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“Important skills that I can contribute towards the organization’’
COURSE TITTLE: Conflict and Negotiation Management

Md. Sharfuddin Rashed
Associate Professor
Department of Management
University of Chittagong

Md. Redwanul Fahim
ID: 15302118
Session: 2018-2019
Department of Management
University of Chittagong

Date of Submission: 23 June 2021

Important skills that I can contribute towards the organization: Important skills by which
I can contribute towards the organization are :

Management Skills: Understanding and displaying good management skills will help
employee for a successful career no matter what level he/she starting at. In the broadest
sense, management skills can be nearly anything that enables employee to manage his/her
work and others effectively.

Motivation: Managers who can motivate their employees are true assets to their company.
This type of interaction not only increases productivity and employee satisfaction, but it sets
a good example as well.

Problem solving: The right skill set empowers managers to identify, face, and overcome
various problems that might arise in the workplace. This first requires outstanding attention
to detail. Top managers can spot emerging problems before they're apparent to everyone in
the company and identify the root of the trouble. Analytical skills are also important in
management. Employee should know what data is most relevant to your industry, how to
gather it, and what the resulting numbers mean.

Professionalism: Integrity, honesty, and professionalism are crucial skills for an employee.

Communication: One of the most important responsibilities that employee have is

communicating effectively, both with higher and lower rank throughout the company.

Technical skills: Technical skills are essential for employee in the organization.

Innovation: Innovation is a keyword for nearly every company. Competitors are always
striving to develop the best new products and services ahead of the organization
(Understanding and displaying good management skills will help to position you for a
successful career no matter what level you're starting at., 2020).

Time management: Time management allows employee to plan his/her daily schedule and
use his/her time efficiently. It also supports a better work-life balance.
Planning: Organization is deciding what actually needs to be done, when it needs to be
done, then planning that process. This involves understanding deadlines and working
backward to map out prioritize each task along the way.

Physical organizational skills: Physical organizational skills generally pertain to keeping a

tidy workspace (physical and virtual) and orderly work habits. For instance, if you attend a
project planning meeting, you could demonstrate organizational skills by taking clear notes
during the meeting, saving them in a designated place where you can easily refer back to
them and making appropriate updates to a corresponding project timeline. This skills
include record keeping, filling, documentation, orderliness etc (Top Organizational Skills for
Resumes, Interviews and Development, 2020).
Top Organizational Skills for Resumes, Interviews and Development. Indeed editor team. 2020. s.l. :
Indeed , 2020.

Understanding and displaying good management skills will help to position you for a successful
career no matter what level you're starting at. Career Buiilder. 2020. 2020, CareerBuilder .

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