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Unit 1

Grammar 2 Extend Worksheet 3.1.5

1 Fill in each blank below with the appropriate sentence or phrase from the box to tell
about weather, time, or distance, or to add emphasis.

It’s only a few hundred meters to the top. the weather changes so quickly.
I love it when It’s going to rain later.

It’s only 2:45. It really bothers me that

1. Don’t forget your umbrella.

2. It’s weird when

3. you don’t have a sense of humor.

4. everyone on the team cooperates.

5. I hate it when the school day drags on forever!

6. Don’t stop now!

2 Write sentences beginning with it’s to introduce weather, time, and distance.
Sample: It’s warm enough today to wear shorts to school.

1. weather: It’s .

2. time: It’s .

3. distance: It’s .

3 Write about something you like or dislike about weather, time, or distance. Use it or it’s
for emphasis.
Sample: It makes me angry when I miss the bus and have to walk to school. It’s two miles away!

Impact Extend Worksheet 3.1.5 1

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