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nona grb Imobo ~J¡a Bg Va’$ go CÎma erQ> H$mo ~mha {ZH$mb| &

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narjm H$m df© 2018
àíZ-nwpñVH$m Serial No.

AnZm AZwH«$‘m§H$ gm‘Zo A§H$m| ‘| àíZ-nwpñVH$m ûm¥§Ibm
~m°³g Ho$ AÝXa {bI|
eãXm| ‘|
g‘¶ 3.00 K§Q>o Time : 3.00 Hours
nyUmªH$ 200 Maximum Marks : 200
àíZm| Ho$ CÎma XoZo go nhbo ZrMo {bIo AZwXoem| H$mo ܶmZ go n‹T> b| &
‘hÎdnyU© {ZX}e
1. àíZ-nwpñVH$m Ho$ H$da noO na AWdm AÝXa H$ht ^r Hw$N> Z {bI| &
2. ¶{X {H$gr àíZ ‘| {H$gr àH$ma H$s H$moB© ‘wÐU ¶m V϶mË‘H$ àH$ma H$s Ìw{Q> hmo Vmo àíZ Ho$ A§J«oOr VWm {hÝXr
ê$nmÝVam| ‘| go A§ J « o O r ê$nmÝVa H$mo ‘mZH$ ‘mZm Om¶o J m &
3. g^r àíZm| Ho$ A§H$ g‘mZ h¢ &
Aä¶Wu AnZo AZw H« $‘m§ H$, {df¶ H$mo S> Ed§ àíZ-nwpñVH$m H$s grarO H$s H$moqS> J ghr-ghr H$a|, AݶWm CÎma-
nÌH$ H$m ‘y ë ¶m§ H $Z Zht {H$¶m Om¶o Jm Am¡ a CgH$s {Oå‘o Xmar ñd¶§ Aä¶Wu H$s hmo J r &
5. Aä¶Wu a’$ H$m¶© hoVw àíZ-nwpñVH$m (~wH$boQ>) Ho$ AÝV ‘| {X¶o J¶o n¥ð>m| H$m Cn¶moJ H$a| & AbJ go d{H©ª$J erQ> CnbãY Zht
H$am¶r Om¶oJr &
6. Bg àíZ-nwpñVH$m ‘| 200 AmBQ>åg (àíZ) h¢ &> {Og‘| ^mJ-I ‘| 50 àíZ gm‘mݶ kmZ go gå~pÝYV VWm$ ^mJ-II ‘| 150
àíZ {d{Y {df¶ go gå~pÝYV h¢ & à˶oH$ AmBQ>‘ Ho$ Mma d¡H$pënH$ CÎma AmBQ>‘ Ho$ ZrMo (a), (b), (c) Ed§ (d) {X¶o J¶o
h¢ & BZ Mmam| ‘| go Ho$db EH$ hr ghr CÎma h¡ & {Og CÎma H$mo Amn ghr ¶m g~go C{MV g‘PVo h¢, CÎma-nÌH$ (AmÝga
erQ>) ‘| CgHo$ Aja dmbo d¥Îm H$mo H$mbo AWdm Zrbo ~m°b ßdmB§Q> noZ go nyam H$mbm/Zrbm H$a X| &
7. g^r àíZmo| (AmBQ>‘m|) H$m CÎma {X¶m OmZm h¡ Am¡a à˶oH$ àíZ (AmBQ>‘) Ho$ g‘mZ A§H$ h¢ & AmnHo$ {OVZo CÎma ghr hm|Jo
CÝht Ho$ AZwgma A§H$ {X¶o Om¶|Jo &
8. Am¶moJ Ûmam Am¶mo{OV H$s OmZo dmbr dñVw{Zð> àH¥${V H$s narjmAm| ‘| F$UmË‘H$ ‘yë¶m§H$Z nÕ{V
AnZm¶r Om¶oJr & Cå‘rXdma Ûmam à˶oH$ àíZ Ho$ {bE {XE JE JbV CÎma Ho$ {bE ¶m Cå‘rXdma Ûmam EH$ àíZ Ho$ EH$
go A{YH$ CÎma XoZo Ho$ {bE (Mmho {XE JE CÎma ‘| go EH$ ghr hr ³¶mo| Z hmo), Cg àíZ Ho$ {bE {XE OmZo dmbo A§H$m| H$m
EH$-Mm¡WmB© XÊS> Ho$ ê$n ‘| H$mQ>m OmEJm & XÊS> ñdê$n àmá A§H$mo| Ho$ ¶moJ H$mo H$wb àmám§H$ ‘| go KQ>m¶m OmEJm &
9. àíZm| Ho$ CÎma AmnH$mo AbJ go {X¶o J¶o CÎma-nÌH$ ‘| A§{H$V H$aZo h¢ & AmnH$mo AnZo g^r CÎma Ho$db CÎma-nÌH$
na hr XoZo h¢ & CÎma-nÌH$ Ho$ A{V[aº$ Aݶ H$ht na {X¶m J¶m CÎma ‘mݶ Z hmoJm &
10. CÎma-nÌH$ na Hw$N> {bIZo Ho$ nyd© Cg‘| {X¶o J¶o g^r AZwXoem| H$mo gmdYmZrnyd©H$ n‹T> b| & Omo gyMZm¶| Cg‘| dm§{N>V hmo|
CÝh| A^r ^a b| &
11. narjm g‘m{á Ho$ CnamÝV AÝVarjH$ H$mo CÎma-nÌH$ dmng bm¡Q>m X| &
12. ¶{X AmnZo BZ AZwXoem| H$mo n‹T> {b¶m h¡, Bg n¥ð> na AnZm AZwH«$‘m§H$ A§{H$V H$a {X¶m h¡ Am¡a CÎma-nÌH$ na dm§{N>V
gyMZm¶| ^a Xr h¢, Vmo V~ VH$ BÝVOma H$a| O~ VH$ AmnH$mo àíZ-nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$mo Zht H$hm OmVm &
13. CÎma-nÌH$ (O.M.R. Answer Sheet) H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z Amo.E‘.Ama. Am§ga erQ> na A§{H$V grarO H$moS> Ho$ AmYma na hr
{H$¶m Om¶oJm &
14. àíZ-nwpñVH$m (Question Booklet) ‘| go CÎma-nÌH$ (O.M.R. Answer Sheet) {ZH$mbZo Ho$ níMmV² CÎma-nÌH$ Ed§
àíZ-nwpñVH$m Ho$ grarO H$moS> (A, B, C & D) H$m {‘bmZ Adí¶ H$a b| & ¶{X CÎma-nÌH$ Ed§ àíZ-nwpñVH$m Ho$ grarO
H$moS> {^Þ-{^Þ hm|, Vmo Cgo VwaÝV AÝVarjH$ go n[ad{V©V H$amH$a g‘mZ grarO H$moS> H$m CÎma-nÌH$ Ed§
àíZ-nwpñVH$m àmá H$a b| & ¶{X Cº$mZwgma H$m¶©dmhr Zht H$s OmVr h¡, Vmo CgHo$ {bE Aä¶Wu ñd¶§ {Oå‘oXma hmoJm &
O~ VH$ Z H$hm Om¶ Bg àíZ-nwpñVH$m H$mo Z Imob| &
‘hÎdnyU© àíZ-nwpñVH$m ImobZo na VwaÝV Om±M H$a XoI b| {H$ àíZ-nwpñVH$m Ho$ g^r noO ^br-^m±{V N>no hþE h¢ & ¶{X
àíZ-nwpñVH$m ‘| H$moB© H$‘r hmo, Vmo AÝVarjH$ H$mo {XImH$a Cgr grarO H$s Xÿgar àíZ-nwpñVH$m àmá H$a b| &

1. Judges of the International Court of Justice are elected by the
(a) Security Council
(b) General Assembly
(c) General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council
(d) General Assembly and Security Council independently of one another.
2. Sharda Act, 1930 deals with
(a) Widow remarriage (b) Child marriage
(c) Inter-caste marriage (d) Polygamy
3. The Chairperson of National Commission on Minorities shall be deemed member of
(a) Human Rights Council (b) Law Commission of India
(c) International Law Commission (d) National Human Right Commission
4. Time gap between two sessions of Parliament can not exceed
(a) 2 months (b) 4 months (c) 6 months (d) 8 months
5. The ‘Preamble’ of the Indian Constitution has been amended so far :
(a) Once (b) Twice (c) Thrice (d) Never
6. The supreme command of the Defence Forces of the Union shall be vested in the
(a) Prime Minister (b) President
(c) Defence Minister (d) Army Chief
7. U.N.C.H.R. is related with
(a) labours (b) children (c) women (d) refugees
8. “The total number of Ministers, including the Prime Minister, in the Union Council of
Minister shall not exceed fifteen percent of the total number of the House of people” was
inserted by the
(a) Constitution (Forty-second Amendment) Act
(b) Constitution (Forty-fourth Amendment) Act
(c) Constitution (Ninety-first Amendment) Act
(d) Constitution (Ninety-third Amendment) Act
9. The total number of “Fundamental Duties” mentioned in Part IV-A of the Indian
Constitution is
(a) Eleven (b) Nine (c) Ten (d) Twelve
10. In which of the following cases it was held that the preamble to the Constitution is an
integral and operative part of the constitution ?
(a) Minerva Mills case (b) Re Berubari’s case
(c) Golaknath V. State of Punjab (d) Keshavanand Bharti V. State of Kerala
11. The Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Amendment Act, 2016, came into effect from
(a) 1st November, 2016 (b) 1st January, 2016
(c) 1st April, 2016 (d) 1st March, 2016
Series-A 2 USJ
1.          :
(a)    
(b)    
(c)         
(d)      ,       
2.  , 1930   :
(a)    (b)   
(c)    (d) - 
3.          :
(a)     (b)     
(c)     (d)     
4.               :
(a) 2  (b) 4  (c) 6  (d) 8 
5.    “”        :
(a)   (b)   (c)   (d)  
6.          :
(a)    (b)   (c)    (d)   
7. .....   :
(a)   (b)   (c)   (d)  
8. “                  
     ” –        :
(a)  ( )   (b)  ( )  
(c)  ( )   (d)  ( )  
9.     IV-A   “ ”     :
(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 
10.                   
   ?
(a)     (b)    
(c)      (d)      
11.   ()  , 2016,   :
(a) 1 , 2016  (b) 1 , 2016 
(c) 1 , 2016  (d) 1 , 2016 
USJ 3 Series-A
12. To bring qualitative changes in Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resources
Development has decided to abolish the University Grant Commission and replace it with
(a) Integrated Higher Education Commission
(b) Higher Education Commission of India
(c) All India Higher Education Commission
(d) None of these
13. The court of record in India is
(a) Only Supreme Court (b) Only High Court
(c) Both Supreme Court and High Court (d) None of these
14. The ordinance issuing power of the Governor of a State is contained in which Article of
the Constitution ?
(a) Article 213 (b) Article 123 (c) Article 133 (d) Article 231
15. ‘Doklam Issue’ was bone of contention between which two nations ?
(a) India and Nepal (b) China and Nepal
(c) India and China (d) China and Pakistan
16. “Goods and Services Tax” was brought into operation throughout India by
(a) 100th Constitutional Amendment (b) 101th Constitutional Amendment
(c) 96 Constitutional Amendment
(d) 97th Constitutional Amendment
17. The election to fill in the vacancy of the President office should be completed within a
maximum time limit of
(a) 3 months from the date of vacancy (b) 1 month from the date of vacancy
(c) 6 months from the date of vacancy (d) 12 months from the date of vacancy
18. In January, 2018, the “World Economic forum” fifth annual meeting was concluded at
which of the following places ?
(a) Davos (b) Copenhagen (c) Russia (d) New York
19. The term of the judges of the “International Court of Justice’ is
(a) Not fixed (b) 5 years (c) 7 years (d) 9 years
20. Who among the following justices of India has been re-elected as the Judge of the
International Court of Justice ?
(a) Justice D.Y. Chandrachud (b) Justice Deepak Mishra
(c) Justice Tarun Gogoi (d) Justice Dalveer Bhandari
21. E.V.M. refers to
(a) New music devices (b) Eco marks
(c) Electronics voting device (d) None of these
22. In the famous case of Naz Foundation V. Government of N.C.T. of Delhi, the Section of
the Indian Penal Code, whose Constitutional Validity was challenged, is
(a) Section 377 (b) Section 375 (c) Section 497 (d) Section 498
23. In India the celebration of 26 November of every year as “Law Day” was started from the year
(a) 1949 (b) 1950 (c) 1951 (d) 1979
24. In 65th National Film Festival the prize of best film is given to
(a) Mom (b) Nagar Kirtan
(c) Village Rock Star (d) Bahubali-2
25. The Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India can be removed from his office on the basis of
(a) Proved misbehaviour only (b) Incapacity only
(c) Corruption only (d) Both (a) and (b)
Series-A 4 USJ
12.       ,        
               ?
(a)     (b)    
(c)      (d)     
13.      :
(a)    (b)   
(c)       (d)     
14.                   ?
(a)  213 (b)  123 (c)  133 (d)  231
15. “ ”         ?
(a)    (b)    (c)    (d)   
16. “   ”        :
(a) 100      (b) 101     
(c) 96      (d) 97    
17.                    ?
(a)     3   (b)     1  
(c)     6   (d)     12  
18.  2018  “  ”             ?
(a)   (b)   (c)   (d)  
19. “ ”      :
(a)     (b) 5  (c) 7  (d) 9 
20.                ?
(a)  ..  (b)   
(c)    (d)   
21. ...   :
(a)     (b)   
(c)     (d)     
22.     ...            
      ,   :
(a)  377 (b)  375 (c)  497 (d)  498
23.    26   “ ”         :
(a)  1949  (b)  1950  (c)  1951  (d)  1979 
24. 65           :
(a)  (b)   (c)    (d) -2
25.                :
(a)       (b)     
(c)      (d)  (a)  (b) 
USJ 5 Series-A
26. 26 July is celebrated as
(a) Kargil Vijay Divas (b) Air Force Day
(c) Army Day (d) None of these
27. “Sindhu Darshan Mahotsav” is celebrated in
(a) Kerala (b) Ladakh (c) Assam (d) Uttrakhand
28. In 2018, election of Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha is won by
(a) Aditya Nath Singh (b) Anant Kumar
(c) Harivansh Pratap Singh (d) Hari Prasad
29. The computer processor consists of the parts
(a) Keyboard and Hard disk (b) Keyboard and Mouse
(c) Control Unit and A.L.U. (d) Keyboard, Control Unit and A.L.U.
30. On 14 April, 2018, the Prime Minister started the “Ayushman Bharat Yojana” at
(a) New Delhi (b) Lucknow
(c) Ahmedabad (d) Bijapur (Chhattisgarh)
31. First runner up of ‘FIFA’ World cup, 2018 is
(a) France (b) England (c) Croatia (d) Brazil
32. The longest river of India is
(a) Brahmputra (b) Ganga (c) Kaveri (d) Yamuna
33. The Supreme Court has upheld following right in Union of India V. Naveen Jindal
(a) right to education (b) right to drink pure water
(c) right to hoist the national flag (d) right to die
34. “Legal Aid Day’ is celebrated on
(a) 9th November (b) 26th November
(c) 10th December (d) None of these
35. Supreme Court has held the right to privacy is a Fundamental Right in the case of
(a) Chameli Singh V. State of U.P.
(b) T. Saritha V. T. Venkat Subaiyya
(c) Suman Gupta V. State of Jammu and Kashmir
(d) Govind V. State of M.P.
36. ‘Halala’ is related with
(a) Muslim women
(b) Hindu women
(c) Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribes women
(d) Refugee’s women
37. Scurvy disease is caused due to lack of Vitamin
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
38. In the year 2018, Chairperson of the National Women Commission is appointed
(a) Rekha Sharma (b) Meera Kumar
(c) Reeta Bahuguna (d) None of these

Series-A 6 USJ
26. 26         :
(a)    (b)   
(c)   (d)     
27. “  ”    :
(a)   (b)   (c)   (d)  
28. 2018          :
(a)    (b)  
(c)    (d)  
29.          :
(a)      (b)    
(c)    ... (d)  ,    ...
30. 14 , 2018     “  ”   :
(a)    (b)  
(c)   (d)  () 
31. “”  , 2018    :
(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 
32.       :
(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 
33.                 :
(a)     (b)      
(c)        (d)    
34. “  ”    :
(a) 9   (b) 26   (c) 10   (d)     
35.                 :
(a)    ..  (b) .   .  
(c)        (d)   .. 
36. “”   :
(a)   
(b)   
(c)        
(d)    
37.           :
(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 
38.  2018 ,         :
(a)   (b)   (c)   (d)     
USJ 7 Series-A
39. The headquarter of the “World Intellectual Property Organisation” is located in :
(a) Paris (b) Madrid (c) New York (d) Geneva

40. Which of the following is not a chief organ of the United Nations ?
(a) International Labour Organisation (b) Security Council
(c) International Court of Justice (d) General Assembly

41. Which of the following countries is not a permanent member of the United Nations
Security council ?
(a) U.S.A. (b) U.K. (c) France (d) Spain

42. Who among the following heads the National Integration Council of India ?
(a) President (b) Vice President
(c) Prime Minister (d) Chief Justice of Supreme Court

43. On which date did the ‘United Nations’ adopted the ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ ?
(a) 20th October, 1945 (b) 24th October, 1945
(c) 26th June, 1945 (d) 10th December, 1948

44. Who has won the “National Gopal Ratna” award from the Central Government for Cattle
rearing and dairying ?
(a) Preeti Lata Sharma (b) Amrita Dhiraj
(c) A. Dhiraj Ram Krishna (d) G.S. Kulkarni

45. The Basava Sagar Dam is located in which state ?

(a) Orissa (b) Karnataka (c) Assam (d) Punjab

46. The maximum age limit for election to the President of India is
(a) 65 years (b) 70 years (c) 62 years (d) No age limit

47. “Panchayati Raj” was introduced in India in the year

(a) 1950 (b) 1952 (c) 1959 (d) 1962

48. Who among the following held the office of the President of India for two consecutive terms ?
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (b) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(c) Dr. Radha Krishnan (d) None of these

49. Which of the following is the oldest High Court in India ?

(a) High Court of Madras (b) High Court of Calcutta
(c) High Court of Delhi (d) High Court of Allahabad

50. In which landmark judgement did the Supreme Court of India lay down guidelines against
sexual harassment of women at workplace ?
(a) Vishakha V. State of Rajasthan (b) Nilabati Behera V. State of Orissa
(c) Maneka Gandhi V. Union of India (d) Hussainara Khatoon V. State of Bihar
Series-A 8 USJ
39. “   ”     :
(a)   (b)   (c)   (d)  
40.             ?
(a)    (b)  
(c)   (d)  

41.                ?
(a) ... (b) .. (c)  (d) 

42.             ?

(a)  (b) 
(c)  (d)     

43.    “ ”     “ ”   ?
(a) 20 , 1945 (b) 24 , 1945
(c) 26 , 1945 (d) 10 , 1948

44.          “  ”     ?
(a)    (b)  
(c) .    (d) .. 

45.         ?

(a)   (b)   (c)   (d)  
46.            :
(a) 65  (b) 70  (c) 62  (d)   
47. “ ”          :
(a) 1950  (b) 1952  (c) 1959  (d) 1962 
48.               ?
(a) .   (b) .   (c) .   (d)     
49.             ?
(a)    (b)   
(c)    (d)   

50.                  -
   ?
(a)     (b)     
(c)      (d)     

USJ 9 Series-A
51. Section 114-A was introduced in the Indian Evidence Act after widespread protest against
which judgement ?
(a) Tukaram V. State of Maharashtra (b) Moginbai V. State of Gujarat
(c) Harpal Singh Case (d) Pramod Mehto Case
52. Electronic records are :
(a) Oral evidence (b) No evidence
(c) Documentary evidence (d) None of these
53. ‘Identification proceedings’ are provided under which Section of the Indian Evidence Act ?
(a) Section 7 (b) Section 8 (c) Section 11 (d) Section 9
54. An instrument of transfer is attested validly where
(a) Executant has signed the instrument in presence of his family members.
(b) A person has signed as witness to the fact of writing of instrument in his presence.
(c) One person who has seen executant signing the instrument puts his own signature as
(d) Instrument is signed by two witnesses who have seen executant signing the same and
who sign in latter’s presence.
55. Which of the following is not an immovable property under the Transfer of Property Act ?
(a) A debt secured by mortgage of an immovable property.
(b) A right of worship in a specific temple.
(c) A lake.
(d) A right to catch and carry fish from a pond.
56. Which of the following is not an ‘actionable claim’ ?
(a) A debt having passed into a decree by the court.
(b) A claim for arrears of rent of an immovable property.
(c) Both (a) and (b).
(d) Neither (a) nor (b).
57. Under Transfer of Property Act, the expression ‘Transfer of property’ includes
(a) Partition (b) Surrender
(c) Family arrangement (d) None of these
58. Under Transfer of Property Act, which of the following is not recognised as a valid
consideration for transfer of property ?
(a) Natural love and affection. (b) Movable property.
(c) Service to be rendered periodically. (d) All of these
59. The rule entitling a subsequent mortgagee to compel prior mortgagee of two properties to
satisfy the latter’s mortgagee’s debt out of the property not mortgaged to the former is
called the rule of
(a) Subrogation (b) Contribution (c) Marshalling (d) Tacking
Series-A 10 USJ
51.      114-A              ?
(a)      (b)    
(c)    (d)   
52.    :
(a)   (b)    (c)   (d)     
53. “ ”          ?
(a)  7 (b)  8 (c)  11 (d)  9
54.           :
(a)            
(b)                    
(c)                   
(d)               
       
55.      ,          ?
(a)          
(b)           
(c)   
(d)           
56.      “ ”   ?
(a)          
(b)          
(c)  (a)  (b)  
(d)  (a)  (b)     
57.      “  ”    :
(a)  (b) 
(c)   (d)     
58.     ,               
  ?
(a)     (b)  
(c)        (d)  
59.  ,               
                 
    ,      :
(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 
USJ 11 Series-A
60. Under the Transfer of Property Act, a “charge”
(a) is created by operation of law only.
(b) exists on immovable property only.
(c) gives rise to a right in rem.
(d) entitle charge-holder to satisfy his claim by taking property charged.

61. A lease is terminated by

(a) merger (b) forfeiture (c) surrender (d) All of these

62. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?

(a) Direction for accumulation – S. 17 (b) Mortgagor’s power to lease – S. 65-A
(c) Transfer by one co-owner – S. 44 (d) Exchange of money – S. 120

63. Which transfer requires attestation of the written instrument by two witnesses mandatorily
under the Transfer of Property Act ?
(a) Sale (b) Mortgage (c) Gift (d) All of these

64. A gift is statutorily not complete unless it is accepted by the donee such acceptance needs
to be
(a) in writing by or on behalf of done.
(b) made during donor’s lifetime.
(c) made while the donor is still capable of giving.
(d) made during donor’s lifetime and while the donor is still capable of giving.

65. Which of the following ‘gift’ is valid under the Transfer of Property Act ?
(a) Gift to a minor.
(b) Gift of a future property.
(c) Gift accepted after donor’s death.
(d) Gift motivated by post illicit cohabitation.

66. A lease to a minor is

(a) valid (b) void
(c) voidable (d) None of these

67. Under the Transfer of Property Act, a “living person” connotes

(a) human being only (b) limited company only
(c) partnership firm only (d) All of these

68. Mortgagor’s right of redemption is coextensive with

(a) mortgagor’s right to inspection and production of documents.
(b) mortgagee’s right of for closure or sale.
(c) mortgagor’s right to redeem separately or simultaneously.
(d) All of these
Series-A 12 USJ
60.       “”
(a)          
(b)        
(c)      
(d)                    
61.      :
(a)   (b)   (c)   (d)  
62.          ?
(a)     –  17
(b)       –  65-
(c)     –  44
(d)    –  120
63.                 
       ?
(a)  (b)  (c)  (d)  
64.                      
    :
(a)          
(b)       
(c)           
(d)                
65.      “”        ?
(a)       (b)    
(c)      (d)          
66.     :
(a)    (b)    (c)    (d)     
67.       “     :
(a)   (b)   
(c)    (d)  
68.          :
(a)          
(b)       
(c)           
(d)  
USJ 13 Series-A
69. Which one of the following may fall under ‘Anomalous mortgage’ ?
(a) Only mortgage usufructuary by conditional sale.
(b) Only simple usufructuary mortgage.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

70. Lease of a house for a term exceeding one year can be made
(a) only by registered instrument.
(b) oral agreement.
(c) either by oral agreement or by registered instrument.
(d) None of these

71. The “rule against perpetuity” has its origin in the case of
(a) Tulk V. Moxhay, 41 ER 1143 (b) Cadell V. Palmer, 131 ER 859
(c) Alderson V. White, 44 ER 924 (d) Ariff V. Jadunath, AIR 1931 PC 79

72. “A man is not allowed to approbate and reprobate at the same time.” This rule provides
basis for which of the following ?
(a) Doctrine of feeding of grant by estoppel.
(b) Doctrine of part performance.
(c) Doctrine of Election.
(d) Rule of redeem up, foreclose down.

73. The principle of Estoppel enunciated in Section 115 of the Indian Evidence Act, finds its
expression in these sections of the Transfer of Property Act :
(a) Section 35 and Section 53-A (b) Section 41 and Section 43
(c) Section 35 and Section 43 (d) Section 35, Section 43 and Section 60

74. Case of “Raj Kumar Kundu V. Maqueen” is related to

(a) Lis pendens (b) Part performance
(c) Mortgage (d) Ostensible owner

75. Remedy of foreclosure is available in which of the following mortgages under the Transfer
of Property Act ?
(a) Mortgage by deposit of title deeds (b) Simple mortgage
(c) Mortgage by conditional sale (d) English mortgage

76. When unborn person acquires vested interest on transfer for his benefit under the Transfer
of Property Act ?
(a) Upon his birth (b) Upon attaining majority
(c) Upon getting married (d) None of these

77. According to Section 3 of the Transfer of Property Act, “instrument” means

(a) Testamentary instrument (b) Non-testamentary instrument
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
Series-A 14 USJ
69.             ?
(a)        (b)     
(c)  (a)  (b)   (d)  (a)  (b)     

70.                 :

(a)    
(b)   
(c)       
(d)     

71. “   ”        :

(a)   , 41 ER 1143 (b)   , 131 ER 859
(c)   , 44 ER 924 (d)   , AIR 1931 PC 79

72. “               ”   
       ?
(a)        (b)    
(c)    (d)    ,      

73.      115          
      :
(a)  35   53- (b)  41   43
(c)  35   43 (d)  35,  43   60

74. “    ,    :

(a)   (b)   (c)  (d)  
75.                ?
(a) -     (b)  
(c)    (d)  

76.                 
     ?
(a)    (b)    
(c)    (d)     

77.      3   “”    :

(a)   (b)  
(c)  (a)  (b) (d)     
USJ 15 Series-A
78. Under the Transfer of Property Act, Sale is transfer of
(a) an interest in specific immovable property.
(b) a right to enjoy immovable property.
(c) ownership.
(d) None of these

79. How many circumstances has enumerated under Section 300 of the Indian Penal Code,
under which culpable homicide is murder ?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

80. ‘A’ enters into a house of ‘B’ with intent to cause grievous hurt to ‘B’, but finds that ‘B’ is
not in the house. What offence, if any, has been committed by ‘A’ ?
(a) Attempt to cause grievous hurt (b) House trespass
(c) No offence (d) (a) and (b) both

81. Under which of the following Sections of the Indian Penal Code, death of assailant may be
caused in right of private defence of body and property ?
(a) 100 and 103 (b) 101 and 102 (c) 105 and 103 (d) 98 and 103

82. Under which Section of the Indian Penal Code, provision for the offence of abetment is
provided ?
(a) 106 (b) 107 (c) 108 (d) None of these

83. ‘X’ meets ‘Y’ in the way. ‘Y’ points out a dangerous knife to ‘X’ and demands his watch.
‘X’ gives the watch to ‘Y’. What offence has been committed ?
(a) Theft (b) Extortion (c) Robbery (d) Assault

84. Section 379 of the Indian Penal Code

(a) Defines offence of theft (b) Provides punishment of theft
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

85. Offence of robbery includes

(a) Theft only (b) Extortion only
(c) Either (a) or (b) (d) None of these

86. For what ‘Govinda’, the accused in the famous case of ‘R V. Govinda’ (1876) 1 Bombay
342, was punished ?
(a) Culpable homicide (b) Grievous hurt
(c) Murder (d) He was acquitted

87. If a convict undergoing sentence of life imprisonment attempts to murder someone and if
hurt is caused
(a) he shall be punished with death.
(b) he may be punished with death.
(c) he shall be punished for causing hurt.
(d) he shall be punished with life imprisonment.
Series-A 16 USJ
78.      “”    :
(a)       (b)       
(c)   (d)     

79.      300           
   ?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

80. ‘A’, ‘B’         ‘B’      ,     ‘B’  
   ‘A’    ,   ,    ?
(a)       (b) -
(c)    (d)  (a)  (b) 

81.                     ?
(a) 100  103 (b) 101  102 (c) 105  103 (d) 98  103

82.             ?

(a) 106 (b) 107 (c) 108 (d)     
83. ‘X’   ‘Y’     ‘Y’    ‘X’         
  ‘X’   ‘Y’            ?
(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 
84.      379 
(a)         (b)          
(c)  (a)  (b)   (d)      

85.       

(a)   (b)  
(c)  (a)  (b) (d)     

86.   ‘  ’ (1876) 1  342,        
    ?
(a)    (b)  
(c)  (d)       

87.          ,        , 
       , 
(a)          
(b)            
(c)              
(d)            
USJ 17 Series-A
88. Which one is not essential element of theft ?
(a) Movable property (b) Possession of that property
(c) Ownership of that property (d) Removal of that property

89. What punishment for custodial rape is provided ?

(a) 7 years rigorous imprisonment with fine.
(b) Rigorous imprison for a term which shall not be less than 10 years, but which may
extend to imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine.
(c) 15 years of imprisonment.
(d) 20 years of imprisonment.

90. What is minimum punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt by use of acid ?
(a) 7 years imprisonment with fine (b) 10 years imprisonment with fine
(c) 15 years imprisonment with fine (d) 20 years imprisonment with fine

91. ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are at quarrel. It develops into fight in which both suffer bodily injury.
However, ‘Y’ suffers more grievous hurt and dies after three days in hospital. ‘X’ will be
liable for
(a) Causing grievous hurt (b) Murder
(c) Culpable homicide (d) No offence

92. Which one of the following Sections of the I.P.C. provides punishment for causing death
or resulting in persistent vegetative state of victim ?
(a) Section 376 A (b) Section 376 B (c) Section 376 C (d) Section 376 E

93. Which expression has been used under Section 84 of the Indian Penal Code ?
(a) Madness (b) Mental ailment
(c) Unsoundness of mind (d) Insanity

94. How many exceptions are provided in criminal defamation under Indian Penal Code ?
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10

95. ‘Wrongful gain’ and ‘Wrongful loss’ have been defined under Indian Penal Code, in which
of the following Section ?
(a) Section 22 (b) Section 23 (c) Section 24 (d) Section 27

96. Which one of the following provisions of the Indian Penal Code, is based on “M’Naghten
Rule” ?
(a) Section 83 (b) Section 84 (c) Section 85 (d) Section 86

97. Which one of the following Sections of the Indian Penal Code defines ‘Affray’ ?
(a) Section 146 (b) Section 148 (c) Section 159 (d) Section 160

98. Which of the following provisions of Indian Penal Code defines ‘Making a false document’ ?
(a) Section 464 (b) Section 465 (c) Section 466 (d) Section 467
Series-A 18 USJ
88.         ?
(a)   (b)    
(c)     (d)     

89.         

(a) 7       
(b)    10    ,           
(c) 15  
(d) 20  

90.              ?
(a)    7    (b)    10   
(c)    15    (d)    20   

91. ‘X’  ‘Y’                   
‘Y’                   ‘X’  
(a)       (b)   
(c)      (d)   

92.                   
         ?
(a)  376- (b)  376- (c)  376- (d)  376-

93.      84         ?

(a)  (b)   (c) - (d) 
94.                ?
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10

95.     ‘ ’  ‘ ’     
(a)  22  (b)  23  (c)  24  (d)  27 

96.           “ ”    ?
(a)  83 (b)  84 (c)  85 (d)  86

97.          ‘’     ?
(a)  146 (b)  148 (c)  159 (d)  160

98.           ‘  ’     ?
(a)  464 (b)  465 (c)  466 (d)  467
USJ 19 Series-A
99. ‘A’ sings obscene songs near the gate of Girls Degree College. What offence he was committed ?
(a) Assault (b) Outraging the modesty of a woman
(c) Criminal intimidation (d) Obscenity
100. Killing of human being by another human being is called
(a) Murder (b) Culpable homicide
(c) Homicide (d) Assassination
101. Which one of the following provisions of the Indian Penal Code, punishes to misconduct
in public by a drunken person ?
(a) Section 507 (b) Section 508 (c) Section 509 (d) Section 510
102. Which one of the following Sections of the Indian Penal Code, defines ‘Voluntarily’ ?
(a) Section 39 (b) Section 38 (c) Section 37 (d) Section 36
103. Under which of the following Sections of the Indian Penal Code, rash or negligent driving
of vehicle on public way is an offence ?
(a) Section 279 (b) Section 280 (c) Section 281 (d) Section 282
104. ‘Res sub Judice’ means
(a) Stay of Appeal (b) Stay of Suit
(c) Stay of Application (d) Stay of Execution
105. ‘Pleader’ is defined in the code of civil procedure in
(a) Section 2(7) (b) Section 2(15) (c) Section 2(17) (d) Section 2(11)
106. Which of the following Sections of the code of Civil procedure, define ‘order’ ?
(a) Section 2(2) (b) Section 2(9) (c) Section 2(14) (d) Section 2(10)
107. Which of following Sections of the code of civil procedure, is related to pecuniary
jurisdiction of civil court ?
(a) Section 4 (b) Section 5 (c) Section 6 (d) None of these
108. Section 115 of the code of Civil Procedure provides
(a) Revision (b) Reference
(c) Review (d) Appeal to the Supreme Court
109. Which provision of the code of civil procedure provides that one person may sue or defend
on behalf of all in same interest ?
(a) Order 1, Rule 1 (b) Order 2, Rule 2
(c) Order 1, Rule 9 (d) Order 1, Rule 8
110. Under Section 15 of the code of Civil procedure, every suit shall be instituted in
(a) District Court (b) The Court of lowest grade
(c) The Court of highest grade (d) All of these
111. Which of the following Section of the code of civil procedure defines the “Mesne Profit” ?
(a) Section 2(4) (b) Section 2(14) (c) Section 2(6) (d) Section 2(12)
Series-A 20 USJ
99. ‘A’            ,       ?
(a)  (b)     
(c)   (d)  
100.           
(a)  (b)    (c)   (d) 
101.              -       ?
(a)  507 (b)  508 (c)  509 (d)  510
102.           ‘’     ?
(a)  39 (b)  38 (c)  37 (d)  36
103.            -       
   ?
(a)  279 (b)  280 (c)  281 (d)  282
104. ‘  ’ ()     
(a)       (b)      
(c)       (d)      
105.     ‘’    
(a)  2(7)  (b)  2(15)  (c)  2(17)  (d)  2(11) 
106.           ‘’     ?
(a)  2(2) (b)  2(9) (c)  2(14) (d)  2(10)
107.                   ?
(a)  4 (b)  5 (c)  6 (d)    

108.      115   

(a)  (b) 
(c)  (d)    
109.                    
          ?
(a)  1,  1 (b)  2,  2 (c)  1,  9 (d)  1,  8
110.      15       
(a)    (b)     
(c)      (d)   
111.           “ ”      ?
(a)  2(4) (b)  2(14) (c)  2(6) (d)  2(12)
USJ 21 Series-A
112. On which of the following maxim the doctrine of ‘Res Judicata’ is based ?
(a) Qui facit per alium facit per se (b) Ex turpi causa non oritur aztio
(c) Interest reipublicae ut sit finis litiuum (d) Respondent superior
113. A decree may be executed by
(a) Tehsildar
(b) Collector
(c) District Judge
(d) Either by the Court which passed it or by which it is sent.
114. Provisions relating to ‘set-off’ and ‘counter-claims’ are contained in which of the
following orders of the code of civil procedure ?
(a) Order VI (b) Order VII (c) Order VIII (d) Order IX
115. The meaning of ‘Written Statement’ is
(a) answer by defendant of Plaintiff’s suit
(b) answer by Plaintiff of defendant’s suit
(c) suit of Plaintiff
(d) suit of defendant
116. Under the code of civil procedure where a person who is necessary party to a suit has not
been joined as a party, it is a case of
(a) misjoinder (b) non-joinder
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
117. Provisions of Section 80 of the code of civil procedure are
(a) Mandatory (b) Directory
(c) Discreationary (d) None of these
118. Which one of the following provisions of the code of civil procedure is related to
‘Affidavits’ ?
(a) Order 17 (b) Order 19 (c) Order 26 (d) Order 39
119. Section 25 of the code of civil procedure provides for which of the following ?
(a) Power of Supreme Court to transfer suits.
(b) Power of High Courts to transfer suits.
(c) Power of District Courts to transfer suits.
(d) Power of Commissioner to transfer suits
120. ‘Notice’ under Section 80 of the code of civil procedure, when it relates to ‘Railways’, has
to be served on which of the following ?
(a) Minister of Railways (b) Secretary of Railway Ministry
(c) General Manager of concerned railway (d) Prime Minister of India
121. Where the local limits of jurisdiction of courts are uncertain, the place of institution of suit
shall be decided according to the provisions of
(a) Section 16 of the code of civil procedure
(b) Section 17 of the code of civil procedure
(c) Section 18 of the code of civil procedure
(d) Section 19 of the code of civil procedure
Series-A 22 USJ
112. ‘’           ?
(a)        (b)    - 
(c)       (d)  
113.       
(a)  
(b)  
(c)   
(d)              

114.     ‘’  ‘’        
  ?
(a)  VI (b)  VII (c)  VIII (d)  IX

115. ‘ ’    

(a)        (b)       
(c)    (d)   

116.               ,    
     ,    
(a)   (b)  
(c)  (a)  (b)  (d)     

117.      80  

(a)    (b)    (c)    (d)     
118.           ‘-’    ?
(a)  17 (b)  19 (c)  26 (d)  39

119.      25        ?

(a)         (b)        
(c)         (d)       

120.      80         ,     
   ?
(a)    (b)     
(c)      (d)     

121.                  
  
(a)      16   (b)      17  
(c)      18   (d)      19  
USJ 23 Series-A
122. In which of the following Sections of the Code of Civil Procedure, provisions for suits
relating to ‘public charities’ is found ?
(a) Sections 90-91 (b) Sections 92-93
(c) Sections 94-95 (d) Sections 96-100
123. Section 152 of the Code of Civil Procedure, empowers the courts to amend the
judgements, decrees or orders in respect of
(a) clerical or arithmetical mistakes only
(b) errors arising therein from any accidental slips or omissions only
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
124. Which of the following orders and rules of the Code of Civil Procedure provide for
“Framing of issues” ?
(a) Order XIV Rule 1 (b) Order XVIII Rule 1
(c) Order XIV Rule 2 (d) Order XIV Rule 5
125. Which one of the following modes of settlement of disputes outside the court has not been
provided in Section 89 of the Code of Civil Procedure ?
(a) Arbitration (b) Negotiation (c) Conciliation (d) Mediation
126. Under which one of the following provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, the principle
of constructive resjudicata has been explained ?
(a) Section 11 explanation VII (b) Section 11 explanation IV
(c) Section 11 explanation III (d) Section 11 explanation I
127. Under which one of the following provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure “rejection of
plaint” has been mentioned ?
(a) Order VII Rule 11 (b) Order VI Rule 13
(c) Order VII Rule 12 (d) Order VIII Rule 4
128. Right to lodge a ‘caveat’ has been provided under which Section of the Code of Civil
Procedure ?
(a) Section 148 (b) Section 148-A (c) Section 149 (d) Section 147
129. Bigamy is committed, if the subsequent marriage is
(a) Valid (b) Voidable
(c) Void (d) Both (a) and (b) above
130. Punishment for violation of Clause III of Section 5 of the Hindu Marriage Act has been
provided in which of the following Sections ?
(a) Section 5 (b) Section 8 (c) Section 18(a) (d) Section 18(b)
131. Son in class I of the schedule of the Hindu Succession Act, does not include
(a) Step son (b) Adopted son
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
132. Which one of the following is not the ground of voidable marriage under Hindu Marriage Act ?
(a) Impotency (b) Unsoundness of mind
(c) Force or fraud (d) Bigamy
Series-A 24 USJ
122.          ‘ ’        ?
(a)  90-91 (b)  92-93 (c)  94-95 (d)  96-100
123.      152   ,        
      
(a)       
(b)            
(c)  (a)  (b) 
(d)     
124.             ‘  ’     ?
(a)  XIV  1 (b)  XVIII  1
(c)  XIV  2 (d)  XIV  5
125.                   89 
   ?
(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

126.                  ?
(a)  11  VII (b)  11  IV
(c)  11  III (d)  11  I
127.            “  ”    ?
(a)  VII  11  (b)  VI  13 
(c)  VII  12  (d)  VIII  4 
128.        ‘’         ?
(a)  148 (b)  148- (c)  149 (d)  147
129.   ,   
(a)    (b)   
(c)    (d)  (a)  (b) 

130.      5   III             
   ?
(a)  5  (b)  8  (c)  18()  (d)  18() 
131.        I      
(a)     (b)  
(c)  (a)  (b)  (d)     
132.                 ?
(a)  (b) - (c)    (d) 
USJ 25 Series-A
133. Under which Section of the Hindu Marriage Act, ceremonies for a Hindu Marriage is
prescribed ?
(a) Section 6 (b) Section 7 (c) Section 8 (d) Section 8-A
134. Which one of the following Section of the Hindu Marriage Act provides void marriages ?
(a) Section 12 (b) Section 13 (c) Section 11 (d) Section 10
135. Which one of the following Sections of the Hindu Marriage Act, deals with divorce by
mutual consent ?
(a) Section 13A (b) Section 13B
(c) Section 13 (d) None of these
136. Who among the following is the author of the famous work ‘Mitakshara’ ?
(a) Apararka (b) Bhoja (c) Vijnaneswara (d) Parasara
137. ‘Jimutavahana’ is known for his work
(a) Nirnaya Sindhu (b) Dayabhag
(c) Dayatatva (d) Dattak Mimansa
138. Section 14 of the Hindu Succession Act, applies to
(a) movable property only (b) immovable property only
(c) movable and immovable property only (d) easementary rights
139. Which one of the following sections of the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act,
provides capacity to take in adoption a child to a female Hindu ?
(a) Section 3 (b) Section 4 (c) Section 7 (d) Section 8
140. Who is natural guardian of a minor under Section 6 of the Hindu Minority and
Guardianship Act ?
(a) Mother only (b) Father only
(c) Mother and father both as per the case (d) Grandmother and Grandfather
141. In which one of the following cases, the Supreme Court has directed that marriages of all
persons, belongs to any religion, be registered in their respective states where marriage is
solemnised, if they are citizens of India ?
(a) Seema Vs. Ashwini Kumar
(b) Githa Hariharan Vs. Reserve Bank of India
(c) John Vallamattom Vs. Union of India
(d) None of these
142. ‘Tuhr’ means
(a) Period of Iddat
(b) Period of menstruation
(c) Date of marriage
(d) The period between two menstrual cycles
143. Which one of the following is the most approved form of divorce under Muslim Law ?
(a) Talaq-e-Tafweez (b) Talaq-e-Ahsan
(c) Talaq-e-Hasan (d) Talaq-ul-Biddat
144. A marriage of Sunni male with a Muslim female of any Sect is
(a) Valid (b) Void (c) Invalid (d) Voidable
Series-A 26 USJ
133.                 ?
(a)  6 (b)  7 (c)  8 (d)  8-A

134.                   ?
(a)  12  (b)  13  (c)  11  (d)  10 

135.              -    ?
(a)  13- (b)  13- (c)  13 (d)    

136.      ‘’    ?

(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 
137. ‘’        
(a)   (b)  (c)  (d)  
138.      14   
(a)     (b)    
(c)      (d)  

139.     -            
       ?
(a)  3 (b)  4 (c)  7 (d)  8

140.        6         ?
(a)   (b)  
(c)        (d)   

141.              ,    ,  
     ,     ,       ?
(a)     (b)      
(c)      (d)     

142. ‘’   

(a)    (b)   
(c)    (d)      

143.            ?

(a) -- (b) --
(c) -- (d) --

144.           

(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 
USJ 27 Series-A
145. Which one of the following is not a school of Sunni Law ?
(a) Hanbali (b) Maliki (c) Shafei (d) Mutazilas
146. ‘Hizanat’ means
(a) custody of mother upon child only (b) custody of father upon child only
(c) custody of brother upon child (d) (a) and (b) both
147. A Muslim wife may sue for divorce under the provision of the Dissolution of Muslim
Marriage Act, if the husband has been insane for a period of
(a) 1 year (b) 2 years (c) 3 years (d) 5 years
148. When a Muslim wife can relinquish her ‘Mehr’ ?
(a) When she is minor.
(b) When she is not less than 18 years of age.
(c) When she has attained the age of puberty.
(d) When she is not less than 21 years of age.
149. In Muslim Law gift in favour of an unborn person except under certain cases or conditions is
(a) Void (b) Valid
(c) Voidable (d) Valid if accepted by mother
150. Which one of the following is not legal incident of ‘waqf ’ ?
(a) Irrevocability (b) Perpetuity (c) Inalienability (d) Universal
151. Shayara Bano Vs. Union of India (2017) case is related with
(a) Triple Talaq (b) Muta marriage (c) Mehr (d) Divorce
152. A Muslim illegitimate child is kept in the custody of
(a) Mother (b) Paternal Grandmother
(c) Both father and mother (d) Neither father nor mother
153. Marriage during Iddat period is
(a) Batil (b) Fasid (c) Void (d) Valid
154. Which section of the Criminal Procedure Code provides that all offences under the Indian
Penal Code, shall be investigated, inquired into according to the provisions of Criminal
Procedure Code ?
(a) Section 3 (b) Section 4 (c) Section 5 (d) Section 6
155. Which section of the Criminal Procedure Code provides that the High Court could be
criminal court ?
(a) Section 6 (b) Section 7
(c) Section 8 (d) None of these
156. Who has the authority to establish court of session in a district ?
(a) Governor (b) High Court
(c) State Government (d) All of these
157. Who will appoint the presiding officer of a court of session ?
(a) Governor (b) High Court
(c) State Government (d) District Magistrate
Series-A 28 USJ
145.            ?
(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 
146. ‘’   
(a)       (b)      
(c)      (d) (a)  (b) 
147.        -        
 ,       
(a) 1   (b) 2   (c) 3   (d) 5  
148.     ‘’     ?
(a)      (b)   18        
(c)          (d)   21        
149.                    
(a)  (b) 
(c)  (d)      
150.      ‘’      ?
(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 
151.      (2017)    
(a)    (b)    (c)   (d) - 
152.        
(a)    (b)   
(c)       (d)       
153.    
(a)    (b)    (c)    (d)   
154.                    
, ,           ?
(a)  3 (b)  4 (c)  5 (d)  6
155.                  
  ?
(a)  6 (b)  7 (c)  8 (d)    
156.              ?
(a)  (b)   (c)   (d)  
157.          ?
(a)  (b)   (c)   (d)  
USJ 29 Series-A
158. Who will appoint the Chief Judicial Magistrate in a district ?
(a) Governor (b) High Court
(c) State Government (d) District Session Judge
159. How many classes of criminal courts shall be in a district ?
(a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) Five
160. Which of the following sentences a High Court can pass ?
(a) Death sentence (b) Imprisonment for life
(c) Rigorous imprisonment (d) Any sentence authorised by law
161. When can police arrest a person without warrant ?
(a) In case of cognizable offences only (b) In case of proclaimed offender only
(c) Deserter from Armed forces only (d) All of these
162. How much maximum punishment of imprisonment could be given by Chief Metropolitan
Magistrate ?
(a) Upto 10 years (b) Upto 7 years (c) Upto 5 years (d) Upto 3 years
163. The famous case of “D.K. Basu Vs. State of West Bengal” contains the guidelines in what
respect ?
(a) Arrest of persons (b) Right to fair and speedy trial
(c) Grant of anticipatory bail (d) All of these
164. Before which of the following courts matters relating to the maintenance under Section 125
of the Criminal Procedure Code would be filed ?
(a) Court of Session (b) Judicial Magistrate First Class
(c) Judicial Magistrate Second Class (d) Family Courts
165. At what stage of a criminal case confession statement of a person under Section 164 of the
Criminal Procedure Code could be recorded ?
(a) During Investigation (b) During Inquiry
(c) During Trial (d) At any stage of the case
166. Under Section 154 of the Criminal Procedure Code, who can give informations relating to
the commission of a cognizable offence ?
(a) The victim himself only (b) The dependant of victim only
(c) Relative of victim only (d) Any person
167. Where the relevant procedure in the Criminal Procedure Code has been provided in case
when investigation can not be completed within 24 hours ?
(a) Section 57 (b) Section 157
(c) Section 167 (d) All of these
168. Under which section of the Criminal Procedure Code, the jurisdiction of criminal courts
have been given for offences committed outside India ?
(a) Section 177 (b) Section 179 (c) Section 183 (d) Section 188
Series-A 30 USJ
158.          ?
(a)  (b)   (c)   (d)   
159.           ?
(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 
160.              ?
(a)   (b)  
(c)   (d)         

161.             ?

(a)       (b)      
(c)      (d)  

162.              ?
(a) 10    (b) 7    (c) 5    (d) 3   

163. “..     ”        -    ?
(a)    (b)      
(c)     (d)  

164.      125   -        
    ?
(a)   (b)    
(c)     (d)  

165.             164  ,   
        ?
(a)    (b)   
(c)    (d)      

166.      154              ?
(a)     (b)     
(c)      (d)   

167.          ,     24       
  ?
(a)  57 (b)  157 (c)  167 (d)  

168.                  
       ?
(a)  177 (b)  179 (c)  183 (d)  188
USJ 31 Series-A
169. What are the modes for taking cognizance of offences by the Magistrates in Criminal
Procedure Code ?
(a) Upon receiving a complaint only
(b) Upon police report only
(c) Upon information other than police report only
(d) All of these
170. Which Section of The Criminal Procedure Code restricts the court of session from taking
cognizance of any offence as a court of original jurisdiction unless the case has been
committed to it by a magistrate ?
(a) Section 193 (b) Section 194 (c) Section 195 (d) Section 196
171. Which of the following cases relates to the principles with regard to anticipatory bail ?
(a) Raghunath Das Vs. State of Orissa
(b) Gurubaksh Singh Sibbia Vs. State of Punjab
(c) Ramesh Kumar Ravi Vs. State of Bihar
(d) Waman Nade Vs. State of Maharashtra
172. Which of the following Articles of the ‘Constitution’ relate to the doctrine, if a person is tried
and acquitted or convicted of an offence, he cannot be tried again for the same offence ?
(a) Article 20(1) (b) Article 22(1) (c) Article 20(2) (d) Article 22(2)
173. Under which provision of the Criminal Procedure Code, the legal aid to the accused has
been permitted at the expenses of the state ?
(a) Section 301 (b) Section 303 (c) Section 304 (d) Section 306
174. Under the Criminal Procedure Code, who among the followings is empowered to decide as
to what would be the language of the Court ?
(a) State Government (b) Governor
(c) High Court (d) District Criminal Court
175. Which provision of the Criminal Procedure Code, provides that an accused person shall be
a competent witness for the defence and may give evidence on oath ?
(a) Section 310 (b) Section 315 (c) Section 311 (d) Section 319
176. Who can frame the ‘charge’ according to the Criminal Procedure Code ?
(a) Court
(b) Public Prosecutor
(c) Office-in-charge of the concerned police station
(d) All of these
177. In summary trial, which trial procedure the court should follow
(a) Procedure for session trial (b) Procedure for warrant trial
(c) Procedure for summons trial (d) No specific procedure is prescribed.
178. Which of the following Sections of the Criminal Procedure Code, relates to release of
offenders on probation of good conduct ?
(a) Section 260 (b) Section 350 (c) Section 356 (d) Section 360
Series-A 32 USJ
169.                   ?
(a)      
(b)      
(c)         
(d)  
170.            ,      
                ?
(a)  193 (b)  194 (c)  195 (d)  196
171.               ?
(a)      (b)      
(c)       (d)     
172.                  
                  
         ?
(a)  20(1) (b)  22(1) (c)  20(2) (d)  22(2)
173.                 
   ?
(a)  301 (b)  303 (c)  304 (d)  306
174.                     
  ?
(a)   (b) 
(c)   (d)   
175.                    
      ?
(a)  310 (b)  315 (c)  311 (d)  319
176.      ‘’      ?
(a) 
(b)  
(c)       
(d)  
177.           ?
(a)    (b)   
(c)    (d)       
178.                 
      ?
(a)  260 (b)  350 (c)  356 (d)  360
USJ 33 Series-A
179. Which of the following case is not related to the confession ?
(a) Pulukuri Kotayya V. King Emperor
(b) State of U.P. V. Devman Upadhyay
(c) State of Bombay V. Kathi Kaloo
(d) T.J. Ponnam V. M.C. Verghese

180. Which one of the following Sections of the Indian Evidence Act provides questions lawful
in cross-examination to be asked ?
(a) Section 146 (b) Section 145 (c) Section 144 (d) Section 147

181. Which of the following sections of the Indian Evidence Act applies to the pleaders relating
to professional communications ?
(a) Section 128 and 125 (b) Section 129 and 130
(c) Section 126 and 127 (d) Section 131 and 132

182. The provisions relating to the ‘Burden of proof ’ have been provided under :
(a) Section 91-100 of Indian Evidence Act
(b) Section 84-90 of Indian Evidence Act
(c) Section 101-114 A of Indian Evidence Act
(d) Section 115-118 of Indian Evidence Act

183. Section 6 of the Indian Evidence Act deals with

(a) Relevancy of fact forming part of same transaction.
(b) Admission.
(c) Opinion of expert.
(d) Conclusive proof.

184. Section 133 of the Indian Evidence Act is related to

(a) Number of witnesses (b) Accomplice
(c) Oral evidence (d) Relevancy of facts

185. In which Section of the Indian Evidence Act, “Presumption as to dowry death” is
provided ?
(a) Section 111-A (b) Section 112 (c) Section 113-A (d) Section 113-B

186. The case “Doodhnath Pandey V. State of U.P.” is related to

(a) Res-Gestal (b) Plea of alibi (c) Admission (d) Accomplice

187. Important case related to ‘Identification Parade’ is

(a) Ramnathan V. State of Tamil Nadu (b) Ram Lochan V. State of West Bengal
(c) Queen Empress V. Abdullah (d) All of these

188. Which one of the following will be called as ‘Primary evidence’ ?

(a) Photograph of original (b) Certified copies
(c) Oral account of a document (d) Hand written letter
Series-A 34 USJ
179.            ?
(a)       (b)      
(c)      (d) ..   .. 
180.           -       
   ?
(a)  146 (b)  145 (c)  144 (d)  147

181.              
     ?
(a)  128  125 (b)  129  130
(c)  126  127 (d)  131  132

182. “  ”       :

(a)      91-100 
(b)      84-90 
(c)      101-114 A 
(d)      115-118 

183.      6   :

(a)           
(b)  
(c)    
(d)   

184.     -133   :

(a)     (b)  
(c)    (d)    
185.        “   ”    ?
(a)  111-A (b)  112 (c)  113-A (d)  113-B
186. “     ”     :
(a) -  (b)   ()  
(c)   (d)  
187.        :
(a)     (b)      
(c)     (d)  

188.     ‘ ’   ?

(a)    (b)  
(c)      (d)  
USJ 35 Series-A
189. Under Section 85-C of the Indian Evidence Act, the presumption as to electronic signature
certificates correctness, the court :
(a) may presume (b) shall presume
(c) shall not presume (d) may not presume
190. Which one of the following Section Under Indian Evidence Act, 1872 has been inserted by
Section 92 and Schedule II of the Information Technology Act, 2000 ?
(a) Section 65 (b) Section 154(2) (c) Section 67-A (d) Section 67
191. Under Indian Evidence Act, leading questions may generally be asked in
(a) Cross-examination (b) Examination in-chief
(c) Re-examination (d) All of these
192. Under the Indian Evidence Act, power of the Judge to put questions and order of
production of document or thing in the court has been provided in
(a) Section 162 (b) Section 163 (c) Section 164 (d) Section 165
193. Which one of the following under the Indian Evidence Act, is not a kind of estoppel ?
(a) Estoppel by will (b) Estoppel by deed
(c) Estoppel by conduct (d) Estoppel by record
194. Section 112 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 provides for
(a) Presumption of life (b) Presumption of marriage
(c) Presumption of legitimacy (d) Presumption of death
195. Which Section of the Indian Evidence Act, removes the bar of doctrine that husband and
wife are one person in law ?
(a) Section 122 (b) Section 119 (c) Section 120 (d) Section 123
196. Under which Section of the Indian Evidence Act, admissibility of evidence shall be
decided by the Judge ?
(a) Section 135 (b) Section 136 (c) Section 137 (d) Section 138
197. Which one of the following cases is directly related to Section 32(1) of the Indian
Evidence Act ?
(a) Pulukuri Kotayya V. Emperor
(b) State of Maharashtra V. Damu Gopinath Shinde
(c) Palvinder Kaur V. State of Punjab
(d) Pakala Narayan Swami V. Emperor
198. “Hostile witness” is dealt in Indian Evidence Act under :
(a) Section 154 (b) Section 155 (c) Section 152 (d) Section 151
199. The case, ‘Queen Empress V. Abdullah’ is related with
(a) Burden of proof (b) Privileged communication
(c) Confession (d) Dying declaration
200. Choose the correct option under the Indian Evidence Act.
(a) Judicial notice – Section 87 (b) Private document – Section 75
(c) Admission – Section 48 (d) Accomplice – Section 132

Series-A 36 USJ
189.      85-C         
   :
(a)    (b)   (c)    (d)    
190.   , 1872           , 2000
  92  -II      ?
(a)  65 (b)  154(2) (c)  67- (d)  67
191.             :
(a) -  (b) -  (c)    (d)   
192.                  
       :
(a)  162  (b)  163  (c)  164  (d)  165 
193.              ?
(a)    (b)    (c)    (d)   
194.   , 1872,   112    :
(a)     (b)    
(c)     (d)    
195.        “        ”   
   ?
(a)  122 (b)  119 (c)  120 (d)  123
196.                  ?
(a)  135 (b)  136 (c)  137 (d)  138
197.            32(1)     ?
(a)      (b)      
(c)      (d)     
198.     “ ”      :
(a)  154  (b)  155  (c)  152  (d)  151 
199. “   ”     :
(a)     (b)   
(c)   (d)   
200.         
(a)   –  87 (b)   –  75
(c)  –  48 (d)  –  132

USJ 37 Series-A
Space For Rough Work /     

Series-A 38 USJ
Space For Rough Work /     

USJ 39 Series-A
Space For Rough Work / a’$ H$m¶© Ho$ {bE OJh

Series- A 40 USJ

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