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Taste 2-1: SAMURAI HERITAGE ROLL RESULT MODIFIERS OTHER EFFECTS at Rela toned die again and acd the resulting farily ir Famous Deed: One of your ancestors won heiloom to your staring tems (1-3: a weapon, 4-6 a sot + | s.feat victory fortheir clan oreven the | Increase your | of armor, 7-8 another item, 9a horse or other anima, Emperor, and was rewarded with an tem of | glory by 3. | 10:a boat orestate. You choose one quality ac! the GM de incredible quality. chooses one quality from thelist of fem qualities, on page 240; these are applied tothe tem Roll a ten-sided ce again to determine your lost fmn- ily heiloom (1-3: a weapon, 4-6 a set of armor, 7-8 3 Glorious Sactifice: One of your ancestors | Increase your | another item, 9: a horse or ether animal, 10:a boat 2._| penshed nobly inbattle, and one of their | honorby | or estate, which exists somewhere in the world. You Egnature tems vanished with them orwas | Sand your | choose ane quality and the GM chooses one quality; lostin the subsequent year. aloryby5. | these are applied tothe tem. You do not know where the heirloom is, but you could later reclaim it during the campaign Wondrous Work: One of your ancestors * crated s piece of great beauty tat won| Increase your Fenown for your family, and others expect | glory by 5. yout lve up to that legacy. Roll a tensided die again to determine an Artisan skill (0-3: Aesthetics, 4-6: Compostion, 7-8 Design, 9-10: Smithing}: gain 1 rankin that sl Dynasty Builder: One of your ancestors ‘was instrumental inthe ree of a powerful isieiabrs Decrease | Rolla tersided ci again to determine a Socal sil 4 | 1og using cunning sratagems and siren | yourgloy | {t-3; Command, 46 Courtesy, 7-8 Gomes, 9-10 heard this story many times and know the | PY So ee a Importance of power sy wildea Discovery: One of your ancestors made an inedible discovery verted something en ola tensed die again to determine a Scholar kl 5 | ofgreat importance or uncovered an | erease your | (1-3 Culture 4-5: Sentiment 6-7: Government, 67 con eee eve Medicine, 10: Theology) goin +1 rankin that tl. ofthe subject other caeovry Ruthless Vitor One af your ancestows aimed bioody wetor over a Fval, Sherer each ene crease | Rolla Sri ie agin to determines Mari ll : 4 | Stuihingter forces wthacunning | Decrease | (195 Fancan 5 Maral Ars Mele] 6-7 Mertol 2 tC Arts [Ranged], 8: Martial Arts [Unarmed], 9: Tactics, 10: onquishing therm in bate. From tisrel. | by 5 ee Uaperellsaleerit fs aay ative oF ther story, you leaned well the : Importance of bate face Elevated for Service: One of your ances toswosajzamurioreven acommoner_ | Decease whe seve with suc catnevon that tre | yourgioy | Rolla tensed die again to determine a Tade skill 7 | postionwasclevotedto thatofaGrest | by Sand) | (1-3: Commere, 4-5: Labor, 67. Searing, 8: Skl- Elon samraiby mariage ormandate ofa | increase your | digger #10: Survival gain +1 rankin tsi daimyo As cia youteamed the basics | honorby's ofthe sil for which they won thor esteem ‘ou know one additonal technique Rolla tensed : {he agan to determin the category 1-5 kta 4-6 Stolen Knowledge: One of your ancestors | Decrease | shi 7: tual, 8: invocation, 9: kno, 10: maho or 8 | Komeda secret of arate shoal and, | yourhonor | rin) and then select one tecaique with 0 preveq ee ae bys. Gite of Scho! rane and learn thet achn gue You 9 can perform that technique even ifits not normally Sfowes by your shoo ; ‘You gain the Blessed Lngoge advantage ee poge 9 _| Imperial Heritage: You can trace yourlin- | Increase your | 193) this can be assigned in excess of the normal im SRE Sa I status by 10:1 nations on advantages at character creation) Unusual Name Origin: Your character wae not named for an ancestor_—perhaps 2 es cones Ae alae ‘Choose two of your character’ rings: you may reduce peywerearedterancutsderwho | Decrease | trea chars of nse toy tocol to | Sdagraterneetoitedin peace | VrGony | Weft storby | the fant tes ng sore o5 Bier ae ee ceo eemein ca 2 unique deed, or perhaps someone was siya canes oe son croree oie ie tying to send a specie message inthe ae ‘ stlection oftheir name,

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