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sSOP Post Production

Approval (sign) Document # SOP Title: Post-Production


Print name: Revision Date: Replaces: None

Scope This sSOP gives step-by-step instructions on how to clean

equipment and facilities at the end of a production shift, to be ready
for production at the next shift. If shifts are back to back, this
cleaning procedure can be used to clean in between shifts to
ensure that the processing room is sanitary for the next shift.

Purpose This SOP is written in conformance with GMP.

Requirements Cleaning supplies, potable water, sanitizer.

Responsibilities FSP or designee is responsible for ensuring this SOP is in use.

Plant workers are responsible for carrying out cleaning duties in
conformance with SOP.

Storage The documentation generated by and for this SOP will be stored ON
SITE for a minimum of 6 months. Following the primary 6 month
storage, the files are to be available either ON SITE or within a 48
hour window from an OFFSITE storage facility for a minimum of
three years.

Verification and Management will watch trained employees implement the SOP en
Validation mode in the order the steps are listed. We will know that this step
improves Safety by a review of applicable logs.

Corrective Management will assess the procedures and implement a CAR as

Action Program needed for failure to comply.

Documents Post-Production Checklist


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sSOP Post Production

General Instructions:

● All food contact equipment will be disassembled, cleaned, and sanitized at

the end of the production shift.
● Food contact equipment and non-food contact surfaces will be organoleptically
inspected at the end of each shift by the Manager or designee.
● The Manager will inspect equipment, other food-contact surfaces, and facilities
after cleaning and sanitization to monitor the effectiveness of cleaning and
● Any necessary corrective actions should be performed and documented in the
Corrective Action Log. The corrective actions taken must prevent direct product
contamination or adulteration. The results will be recorded on a Post
Production Checklist. If the results are found to be acceptable, the appropriate
line will be initialed. If corrective actions are needed, such actions will be
● If new inspection procedures are adopted, this sSOP will be modified
accordingly, signed, and dated.

Procedures for cleaning and sanitizing equipment:

● As equipment is disassembled it should be observed for missing or worn parts

that might cause debris accumulation and pose a food safety hazard.
● Replace or repair parts and equipment as necessary and document what was
done on the CAR.
● An approved cleaner will be applied to pieces/utensils/parts. Cleaner will be used
in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
● Take each piece of equipment and disassemble into component pieces
o Apply an approved cleaner to pieces/utensils/parts.
o Cleaner will be used in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
o Rinse all pieces/utensils/parts with water.
o Sanitize pieces/utensils/parts with approved sanitizer or 180F water.
o Sanitizer will be used in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.


● Store cleaning equipment in a clean and sanitary manner

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sSOP Post Production

Facilities will be cleaned at the end of each shift as needed to maintain a clean
production environment. Facilities means floors, ceilings, walls and other surfaces
that are not in contact with food but need to be clean to maintain a wholesome and
safe product.
Cleaning Frequency:

● Clean processing area floors and walls at the end of each shift.
● Clean ceilings at least once a week, and more often if needed.
● If necessary, clean the cooler/freezer floors, walls, and ceilings. Shield or remove
product before cleaning to prevent it from being splashed.
● Follow the Cleaning Procedures described above.
● If cooler shelves and racks are in need of cleaning, remove product and clean
using the Cleaning Procedures described below.

Floors, walls, and ceilings cleaning procedures:

● Sweep up and discard debris. Special attention should be paid to where the
flooring meets the walls. Inspect the ceiling for debris and remove as necessary.
● Facilities are scrubbed with approved cleaner and appropriate brush.
● Rinse cleaned surfaces with water.

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sSOP Post Production

Signatory Approval:
Print Name

Sign Name



Implementation/Revision History:
Date Action


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