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1. Working of D/A converters and its types.

The process of conversion of Digital signals ﴾0 and 1﴿ into a continuously varying Analog signal is called as an Digital to
Analog conversion. The device used to perform this operation is Digital to Analog converter ﴾DAC﴿.
Ex: Converts output of digital system to analog voltage for Pen drives, DC servomotors etc.
A DAC accepts n bit input word b1, b2, b3,…… in binary and produces an analog signal proportional to it, where b1 to
bn are in digital form. b1 is MSB and bn is MSB. Each digit in the network is either 0 or 1.
DAC mainly contains a summing amplifier and Resistor network. A resistor network contains a group of resistors
which forms a Resistive ladder network. Summing amplifier is made up of Op‐amp which accepts output from resistive
ladder and amplifies to corresponding output voltage.
Types of DAC
1. Binary weighted resistor DAC.
2. R‐2R ladder DAC.
R‐2R Ladder
This is the simple of all type of DAC’s. It needs only two resistor values R ad 2R arranged in a ladder. The input given into
the 2R resistors and output is got at the other end of the ladder.

2. Working of A/D converters and its types.

An Analog to Digital converter is used to convert a continuously varying Analog signal into a discrete value signals called
as Digital signals ﴾0 and 1﴿. The device used for this operation is called as ADC.

The ADC’s allow analog world to communicate with the computer system because computer processor works on digital
data. Similarly computers communicate with other world by using DAC.

Types of ADC
1. Successive approximation type ADC.
2. Stair case ramp or counter type ADC.
3. Dual scope ADC.
4. Single scope ADC.
5. Flash converter voltage to frequency ADC.
ADC has advantages of
1. Accuracy.
2. High speed.
3. High Resolution.
4. Less Conversion time.
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3. Applications of ADC.
a﴿ Successive Approximation type ADCs
1.DAQ systems,
2. To convert from low‐end multiplexed ADC systems to higher speed single ADC per channel systems
3. Industrial control and measurement systems.
b﴿ Delta‐sigma ADCs
1. data acquisition, especially in noise and vibration
2. Industrial balancing, linear and circular vibration
3. Power quality monitoring,
4. Audio and voice band communications.
c﴿ Flash ADCs
1. Fastest digital oscilloscopes
2. Microwave measurements
3. Fiber optics
4. RADAR detection.

4 Applications of DAC.
1. In music players for D/A conversion.
2. To communicate with Computer systems.
3. Used for controlling discrete signal continuously.
4. Converts Digital pulses into Analog continuously varying signals.

5 Define the following.

i﴿ PLD:
It stands for Programmable Logic Device. It is an electronic device used to build digital logics by Programming according
to the designing. It is the main function during manufacturing process.
The three types of PLD’s are PROM, PAL and PLA.
ii﴿ CPLD:
It stands for Complex Programmable Logic Device. It is used to load the configuring data of a FPGA from non‐volatile
memory. It has several advantages like cost sensitive, battery operated devices because of its low size and usage of low
iii﴿ FPGA:
It stands for Field Programmable Gate Arrays. An FPGA can be reprogrammed by ASIC and that design will be selected

6 Verilog program.
module twoway ﴾ Input, a_bus, b_bus, c_bus﴿,
input load,
input ctrl,
input [63:0] a_bus,
inout [63:0] b_bus,
output reg [63:0] c_bus;
wire extBit; assign #1 extBit = ﴾Ctrl ? 1'b0 : Imm16[15]﴿;
assign BusImm = {{16{extBit}}, Imm16};
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7 The key parameters to be considered while testing or troubleshooting A/D converter are as follows.

* DC offset Error.
* DC Gain Error.
* Signal to Noise Ratio.
* Total Harmonic Distortion.
* Integral Non‐Linearity.
* Differential Non‐linearity.
* Spurious Free Dynamic Range.
* Power dissipation.

8. The key parameters of performance for D/A converter.

1. Resolution.
2. Full scale reading.
3. Offset error.
4. Gain error.
5. Intermodulation distortion.
6. Maximum conversion time.
7. PSRR.

9. State machine.
The basic building blocks of this are transitions and their logic levels. A state is a situation of a system depending on its
previous data and causes a reaction to present inputs. First state is known as initial state, where the execution of program
Transition is defined as the change of state from one level to another. It consists of two states, OFF/LOW ﴾0﴿ and ON/HIGH
10. c
11. a
12. b
13. d
14. b
15. a
16. c
17. c
18. b
19. b
20. c
21. c
22. b
23. h
24. b

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