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What it Takes to Give a Great Presentation

Name : Ulfah Eka Viani A

ID : 2106763303
Lecture: English For Nurse

The professional skills are matter of fact a set of advance level of communication skills.
communication skills, presentation skills play a paramount role to transfer the information and
knowledge in an effective and better manner. In the globalized context, the organizations prefer
to have professionals who hold a good command over the art of presentation skills. The
importance of presentation skills is growing immensely as it is required during conferences/
workshops/ lectures/ seminars/ meetings/ negotiations etc. Presentation plays a pivotal role to
convey the concepts in a comprehensive way. The presenters should make serious efforts to
achieve the set personal and professional goals. The key to become successful presenter
largely looms upon practice and then present it with confidence and clarity before
These are “dos” and “don’ts” in a speaking in a formal academic context;
 Speak in a proper English,
 speak loudly and clearly (sound confident),
 Speak slowly to get understanding and respect for what you are saying.
 use your eye contact and body language(To make your audience feel involved)
 Don’t speak in broken English
 Don’t mumble and sound not confident
 Don’t read word by word from your text
 Don’t waste your audience’s time by speaking about something which is not
relevant to the topic
 Don’t hide behind something and cause the audience not to be able to see you
Delivering an effective presentation needs good preparation. In order to prepare an
presentation, you need to;
a) Choose a topic that you are understand and are familiar with and your audience
can easily understand.
b) Study your topic and use other sources such as internet, books, articles and
experts to enhance your presentation.
c) Verify the purpose of presentation because presentation has so many topics and
d) Analyze the audience and know their expectations. Structuring your presentation
– structure your presentation by giving an introduction, main ideas and
e) Introduction – inform your topic and explain to the audience what your
presentation will cover.
f) Provide an outline of the main points. Main ideas/content – develop your main
points and give an example and evidence.
g) Conclusion – summarise your main points and do not give any new information in
the conclusion.

Making an effective presentation involves focusing on the needs of your audience,

careful planning and good delivery of your speech. An important step when you give your
presentation is how you introduce or begin your topic of presentation. The introduction is
important because it is used to lure audience to listening to what you have to say. The purpose is
to catch the attention of your audience. The main aim of speech introduction is to introducing
speech topic and its purpose.
Begin your introduction speech with the following;
a) Greet your audience with a sincere smile.
b) Saying your name personalizes things and affords you some time to focus your
thoughts on your speech. The first line must contain information about you.
c) Ask the audience a rhetorical question.
d) Make a very controversial statement.
e) Provoking the thoughts of the audience will keep them interested to hear your
upcoming speech.
f) Give a definition of an expert to enhance your credibility.
g) Ask a proactive question which allows the audience to become part of the speech.
h) Starting your speech with a question helps to engage your audience mentally as
they will seek to find answers to the question you asked even if you do not
specifically request a response from them. In your presentation, when presenting
the content or the middle of your speech, you need to respect your audience’s
aptitude for facts, you need to deliver the information they want to hear such as
the definition of terms, describing the situation, facts, figure, references or
examples. Concluding speeches are also very important in your presentation. A
good conclusion sensibly reinforces your ideas and enhances your speech.

When you are presenting in front of your audience, it is very important to know how you
are being perceived. Below are the tips on how to make your presentation more effective; Body
Language , walk confidently to the stage for your speech, standing, appearance – Dress
professionally, voice – speak in a loud, clear voice with correct pronunciation. Adjust your voice
accordingly to make sure that everyone can hear your speech,,
Presentation plays an important part in the assessment especially in the academic context.
It is an effective tool to support your success in your future career. Presentation skills can
enhance your confidence level to become a better communicator in college, personal life and
professional career. To make sure that your opresentation is effective, it is so important to plan
the presentation with good preparation. Be well organized and confident of the content. Be aware
of your body language when presenting your speech. Be an effective presenter by planning your
speech, preparing good visual aids and understanding clearly all areas of the presentation.

References :
Alwi, N. F. B. & Sidhu, G. K. (2013). Oral Presentation: Self-perceived Competence and Actual
Performance among UiTM Business Faculty Students. Procedia - Social and Behavioral
Sciences, 90, 98-106.
Dolan, R. (2017). Effective Presentation Skills, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 364 (24)
Kaltenbach, T. & Soetikno, R. (2016). How to Create and Deliver an Effective Presentation.
Gastroenterology, 151, 1058-1060.
Miskam, N. N. & Aminabibi, S. (2019). The Use of Flipgrid for Teaching Oral Presentation
Skills to Engineering Students. International Journal of Recent Technology and
Engineering, 8 (1), 536-541
Živković, S. (2014). The Importance of Oral Presentations for University Students.
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5 (19), 468-475.

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