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Scenario 2: Gruminard, Crime Lord of Corvis (Early Game

Scenario 2)
Powerful, implacable, and merciless as a rusty sword, Gruminard has held court in Corvis since
the Cygnus first burned. Naturally, he was the one who absconded with the bulk of the Mages
treasures, striking swiftly and without hesitation into the burning mass of arcane fire. He
sacrificed a dozen minions in minutes to build bridges through the flames to his ultimate goal.

Nearly a week after the initial blaze, the fires of the tower still smoldering purple and green
amongst the wreckage, rumors swirl through the restless streets of Corvis. Gruminard has
plans, they say. Huge plans, exorbitant plans. He aims to bring Corvis back to its former glory.
He plans to destroy the world. He plans to conquer the world. He is an infernalist. He is an

Truth and fiction, so difficult to separate at the best of times, fight in a maddening chaos. One
fact stands out amongst all of the hubbub - Gruminard holds the key to his plans in a hidden
dugout constructed in the ruins of a guard watch tower.

So, as with all things powerful or dangerous, attention comes and plans are drawn, and
Warbands descend on the hidden dugout. Some come to purge and cleanse, others to steal and
accumulate power of their own.

Scenario Size: 50 Roster Points

Win Condition:
A model holding the contraband must end its activation in its controlling players deployment

The winning player receives 50 Gold Pieces, 10 roster points, and a draw from the Medium Loot
The losing player receives 20 roster points and 20 gold pieces.
Players roll for each Treasure token held at the end of the Scenario. On a roll of 1 - 4, draw from
the Minor Loot Deck. On a roll of 5 or 6, draw from the Medium Loot Deck.
Players receive 5 gold pieces for each Gruminard Thug that they kill.
Both players may hire a second leader model at the conclusion of this scenario, and follow the
same process for developing their abilities and gear as the beginning of the game.

Scenario Set Up:

Place a 50 mm Contraband Objective Token on the centerpoint of the board. Around that
Objective token, set up a circular series of obstacles and obstructions within 6 inches of the
Contraband. It should not be possible to draw Line of Sight to the Contraband from the
deployment zones. A model may interact with the Contraband as a normal objective token. A
model holding the Contraband cannot make attacks, cannot run, and cannot cast spells. A
model holding the Contraband suffers -1 speed. When a model suffers two damage in a single
turn, it drops the Contraband and places it base to base with the holding model as close to the
attacker as possible.

Within the ring of obstacles and obstructions, deploy 6 30mm Thug models 2 inches away from
the Contraband.

After each player has a chance to activate a model, a Thug activates, effectively inserting a third
player into the tempo sequence. The Thugs will never leave the central area and will prioritize
aiming and taking shots at models they can see. Thugs are killed when they reach 0 wounds
and do not make a successful Tough check, as in baseline Warmachine.

Thugs will prioritize the following:

1) If there is an enemy model in the central area, the Thug will move and make melee
attacks against it.
2) If there are no enemy models in the central area, the Thug will aim and make a ranged
attack targeting an enemy model in range and in Line of Sight.
3) If there are no enemy models in range and in Line of Sight, the Thug will move to base
to base with an obstacle or obstruction where it has Line of Sight and range to an enemy
model and make a ranged attack targeting the nearest model in Line of Sight without
cover or concealment. If there are no enemy models without cover or concealment, it will
make a ranged attack targeting the nearest enemy model with cover or concealment.

Place 6 treasure tokens as shown in the diagram below.

Orange = Treasure
Blue = Contraband
Wartable link:

Example set up:

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