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ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED, Member: Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU),
Philippine Association of Maritime Institutions (PAMI)

ENH1 (Management Acccounting1)

1. Copy the question below and type your answer in MSWord file;
2. Save the file as PDF file (so that it cannot be edited once it is submitted);
3. Save it in your Google Drive (create your personal Google Drive if you don’t have one);
4. Link the assignment file in the Online Text of the PhilCST LMS (do not forget to check
the share permission in your Google Drive);
5. Assignments that will not follow the first four (4) instructions will not be accepted
by the LMS / or will not be credited (corrected) by the instructor. Limit your answer
to two hundred (200) words or less;
6. Submit your assignment on or before the deadline (the PhilCST LMS will not accept any
assignment after the deadline); and,
7. Please observe academic honesty (do not submit files that were already submitted by your

1. What is the purpose of management accounting? Describe the kinds of activities
that management accounting deals with.
2. Explain the shareholder wealth maximization goal of the firm and how it can be
measured. Make an argument for why it is a better goal than maximizing profit.

The essay question will be assessed with a maximum score of 30 points. The rubric
below will guide you on how your answer will be rated.
Excellent Very Good Average Unacceptable
(5) (4) (3) (1)
Most of the
The answer The idea is not The idea has
The answer is ideas are
contains ideas well-defined no clear sense
IDEAS clear and focused and
which is basic and have too of purpose or
focused. has some good
and general many topics. central theme.
The writing
The order The sentences lacks a clear
structure of Most of the within the sense of
organization is
information is ideas paragraph direction. There
ORGANIZATION good with little
compelling and presented are makes sense is no
is well organized. but is not in identifiable
organized. order. internal
A number of
A number of
spelling, So many
punctuation, spelling,
Virtually no Few spelling, punctuation,
and punctuation
spelling, punctuations, and
SENTENCE grammatical and
punctuation, or and minor grammatical
STRUCTURE errors are grammatical
grammatical grammatical errors are
present but errors that
error. error. present that
does not really interferes with
already affect
affect the the thought.
the thought.

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