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Republic of the Philippines


ROTC – Hunters Road, Barangay San Juan, Cainta, Rizal

Civic Welfare Training Service
ROTC-Hunters Road, Barangay San Juan, Cainta, Rizal

Attendance Sheet
College: Date: 10 / 31 / 2021
Course /Year: BSE / 1st Year Section: 2M


What are the lessons How to apply lessons

learning from the topic learned from the topic
The topic that we tackled is about the Bill We can apply this lesson in our daily life
of rights. It’s about the Article III of the by telling and educating everyone that we
Philippine Constitution that is the Bill of all have the rights and as the citizen of a
Rights. It establishes the relationship of one nation we are all have the rights to do
the individual to the State and defines the or to live in any ways we want, as long as
rights of the individual by limiting the we are following the policy or we didn’t do
lawful powers of the State. It is one of the things that really has bad effects to
most important political achievements of country or in its people we can live
the Filipinos. The concept of a Bill of peacefully in anyways.
Rights, as such, is essentially an
occidental prod-uct.
While Mr. Deveyra proceeding to explain
what is this topic all about he called
someone in our class to explain some of
this lesson and I feel so nervous because
I am one of the students that he called to

Preparedby: Flores, Cedric Andrei P. Date: 11 / 31 / 2021
Checked by:
Course /Year: BSE / 2M Section: 2M

Approved by:

Proof of Evidence
Preparedby: Flores, Cedric Andrei P. Checked by:

Approved by:

Name: Flores, Cedric Andrei P. Date: 10 / 31 / 2021

Section: 2M

What, to you, is the most important right for a citizen to have in a

free country?
For me the most important right for a citizen to have in a free country is freedom of
speech why? Because It is more expansive to be able to speak freely without fear of
brutal retaliation. It encompasses ideas and forms of expression that not everyone will
agree with or like, but no one should ever feel threatened by their government
because of their beliefs. It protects people who want to debate or argue with certain
ideas expressed in their society in both directions. And also the right to give people
access to education. Because education is important for a variety of reasons, and it is
especially important in societies where poverty is common. To break the cycle of
poverty, organizations and governments concerned with human rights provide access
to schooling, supplies, and other resources. When education is viewed as a right, it
means that everyone, not just the wealthy, has access. And if everyone has a quality
education we can all have knowledge and be educated to do and face all problems in
our country to have a better place and peaceful world.

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