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G = Good afternoon!
S = Good afternoon too !, Hi, I don't think we've met.
G = Hi! We always meet at the bus stop at the same time but we've never spoken before.
S= really?
G= yes , May I introduce myself?
S = yes, of course
G = My name is Ghina fortuna
S = My name is Syifa amalia
G = How do I call you?
S = You can call me syifa. what's a good idea for me to call you?
G = Just call me ghina.
S = What a beautiful name.
G = Thank you. hmmm How was your day?
S = Very busy day. It was the first time I got out of my seat all day! Are you busy too? "
G = yes, I've been focusing on a presentation for my biggest client this weekend. I'm really
looking forward to it.
S = "How did you enjoy today?"
G = "I'm not sure. The weather is crazy! It was raining yesterday and today I came in with my
sweater. I hope it's warm, right?"
S = I know what you mean. Do you know what's wrong with the weather these days? I
haven't seen the sun in 2 weeks. "
G = I really hope the weather will get better. "
S = "Do you have anything to come?"
G = "To be honest, it's really sad to see so much rain."
S = "I don't blame you. It's been pretty gloomy for some time now."
G = "syifa , This is my stop. See you later."
S = "See you at the bus stop. See you."

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