Lupin - Objective Setting - User Manual

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User Manual – Lupin Limited

Objective Setting
Objective Management enables employees and managers to align individual objectives with company
business objectives. It also helps organizations ensure that all employees are aligned and working on the
things that matter most so that the organizations can bridge the strategy and stay on the path to success.
Objective Management gets everyone working on the right things at the right time. Set your strategic
objectives and align individual objectives with the flexibility to shift and move with business changes.
Objectives are also called as Goals.

Process Flow
 Open a web browser - Google Chrome or Firefox

 Copy the SAP SuccessFactors Production instance URL - in the address bar and open it.

 Enter Company ID: C0001119306P (To be entered only if prompted by system)

 Click on Submit

Click on Submit

 Enter Username & Password and click on Log in. You will be successfully logged in into

 SAP SuccessFactors Home Page will appear as follows:

 Click on Home dropdown → Objectives as shown below.

 Once you click on the Objective, a pop-up will open with the Goal Plan FY 2021-2022.

 Employee can view their Manager and Peers as shown below. Click on tab
Employee Name dropdown.

 Manager can view their direct reports as shown below. Click on tab Manager Name
dropdown. Upon clicking on a particular direct report’s name in the dropdown, FY 2021-2022
goal plan for that direct report will be opened.

Overview of Objective Setting window - Consists of the following:
 Employee Name – Displays Employee’s Name and Manager, Peers & Direct Reports name
list in dropdown.

 Goal Plan Name – Displays the assigned Goal Plan name list.

 Add Objective – Users can click on Add Objective Button to create a new objective and add
them to the goal plan.

 Actions – Dropdown menu with Cascade option, Delete option, Print to HTML Or PDF

 Display Options – List of fields that need to be visible in the Objective section.

 Introduction – This section displays the text-based content to provide information and
purpose of the review to users.

 Displaying Objectives – Displays the count of added objectives in the goal plan. Minimum 5
Objectives need to be added in the Objective Plan.

 Total Weightage – Displays the sum total of weightages of each objective added in the goal
plan. Total Objective weightage should always be equal to 100%. Neither more than 100%
nor less than 100%.

 Objective Section – Displays the added objectives and its fields.

Creating a New Objective:

 To create a new Objective, employee needs to click on “Add Objective” button.

 Then, click on “Create a New Objective”.

 Once employee clicks “Create a New Objective”, a pop-up window will open, as shown

 Required fields are marked with *. While adding a new Objective, employee needs to make
sure that the required fields are not left blank.
 Visibility – Employee objectives are Private (only visible to Employee and their Functional
 Employee can fill the other goal details regarding objectives such as Goal, Goal Description,
Metric, Metric Descriptions, Weightage, Start date & Due date, Milestones. Click on “Save
 Once saved, Objective will display as shown below. Manager can also create new objectives
for his/her direct reports.

S.M.A.R.T. Objective Wizard:
 Employees can also create new SMART Objectives using SMART Objective Wizard. The
objective wizard walks through the steps to make sure that the objective being created is
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound.

 To add a SMART Objective using Objective Wizard, Click on “Add Objective → Objective

 Once the employee clicks - Objective Wizard, a new window will open as shown below
which will guide him/her step by step through the SMART objective wizard. Enter
SMART objective details and Save.

 S- Specific: Add Objective name and click next.

 M


dd Objective measurement criteria and click next.

 A- Attainable: Choose - Yes and click next.

 R- Relevant: Choose - Yes and click next.

 T- Time-Bound: Enter Objective timeline and click next.

 Please confirm your SMART Objective and click – Save and Close.

Cascade Goals:
 Cascading allows a Manager to align down his/her goals to direct reports.
 To Cascade a goal: Manager should go to his/her Goal Plan. Then, Manager needs to select
the Objective which needs to be cascaded and Click “Actions”

 Click – “Cascade”.

 A new window will open as shown below. Click the respective checkbox to select the
recipients to whom the objective has to be cascaded/ pushed down. And Click “Next.

 Manager can edit the objective details (Optional) before cascading it to his/her direct reports
and subsequently click – “Cascade”.

 Once the Objective is cascaded down to direct report successfully, a notification pop-up will
appear on Manager’s screen as shown below.

 As the Manager, a goal that has been pushed to employee will display as “Objective aligned
down to [Employee’s Name]”, as shown below.

 As the employee, a goal that has been pushed from Manager will display as “Objective
aligned up from [Manager’s Name]”.

 Action Menu Options: (Available for each objective in the
Actions column)
 The objectives in the goal plan can be edited from “Edit” link at the end of the objective title,
or from the icon in the “Action” column as shown below.

 Edit Objective: Employee can edit any of the fields in the objective. Manager can edit any of
the fields in the objective of his/her direct report.
 View objective detail: Employee can view objective details in a non-editable list,
including an audit trail of the history of changes that have occurred for the objective.
Manager can also view objective details in a non-editable list, including an audit trail of
the history of changes that have occurred for the objective of his/her direct report.
 Delete Objective: Employee can remove the objective from his/her goal plan.
User can also have the access to delete objectives through “Actions” that’s right above in the
Objective Section. Select the Objective in the checkbox and click “Actions” and then, click
“Delete” from the action dropdown.
Manager also has the access to delete objectives for his/her direct reports through “Actions”

Once clicked delete option, above shown confirmation pop-up window will open. Click “OK” to
proceed further.

 Move Objective Up/Down & Indent/Outdent Objective: Manager can move objective up
and down and indent/outdent objectives for his/her direct reports.

 Objectives Alignment Spotlight: Redirects to Report > Analytics for a spotlight report
showing the total number of employees aligned to the original objective, status of the aligned
objective, and completion of the aligned objective.

Print to HTML or PDF:

 Select the Objective in the checkbox and click “Actions”
 Click “Print to HTML or PDF” from the action dropdown.

 Once clicked, a window will open as shown below. Select the option “PDF” and click

 Another window will open the Goal Plan in PDF format. User can print out or can also
download the PDF and save it.

Display Options:
Using Display options a user may customize the display of the Objective fields within the goal
plan. To customize the display, click the “Display Options” icon and check the boxes next to the
fields you would like to see in the goal plan. After clicking “Update”, those fields will be visible
on the plan.

Total Objective Weightage:
The total of individual weightages of each goal in the goal plan must add up to 100%. In case,
the sum is below or above 100% weightage; a warning message as shown below will be

Individual Objective Weightage:

The individual weightage of each goal in the goal plan must be between 5% and 50%. In case,
it is below 5% or above 50% weightage; a warning message as shown below will be

 Objective Weightage <5% (Warning Message)

 Objective Weightage >50% (Warning Message)

Note: Please reach out to your HR for any changes in your Employee Profile and for any
queries regarding Objective Setting.



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