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Chapter 1: Introduction to Management and Organizations

Who Are Managers?

Classifying Managers
What Is Management?
Efficiency and effectiveness
What Managers Do?
Three Approaches to Defining What Managers Do.
 Functions they perform.
 Roles they play.
 Skills they need.
Management Functions
 Planning
 Organizing
 Leading
 Controlling
Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles (Interpersonal roles, Informational roles, and decisional roles)
Skills needed by Managers
 Technical skills
 Human skills
 Conceptual skills
What Is An Organization?
• Common Characteristics of Organizations

Chapter 6: Managers as Decision Makers

The Decision-Making Process
Rational Decision Making
Bounded Rationality
Intuitive decision making
Types of Problems and Decisions
Structured Problems
Programmed Decision
Unstructured Problems
Non-Programmed Decision
Decision-Making Biases and Errors

Chapter 7: Foundations of Planning

What Is Planning?
Why Do Managers Plan?
Planning and Performance
Goals and Plans
Types of plans according to breadth, time frame, specificity, and frequency of use
Setting Goals and Developing Plans
Approaches to Setting Goals
• Traditional Goal Setting
• Management By Objectives (MBO)
Steps in a Typical MBO Program
Characteristics of well-written goals
Steps in Goal Setting

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