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Sripad Ramanujacharya and Srila Gopal Kishna Goswami Maharaj

Whatever Our Acharyas have said in past, Guru Maharaj is repeating them as it is through his
words and actions. Here sre some final instructions of Sripada Ramanujacharya and some
intructions and activities of Guru Maharaj in their connection

Instructions of Ramanujacharya Activities of Guru Maharaj

Guru Maharaj, is always serving God, by regular deity

worship, GM is continously engaged in spreading the
Serve God and God's devotees. teachings of BG and SB. He is meeting so many devotees
all throughout the day so he can serve them by getting
spiritual happiness

GM always instructs his disciples to serve other devotees

as their spiritual masters| He maintains very good
Serve all devotees without relation and is always in a service attitude towards his
regard to their status. God brothers. He is equally loving and attentive to the
disciples of other Gurus. Even during his morning walks
he greets Hare Krishna to guards and security guards.

GM while in GBC meetings|classes, dealing with disciples

always talks on principles given by Shrila Prabhupada. His
every statement spoken in lecture is a statement given by
Have faith in the teachings of SP in one of his lecture. Although GM knows much more
acharyas on subject matters but he does not talk beyon what
prabhupad has said. Simply by taking shelter of Srila
Prabhupada's instructions Guru Maharaj has spread the
movement all over the world with so much success.

in last 50 yrs, Guru Maharaj has never taken any decision

on mental platform. He introspects on what Prabhupada
Do not succumb to sense has said and then decide. HH Bhakti Anugraha Janardan
pleasure Swami Maharaj once told that Guru Maharaj's diet has
not changed in last 40 yrs. He doesn’t sleep beyond the
least necessity.
Do not put your conviction on Guru Maharaj, always stresses devotees to read
trivial shastras, have conviction scriptures- SB, BG and other Prabhupada books. There are
on the shastras that deal with many instructions given in Vedas but he focusses only on
God those which are prescribed by Prabhupada for ISKCON
Guru Maharaj mentions very frequently in his lectures
about being careful with the misuse of mobile phones (to
watch pornography) "Smart phone is for smart people".
Protect yourself from five senses
He instructs devotees to take Krishna Prasad, hear
Bhagavat Katha and whenever you come to temple, do
some service.

Guru Maharaj always focusses on attentive chanting of

Holy Names. He has openly said, that you can please your
spiritual master, by chanting attentively and developing
taste for Holy Names. Many times disciples ask GM what
Praise The name of Lord and personal service they can do for him- he says-"Just Chant
Acharyas sincerely". GM mentions Prabhupad's Name and pastimes
very frequently in his lecture. Even for the magnaimous
temples he has built like ISKCON Greater Kailash- he says
and believes that it is built by Prabhupada. He actually
gives all credit and glories to Srila Prabhupada.

GM said-" It is very difficult to fight with Maya, but we

All the knowledge you may have
can very easily overcome, simply by surrendering. And
will not protect you if you
still if you take to sense pleasure- then get ready to bear
choose sensual pleasures.
the results."

GM never said in any of his lectures to control senses, he

It is not enough to control your
says to engage senses in Krishna's service. Many times he
sensual desires, you must
has said that every devotee should have services enough
surrender to the Lord.
to to engage him 24 hours a day.

Guru Maharaj is humbleness personified. He does not

Do not be disrespectful of
disrespect even a non devotee, Guru Maharaj, always
srivaishnavaas for any reason,
says respect other devotees like your own spiritual
including age, caste, etc. You
master. He personally feels very happy when he says his
must show respect to them all.
disciples serving other Prabhupada disciples.
When you rise from your bed
Guru Maharaj's day starts with serving Guru Parampara
meditate upon your ancestral
and ends while serving them and serving devotees
line of acharyas.
In front of the sanctum of our
Lord,amongst sri vaishnavaas Guru Maharaj, always tell disciples to chant Hare Krishna
utter the wordsof thiru Mahamantra
manthiram and dvayam.

Praise the auspicious qualities of Guru Maharaj's every lecture is filled with pastimes of
our Lord and acharyas Lord, Prabhupada and other acharyas

Once a devotee told Guru Maharaj, about his office

hardships, so Guru Maharaj said, that in office you have
to do so much buttering and offer salaam to so many
people, still it is of no use, so its better you join and offer
Welcome sri vaishnavas with
salaam to Krishna. Guru Maharaj has extraordinaily loving
open arms and praise. Do not
reation with other devotees, once Guru Maharaj, was
praise ordinary people for the
going to take darshan, and saw many of Grihastha
sake of material gain.
Prabhupad disciples in lobby, so he became very blissful,
and offered obeisances from his side first. he is very
cautious and makes sures all senior devotees sould be
given equal respect.

Pay respect when you see the Guru Maharaj is always respectful to everything in
gOpuram of a temple. connection to Krishna

Have undying faith in Lord Guru Maharaj's has unflinching faith in Lord, which is
Vishnu. evident from his every activites. Cannot be explained

Guru Maharaj, always objects the habbit of fault finding

and tells to see the good qualities. Once in 2016, when
Do not find fault with praise of
and inititation application was on question- he said
the Lord or devotees.
"everybody in Kaliyug is affected" so negelecting the
faults he accepted him as his disciple.
Guru Maharaj never gives SB class if a senior devotee is
present in temple. On stage he speaks only after others
Pay at most respect to sri have spoken. He personally tok care of the needs of every
vaishnavaas Prabhupada disciple was taken care of during 40th
anniversary festival. In meetings he listens to every
devotee, even they are like children in front of him.

Guru Mharaj says a vaishnava is identified by his qualities

not on basis of his attire. The qualities are defined on
Among sri vaishnavaas do not
basis of Shastras. Whenever Guru Maharaj, mentions
discriminate between poor and
about the pastimes of Mahaprabhu, often he talks about
Kolabecha Shridhar who was living in utmost poor
condition and yet was completely devoted to the Lord.

As long as the faults of a devotee are not affecting the

mission of Krishna consciousness, even if it is a personal
attack- mental, verbal or physical, Guru Maharaj
Ignore the faults and praise the
tolerates. Whenever he gets an opportunity he glorifies
virtues of sri vasihnavaas.
devotee even if he has done a small thing. He feels
gratitude because that devotee has done something for
Shrila Prabhupada.

Consume Sri paadha theertham Guru Maharaj very cautiously takes the Charnamrita so
with respect. that it does not falls. He takes prasad with alertness

Do not consider yourself as This is very much evitable, Guru Maharaj is although is
equal to other devotees. Think the King in ISKCON, but he always tries to keep his profile
of yourself as so low and always seeks permission even from local
their servant temple authority.

To purify your sins consume the

sri paatha theertham of great Guru Maharaj never discriminates devotees based on
saints. their material activities, one good quality even very small
For this, do not consider the is sufficient to glorify the devotee
caste of those saints.
Guru Maharaj, insists devotees to come to temple atleast
Visiting temples and securing
once in a week and attend temple program. He himself
prasaadam is important.
visits temples in Yatras as far as possible.

Till date nobody can tell much details about Personal

dealings of Guru Maharaj with Prabhupada, Guru Maharaj
has built so many temples but he does not let anyone
Do not boast about your virtues glorigy him. No body can tell the exact number of temples
he has built till now. He feels very shy if his god brothers
glorify him or his disciples chant loudly- "Jai Bhagavat

AS long as activity is not affecting the mission, or creating

Do not scorn a devotee.
an offense to other Vaishnava, Guru Maharaj tolerates

Guru Maharaj, is always serving devotees and is very

Do not ignore serving devotees
careful about their needs

Praise the auspicious qualities of

Guru Maharaj, is always glorifying the Lord.
the Lord daily.

Recite prabhandams like Guru Maharaj, make sures he chants daily- Sansara
thiruvaaymozhi daily. Davanala, Narsimha arti, tulsi arti, Guru puja

Do not associate with the ones

who only pretend to be sri
vaihnvaas. Guru Maharaj always tell devotees to keep interation
Do not associate with the ones with non devotees till bare necessity, he keeps his
who find faults with others. Do disciples away from pretenders. He always mentions
not even look about how to deal with devotees of 3 types- those who
upon those who belittle are more advanced than you, those who are equal and
devotees. Associate with those those who have less knowledge than you.
who wish to
surrender to the Lord

Guru Maharaj is Saar Grahi. He is so much dedicated to

Ignore the harsh words of other
the mission that he never pays attention to harsh words.
sri vaishnvaas. Always do good
He is always ready to do good for devotees even those
to them
who sometimes stand against him.
Do not think of the Lord's idols This is very much evitable from his dedication for deity
as just stone or wood worship

Guru Maharaj is always Prabhupada conscious. He is

Do not think of your guru as just
always anxious to fulfil his desires, even if they were told
an ordinary person.
45-50 yrs back, he is still anxious to fulfil them

Even simply saying out loud the

Guru Maharaj, never heeded to dicriminating vaishnavas
caste of a sri vasihnavaas is a
on basis of caste

Do not consider anything This is very much evident from his alertness while dealing
related to our Lord as ordinary. with deity paraphernalia, activities, Holy Name, devotees

There is nothing greater than

That is why Guru Maharaj is always preaching, for the
making our Lord and his
pleasure of Prabhupada and Krishna
devotees happy.

Insulting a devotee is a greater Guru Maharaj, always tell devotees to protect themselves
sin than not praying to the Lord. from Vaishnava Apradh
Your duty is to surrender to our
He teaches what is surrender through his own life
Try to live in thiru
narayanapuram at least for
some time. If you are unable Guru Maharaj wants devotees to live in temple| chant
to, where ever you are, live with Holy Name and serve devotees. He is doing this. He never
dvyam in your tongue. If you stays outside temple. He is always Chating Holy Names
are unable to do and serving devotees.
even this, serve other sri

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