people.
 Phu Nhuan Jewelry Joint Stock Company (PNJ), for example, spoke
about their progressive marketing efforts that included same-sex couples
modeling their jewelry.
 President of Vinacacao, promised that: “Vietnam Cacao focuses on
enhancing the social responsibility by keeping pace of 4.0 technology
trend to help the disabled and less competitive labor forces”


Speaker 3: Châu Anh
a. Rebuttal 2
 Good afternoon lady and gentlemen, I am the last speaker of our group. 
 After hearing your reason saying that….[discrimination], I am afriad I have to
My teammate have already show how Vietnam has been working to eliminate
discrimination for years. Thus, I would like to give some more evidence.
 About gender: According to ILO, most of the mid-career females surveyed
stated they had never had a problem in getting a salary increase due to
 About LGBT: For example, KPMG Vietnam and ICS Center, supported by
the Australian, British and US Consulates in Ho Chi Minh City, launched
the Vietnamese Corporate Pride Network, which helps the LGBT
Community to freely express their best abilities and feel valued in their
Also, in your rebuttal, I heard you said that [...]

b. Summary
Finally, it’s my pleasure to wrap up our debate.
As the negative team of today, we strongly disagree that Workplace Diversity is a
challenge for Vietnamese businesses. First, language barriers and cultural shock
are no longer a problem because they can be tackled by managers and employees
themselves. Secondly, Vietnam has been striving for the elimination of
discrimination, from the ratification of conventions to the creating of job
opportunities for the LGBT, the disabled, as well as people from different regions
and genders. We think that every coin has two sides, which are benefits and
challenges; workplace diversity is no exception. However, it is merely a difficulty
that businesses must overcome in order to increase their company's worth, not to
the point where it causes issues for Vietnamese enterprises. On the other hand,
diversity is not a difficult practice to apply in the workplace, since Vietnamese
Business, as we have proven, has almost every factor needed to establish a diverse
working environment.

And that is the end of our group debate. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!

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