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Monthly Test - January 2022

Subject : English Paper / 95

Class : 4…....... Handwriting / 05
Total /100
Duration : 2 periods
Candidate's name : ................................................................... Date : .........……….................…


1. (i) Complete the description of the Eiffel Tower using the given words in the brackets.

(lifts, Paris, metal, anniversary, engineers)

This --------------------------------- tower with three floors stands in the city centre of
---------------------------------. It was built for the 1889 World Fair (Universal Expo) to
celebrate the 100th --------------------------------- of the French Revolution. The 324 metres
(1062ft) high Eiffel Tower was constructed by Auguste Eiffel and a team of
---------------------------------. If you would like to take the steps up to the tower viewing
platform on the second floor, there are 704 steps to climb, but luckily there are also
--------------------------------- in each of the leg up to the second floor. The tower has been
visited by over 250 million people since its opening and in 2016 more than 7 million
visitors were welcomed on the tower's top platform!
(10 marks)
(ii) Read the sentences and find words in the description to match with the opposites of
the underlined words.
(a) There are below 800 steps to climb. ----------------------------

(b) Unfortunately, the trip to Eiffel Tower is short in duration. ----------------------------

(5 marks)
[Total = 15 marks]

Grade 4 English - Monthly Test January 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
2. Read the passage and answer. Your answers must be based on the passage.

Egyptian Pyramids

The Great Pyramid of Giza near Cairo is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and
the only one of these ancient world wonders which still exists. The pyramids are made of stone
and bricks and stand near Cairo which is the capital of Egypt.

The Egyptian pyramids were built during a time when there was only manual labour and no
machine lifting equipment available. The pyramids were built to house the bodies of the
pharaohs who ruled in ancient Egypt. Next to the Giza pyramids there is the Sphinx, the
famous monument of a lion’s body with a pharaoh’s head. The Giza pyramids are around 4,500
years old and are considered among the largest structures ever built.

Table Mountain

Table Mountain is a flat-topped mountain forming a prominent landmark overlooking the city
of Cape Town in South Africa. Cape Town is the oldest and second largest city in South Africa.
The Table Mountain is a significant tourist attraction and is one of the most iconic and most
photographed mountains in South Africa. Many visitors use the cableway or hiking to the top
of the mountain. Table Mountain National Park is the most visited national park in South Africa,
attracting 4.2 million people every year for various activities. The mountain has about 8,200
plant species, of which around 80% are fynbos, meaning fine bush. It is home to a large array
of mostly endemic fauna and flora.

Grade 4 English - Monthly Test January 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
(i) Answer in complete sentences in your own words as far as possible.

(a) In which country do you find The Great Pyramid of Giza?

(2 marks)

(b) Why do you think people want to visit The Great Pyramid of Giza? Write two



(4 marks)

(c) What is the purpose of building these pyramids?


(3 marks)

(d) Write two materials that have been used to construct pyramids.

(2 marks)

(e) Do you think The Table Mountain is famous among people? Yes No
Write the sentence in the passage to support your answer.


(3 marks)

(f) How do people reach the top of the mountain?


(2 marks)

(g) The Table Mountain is an important landmark. Do you agree? Explain in two



(4 marks)

Grade 4 English - Monthly Test January 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
(ii) Complete the following sentences with the correct question tags.

Example: The Table Mountain is an amazing landmark, isn’t it?

(a) You haven’t visited South Africa, ----------------------------------------

(b) Peter is interested in famous landmarks, ----------------------------------------
(c) They didn’t climb the mountain, ----------------------------------------
(d) The children were amazed by the beauty of the pyramids, ---------------------------------
(e) You look very happy today, ----------------------------------------
(10 marks)
(iii) Form sentences in the present perfect.
Example: I have climbed (climb) the highest mountain in the world.

(a) They -------------------------------- -------------------------------- (decide) to go on a


(b) -------------------------------- Mary -------------------------------- (speak) to Dickon about

her plan?

(c) Tammy -------------------------------- -------------------------------- (pack) her bag to go

on the tour.

(d) -------------------------------- they -------------------------------- (buy) the tickets to visit

South Africa?

(e) Tony -------------------------------- -------------------------------- (not /see) any of the

famous landmarks in Sri Lanka.

(10 marks)
[Total = 40 marks]


3. Answer in complete sentences.

(i) Prose – The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

(a) Do you think Dickon is a helpful and an interesting character? Why? Write three
(6 marks)

Grade 4 English - Monthly Test January 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
(b) Do you think Mary loved the Secret Garden even though it was untidy and
overgrown? Write two sentences to justify your answer.

(5 marks)
(ii) Poetry - The Quarrel
(a) What made the early bird eat the worm, the fly and the bug? Explain in two sentences.

(4 marks)
[Total = 15 marks]


4. Write an essay on one of the topics. The composition should be written in three
paragraphs. ( about 100 - 120 words )
(i) Describe your dream country and its special features. Explain how interesting and
enjoyable to live in a country like that.
(ii) Write about an interesting outdoor activity you have done with your family members or
Tick the topic you chose : Topic (i) Topic (ii)










Grade 4 English - Monthly Test January 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments






















For the teacher’s use only.

Language Topics (i) & (ii) Content Topic (i) Content Topic (ii)
Grammar /4 Organisation of ideas /2 Organisation of ideas /2
Ability to relate past
Vocabulary /4 Ability to describe /5
experiences /5
Spelling /2 Ability to explain /justify /5
Ability to describe /5
Punctuation /3
Total /13 Total /12 Total /12
Total /25

Ref: CJ

Grade 4 English - Monthly Test January 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

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