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Legal Notice and General Conditions of Use


This Website ("the Website") is the property of Banco

Santander, S.A., an entity registered at the Bank of Spain under registration number 0049, with registered office at
Santander, Paseo de Pereda, 9-12, holding tax no. A-39000013 and registered at the Santander Mercantile Registry,
Sheet 286, Folio 64, Companies Book no. 5, Entry 1.

 Please read the following general conditions carefully. By accessing this address and any of its pages ("the
Website"), you will be considered a User and are understood to have accepted these General Conditions.
Access to some of the pages of this Website may be restricted by the laws and regulations of various applicable

Likewise, Users shall accept these Conditions at the time of registering on the Website, and their acceptance shall be an
essential condition for registration.


- Website:
- User: any natural person who accesses and makes direct or indirect use of the Website, being bound to these
conditions by the act of accessing and use.


The User agrees to use the Website in accordance with the legislation in force, the principles of good faith and generally
accepted usages and to refrain from breaching public order or the present General Conditions with their actions. The User
agrees to make lawful, diligent, honest and correct use of any information or content accessed through the Website.

Any use for unlawful purposes or that is to the detriment of or prevents, may damage and/or overload the usage and
normal functioning of the Website in any way, or which directly or indirectly causes damages to it or to any third party, is

Users agree to provide truthful and accurate information through the forms provided on the Website.

By way of example, but not limited to this example, Users should not:

i. Enter or disclose data that is not truthful, accurate, complete and/or up-to-date, nor enter the Website by using
the name, personal details or password of another User or stealing the identity of any other person or entity.
ii. Use the Website for fraudulent purposes or purposes in relation to criminal offences or illegal activities of any
iii. Introduce or spread computer viruses that may cause unauthorised alterations to the content or systems that
form part of the Website.
iv. Create a profile or use the Website to send, use or recirculate unlawful, offensive, pornographic, abusive,
indecent, defamatory, obscene or threatening material of any kind or that infringes copyrights or registered
trademarks, or breaches confidentiality, privacy or any other right, or otherwise proves detrimental or injurious
to third parties.
v. Send or distribute content in any other way that might violate legislation in force or any right of any party.


Banco Santander has obtained all information and material included on the Website from sources considered reliable.
However, although reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that this information is correct, Banco Santander does
not guarantee that it is accurate, complete or up-to-date and, consequently, it should not be relied on as if it were. Banco
Santander expressly declines any liability for errors or omissions in the Information on the pages of this Website.

Banco Santander reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel or restrict the content of the Website, the links or the
information obtained through same, with no need to give any notice.

Under no circumstances will Banco Santander, its subsidiaries, and/or its directors, employees and authorised staff be
held liable for any kind of damages, losses, claims or costs of any kind, irrespective of whether or not they arise from use
of the Website, from the Information acquired or accessed by or through the Website, from computer viruses, from
operating failures or interruptions in the service or transmission, or line outages; utilisation of the Website, either through
a direct connection or via a link or other means, constitutes a warning to any users that these eventualities may occur.

No illegal or illicit content, computer viruses, or messages which, in general, affect or infringe the rights of Banco
Santander or of third parties may be transmitted or sent via the Website.

Banco Santander assumes no liability for websites other than its own to which access may be gained via links, or for any
content furnished by third parties. Users make use of a link or access to a third-party website at their own discretion and
at their exclusive risk. Banco Santander does not recommend or guarantee any information obtained by or through a link,
nor does it take responsibility for any losses, claims or damages arising from the use or misuse of a link, from the
information obtained through it, including other links or websites, from an interruption in the service or in access, or from
attempts to use or misuse a link, when accessing the Website and also when accessing the information of other websites
from the Website.

This Website sometimes uses cookies, small data files generated on the User's computer, in accordance with its Cookies


Banco Santander reserves the right to modify these Conditions. The updated version of the Terms and Conditions will
always be published on the Website accordingly. Banco Santander recommends that you periodically consult the Terms
and Conditions and any amendments to them.


In addition to the rights of Banco Santander set out in the preceding points, Banco Santander reserves the right, without
incurring any liability to Users or any other person, at any time and without prior notice, to suspend or definitively interrupt
the service and block access to the Website if any User breaches any provision contained in these Terms, or if Banco
Santander is unable to corroborate the content or information provided on the Website, or if Banco Santander considers
that the User's actions may constitute a cause of liability for the User, Banco Santander or other Users.


All rights to the content, design and source code of the Website, including in particular, by way of example, all rights to
the photographs, images, texts, logos, designs, brands, trade names, and other data included on the Website and any
other intellectual or industrial property rights, remain the property of Banco Santander, or of the relevant third parties
expressly authorised by the company to use such content on the Website.
The reproduction, transmission, modification, distribution and public communication of all or part of the content of the
Website available on any medium and by any technical means, is prohibited without prior written authorisation of Banco
Users will refrain from carrying out any activity that violates the intellectual and industrial property rights of Banco
Santander, of any of the companies in its group and of the third parties referred to on this Website. Were any such breach
to occur, the User of the Website will exempt Banco Santander and any of the companies in its group, from all liability for
claims for damages or losses, both judicial and extrajudicial, or administrative penalties imposed as a result of the User's
Any use of such content without prior authorisation by Banco Santander will be treated as a serious violation of intellectual
or industrial property rights and will render the relevant party legally liable. © Banco Santander, S.A. All rights reserved.
Without prejudice to the above, the content on this Website is considered software and is subject to all prevailing Spanish
and EU legislation in this regard.


See Privacy Policy


These general terms and conditions will be governed by Spanish law.

Banco Santander and the User submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the city of Madrid for any matters
that may occur or actions that may be carried out arising from the services and content of the Website, as well as regarding
the interpretation or application of, or the compliance or non-compliance with, the provisions of these general conditions.

© Banco Santander, S.A. All rights reserved.

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