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School of Management
Law Enforcement Administration (Inter-Agency Approach)

Test I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (2 points). Directions: Identify the choice that best
completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the correct answer
in your test booklet.
1.     If a police superior was not able to meet the demand of the job given to him
due to too many subordinates being handled is an example of __________.
a.     Balance Principle
b.     Absoluteness of Responsibility Principle
c.     Scalar Principle
d.     The Span of Control

Answer: d. The Span of Control

2.     PO1 Sanchez caught a suspect and brought it to the police station. If he will
file a case against the suspect, what should the prosecutor need to find in the
police report?
a.     Proof beyond reasonable doubt        c. Preponderance of Evidence
b.     Probable Cause                               d. Substantial evidence

Answer: b. Probable Cause

3.     In the law enforcement pillar, it is important that the arresting officer should
tell the Miranda doctrine to the suspect before bringing him to proper judicial
authority because the case will be _______.
a.     Acquitted                                         c. Revoked
b.     Released                                         d. Dismissed
4.     Police Sergeant Ronaldo shot a suspect on his leg because it was trying to
shoot him with a pistol. After apprehending the suspect, his counsel filed a case
to the police officer because of improper arrest. Based on this situation, the
police officer just did what is the best to do which is ___________.
a.     Knowledge                                       c. Decision making
b.     Discretion                                         d. All of these
Answer: b. Discretion

5.     Police Staff Sergeant Benny tasked Police Corporal Oada to handle the
investigation of the drug syndicate in Barangay Somlong. During the undercover
operation, four of his men were killed in a shootout because they didn’t follow the
standard operating procedures. Based on the what scalar principle which will
imply that Police Corporal Oada must carry the appropriate responsibility?
a. Delegation of Authority                       c. Unity of Command
b. Span of Control                                 d. Line of authority
Answer: d. Line of authority
Test II. Definition. Define the following term based on your own understanding. Copied
answer or researched answer will get an automatic zero. Write at least 5 sentences

1.     Order Maintenance
Order maintenance is a service which done in a community where the
violations are most commonly minor. It involves peace maintenance and
organization. Some of its examples are regulating noises during karaoke nights,
addressing an issue towards catcalling or the basic practices. Order maintenance
embraces the function of maintaining peace and harmony in at the small unit of a
community through fixing issues at public spaces. This plays a major role in
making the community people feel safe around the areas where they go.

2.     RA 6975
RA 6975 is an act that establishes the Philippine National Police to be
under the Department of Interior and Local Government. One of its purpose is to
mold a higher efficient police officers. Through this, we will produce more
effective public servants which is competent and wide in dealing with the people
around the community. This also aims to enhance the capabilities of the police
units as they stand as a representative of the PNP. By producing these kind of
officers, we can also ensure the safety of each and evey individual residing the
country or even in the small units of the society.

3.     Selection under POSDCoRB

POSDCoRB is a type of method which is effective in the process of
maximizing the potentials of a member of an organization. The term POSDCoRB
stands for Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating and Budgeting.
Selection is under Staffing, whose aim is to select which individual is the most
suitable for a work after the recruitment. Through this, a candidate was chosen
into a specific position. It is important to select which person is the best for a
position which is why it is an important aspect under the POSDCoRB.

4.     Policing System
Policing system is one of the most important activity police officers
conduct in maintaining peace and order. It is a way of enforcing and maintaining
law. Through the supervision of police officers by traffic conteol, guarding,
patrolling and any other type of policing, we can provide the visibility of police
officers that can also be a factor in reducing crime. It is a system essential in
shaping a harmonized community.
5.     Line Functions
Line function is the backbone of police department. They patrol,
investigate and even responsible in traffic regulation. Line function also
mandates the individuals who are under the task of maintain such responsibilities
as it is one of its role. We can say that persons under this are directly the person
we can see in their field of work. Typically, they can be seen in public areas such
as the roads.
Test III: Essay (10 points each). Write at least ten (7) sentences each. Those who
plagiarized will get an automatic zero point.
1.     Explain why law enforcement is an integral part of the Criminal justice system.
Law enforcement is an integral part of criminal justice system as they are the first
in the pillar, and the one directly interacting with the people. They are responsible in
enforcing and mitigating the law. Law enforcement services mandated by police officers
plays the role of who to call in terms of violations and misbehavior towards a specific
time and place. Having connections with law enforcement also equated to having
connection with the criminal justice system. They can be the first person we can call if
someone troubled us, disrupting the law. They are also responsible in looking for
evidences and other that can be used in a specific crime or disobedience in different
principles. Law enforcement also perform a huge responsibility in moderating crimes as
they appear as the implementer of the existing rules and policies. With them, we can
ensure the safety of each and every individual as we go outside our houses. Such
reasons make them an integral part of the justice system we have.

2.     Comparing the influence of the Spaniards from the Americans, what is the best
policing system based on our lesson?
Based on the roles acted upon the specific time on where Spaniards and
Americans colonized us, I really believe that neither between the two are the best, as our
own policing system, created and modulated by our own, Filipinos, are the best.; yet,
what I can conclude is between the two, Spaniards provided a better form of policing
system. Philippines is known for having their own policing system before the conquerors
came. We have datus, rajas, sultans, or whatever title they call on their leaders. They
play the role of keeping peace and order in the community they rule in. Spaniards, on
the other hand, introduced us a different way of policing. Guardrilleros, carabineros de
seguridad de publica and guuardia civils set as the name called for its system.
Americans also introduced us Insular Police which we still use at present, but the
Spaniards introduced us more, having more years in colonizing us. It is more precise
and its hierarchy of power is more clear. It is more clear in terms of peace-keeping and
maintaining harmonized community.

3.     One of the responsibilities of a police officer is the prevention of crime. What should
a patrol on duty do in his area of responsibility?
Assuring the safety of its citizens is the role of a patrolman or patrolwoman. To
prevent a crime form happening, police visibility is one of the key. Through police
visibility, violators more commonly fear the chance of being caught. With that, it can
possibly result to less crime and modulation of disobedience. Other than that, fast
response to crime should also be present. While enforcing the law firmly, it causes
apprehension to the members of the community. A responsible and effective law
enforcer set as a foremost element in prevention or regulation of crimes.
4.     Explain how Parity and Responsibility Principle affect a police officer performance.
In this principle, it could be taken first from the word “Parity.” It should be equal. It
should be uniformed. It should be balanced. As the responsibility was given upon a
person, its weight should be equal with the time and resources available or specified
among them in order to work effectively. Same goes with the authority. The power given
to a person shoulf be match to the task given to him. This principle implies that the
supremacy should not be excessive and not be misused.

5.     Why do you think the regular member of the NAPOLCOM should at least have five
(5) years’ experience in handling criminal or human rights cases and a member of the
How could a person properly act based on its function? Through experience.
Member of National Police Commission should have enough experiences in order to
perform properly the duties and responsibilities given upon them. Being part of the bar,
likewise give them the credibility to be in the position as it set as a basis on how much
the person knows about laws and enforcing it. It can also reflect a person’s integrity as a
commissioner. NAPOLCOM has a higher standard when it comes to its members.
Through this, they will be able to make sure that they are providing competence on their
field with persons duly acquiring the requirements they have. As they provide such
individuals, they are also composing the reliability of the organization.

Test IV. Mapping (10 points). Explain the history of photography through the use of
the words below.
Datu----------Spaniards-------Americans----------Philippine Constabulary------PNP

Even before the colonizers came, Philippines have their own way of civilization and policing.
Filipinos are then ruled by the Datus and other rulers with different titles. These leaders are responsible
in protecting their ethnic tribes together with their culture and tradition. After this, Spaniards came.
They introduced different way of ruling with their own distinction based on their rank. Their primary role
is to keep peace and organization inside the community. Organized patrolling first existed at their time
who were called bantayans, guarding the streets of Manila. Few years after, Carabinero de Seguridad
Publica was introduced with Filipinos acting positions under the command of Spanish. Americans came
after the Spaniard period. They introduced the Insular Police whose task is to maintain territorial force.
At World War II, its power became limited only to areas where military rule was revoked. After the war,
Hukbalahap or Hukbong Mapagpalaya sa Bayan emerged. After several acts and declarations, the PNP
Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998 was enacted. This enhances the competence and efficiency of
police officers and act upon the power and responsibility given upon them.

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