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T 1 Chemical Reactions And Chapter - Equations he process in which new substances with new properties are formed fram one or more substances is called Chemical Reaction. The substances which take part in chemical reaction are called Reactants. The substances which are formed in a chemical reaction are called Products. Examples : (i) Digestion of food (ii) Respiration (iii) Rusting of iron (iv) Burning of Magnesium ribbon (v) Formation of curd Chemical reaction involves : Change in state Change in colour Change in temperature Evolution of gas Scanned with CamScanner ‘Ways of Representing a Chemical Reaction + Word Equation Zine + Sulphuric Acid -* Zine sulphate + Hydrogen oo LHS RHS (Reactant) (Product) Chemical Equation dn+H,S0, + ZnSO,+H, Hs Less LHS RHS (Reactant) (Product) Chemical Equation Acchemical reaction can be represented by chemical equation. It involves uses of symbol of clements or chemical formula of reactant and product with mention of physical state. ‘The necessary conditions such as temperature, pressure or any catalyst should be written on arrow between reactant and products. eg. Magnesium is burnt in air to form magnesium oxide, Mg + 0, + MgO Balancing Chemical Equation Law of conservation of Mass. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed ina chemical reaction. So number of elements involved in chemical reaction should remain same at reactant and product side. STEPWISE BALANCING (Hit and Trial) Step 1. Write a chemical equation and draw boxes around each formula. Fe+H,0 + Fe,0,+H, . Do not change anything inside the box. Step 2. Count the number of atoms of each element on both the sides of chernical equation. Scanned with CamScanner Element No. ofatoms at No. of atoms at reactant side product side Ls Fe 1 3 2 4H 2 2 3 0 1 4 Step 3. Equalise the number of atoms of element which has maximum number by putting in front of it. Fe +4H,0+ Fe,0,+H, Step 4. Try to equalize all the atoms of elements on reactant and product side by adding coefficient in front of it. 3Fe+4H,0— Fe,0,+4H, * Now all the atoms of elements are equal on both sides. Step S. Write the physical states of reactants and products. 3Fe(s) + 4H,0 (g) + Fe,0, (s) + 4H, (g) Solid state = (s) Liquid state = () Gaseous state = (g} Aqueous state = (aq) Step 6, Write necessary conditions of temperature, pressure or catalyst on arrow above or below. TYPES OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS 1 COMBINATION REACTION : The reaction in which two or more reactant combine to form a single product. eg. (i) Burning ofcoal C(s] + 0, (8) + CO, (8) (ii) Formation of water 2H, (8) + 0, (8) > 2H,0(D (iii) Ca0 (s) + H,0 (1) + Ca(OH), (aq) Quick lime Slaked lime Exothermic Reactions : Reaction in which heat is released along with formation of products. <= Scanned with CamScanner eg, (i) Burning of natural gas CH, (g) + 0, (g) 7 CO, (g) + 24,0 (g) + Heat (ii) Respiration is also an exothermic reaction. C,H, ,0, (aq) + 60, (g) + 6CO, (aq) + 6H,0 () + energy IL. DECOMPOSITION REACTION : The reaction in which a compound splits into two or more simple substances is called decomposition reaction. A>B+C + Thermal decomposition : When decomposition is carried out by heating. eg. (i) 2FeSO, (s) —Heat_, Fe,0, (s) + SO, (g) + SO, (8) (Ferrous sulphate) (Ferric oxide) Green colour Red-brown colour (ii) Caco, (s) —Heat_, CaQ (s) + CO, (g) (Lime stone) (Quick lime} * Electrolytic Decomposition : When decomposition is carried out by passing electricity. Elecirtc eg, 2H,0 “#&" , on +0, ‘current Plastic mug Oxygen Hydrogen Test tube Weer Graphite rod Water Rubber Stopper Anod Cathode Switch * Photolytic Decomposition : When decomposition is carried out in presence of sunlight. Scanned with CamScanner gx 2AgCl (s) Slits oAg (5) + Cl, (B) 2AgBr (s) —Suvlight_, 249 (s) + Br, (8) * Above reaction is used in black & white photography. * Endothermic Reactions : The reactions which require energy in the form of heat, light or electricity to break reactants are called endothermic reactions, IIL DISPLACEMENT REACTION : The chemical reaction in which more reactive element displaces less reactive element from its salt solution. Fe (s) + CuSO, (aq) + FeSO, (aq) + Cu (s) Stand Test tube Thread Copper sulphate solution Iron nail The iron nail becomes brownish in colour by deposition of Cu and blue colour of CuSO, changes dirty green colour due to formation of FeSO,. 2n+ CuSO, + ZnSO, + Cu Zn is more reactive than copper. IV. DOUBLE DISPLACEMENT REACTION : A reaction in which new compounds are formed by mutual exchange of ions between two compounds. Na,SO, (aq) + BaCl,(aq) + BaSO,(s) + 2NaCI (aq) (Sodium (Barium = (Barium (Sodium sulphate) chloride) sulphate) chloride) Scanned with CamScanner y 2] White precipitate of BaSO, is formed, so it is also called precipitation reaction. . OXIDATION AND REDUCTION : Oxidation: (i) The addition of oxygen to substance. (ii) The removal of hydrogen from a substance. C+0,+C0, 2cu+ 0, “+ 2cuo uo + H, “2 cu+it,0 Reduction : (i) The addition of hydrogen to substance. (ii) The removal of oxygen from a substance. oxidation Heat Cu0 +H, —> Cu+H,0 Reduction. In this reaction CuO is reduced to Cu and H, is oxidized to H,O. So, oxidation and reduction taking place together is redox reaction. Effects of Oxidation in Daily Life Corrosion « When a metal is exposed to substances such as moisture, acid ete. for some time, a layer of hydrated oxide is formed which weakens the metal and hence metal is said to be corrode » Rusting of iran, black coating on silver and green coating on copper are examples of corrosion. + Corrosion can be prevented by galvanization, electroplating or painting. Rancidity : The oxidation of fats and oils when exposed to air is known as rancidity. It leads to bad smell and bad taste of food. Methods to Prevent Rancidity (i) By adding antioxidants (ii) Keeping food in air tight containers (iii) Replacing air by nitrogen (iv) Refrigeration Scanned with CamScanner EPage 6 Question 1: Why should a magnesium ribbon be cleaned before buming in air? Answer 1: Magnesium is very reactive metal like (Na, Ca, etc.). When it expose to air il reacts with oxygen to form a layer magnesium oxide (MgO) on its surface. Mg + 0; ——+ 2MgO Magnesium Oxigen Magnesium Oxide This layer of magnesium oxide is quite stable and prevents further reaction of magnesium with oxygen. The magnesium ribbon is cleaned by sand paper to remove this layer so that the underlying metal can be used for the reaction. ‘Question 2: Write the balanced equation for the following chemical reactions. (i) Hydrogen + Chlorine — Hydrogen chloride (ii) Barium chloride + Aluminium sulphate —* Barium sulphate + Aluminium chloride (iii) Sodium + Water —+ Sodium hydroxide + Hydrogen @Answer 2: (. Hz + Cl, —— 2HCl lydorgen Chiorine Nydrogen Chloride (i), 3Bacl, + Al,(SO),; — 38050, + 2AlCl, Barium Chloride — Aluminium Sulphate Barium Sulphate Aluminium Chloride (iH. 2Na +2H,0——+ 2NaOH + Hy, Sodium — Water Sodium Hydroxide wydorgen Scanned with CamScanner ‘Question 3: Write a balanced chemical equation with state symbols for the following reactions, (i) Solutions of barium chloride and sodium sulphate in water react to give insoluble barium sulphate and the solution of sodium chloride. (ii) Sodium hydroxide solution (in water) reacts with hydrochloric acid solution (in water) to produce sodium chloride solution and water. Answer 3: (D. Bally ag) + Na,SOycqq) —* BASOy.) + 2NACK aa) Barium Chloride Sodium Sulphate Barium Sulphate Sodium Chloride ().— NaOHaqy + HCNagy => Na€liaqy + H20qy Sodium Hydroxide —Hydrochioric Acid Sodium Chloride Water Scanned with CamScanner Page 10 ‘Question 1: A solution of a substance “X* is used for white washing. (i) Name the substance *X" and write ils formula, (ii) Write the reaction of the substance “X* named in (1) above with water, Answer 1: (i). The substance *X’ is calcium oxide. Its chemical formula is CaO. (ii). Calcium oxide reacts vigorously with water to form calcium hydroxide (slaked lime) Cao + H,O ——> Ca(OH), Catehon Oxide Water Calcium Hyareaide Quick Lime Sladed Lime Question 2: Why is the amount of gas collected in one of the test tubes in Activity 1.7 double of the amount collected in the other? Name this gas. Answer 2: During the Electrolysis of water, hydrogen and oxygen is get separated by the electricity, Water (HO) contains two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Since ‘hydrogen goes to one test tube and oxygen goes to another, the amount of gas collected in one of the test tubes is double of the amount collected in the other. Scanned with CamScanner ‘Question 3: Identify the substances that are oxidised and the substances that are reduced in the following reactions. (i) 4Nay + Oxg) > 2Na:0 44) (ii) CuO.) + Hae) + Cty + HO, Answer 3: (i). Sodium (Na) is oxidised as it gains oxygen and oxygen gets reduced. Gi). Copper oxide (CuO) is reduced to copper (Cu) while hydrogen (H2) gets oxidised to water (HzO). Scanned with CamScanner

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