Direct Adaptive Tracking Control of Quadrotor Aerial

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Direct Adaptive Tracking Control of Quadrotor Aerial


Yannick Morel Alexander Leonessa

Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace
Engineering Engineering
University of Central Florida University of Central Florida
Orlando, Florida 32816 Orlando, Florida 32816

ABSTRACT lenging task. The interaction of the air flows generated by the
This paper presents a novel adaptive control algorithm four rotors contribute to complex aerodynamic forces affect-
solving the trajectory tracking problem for quadrotor aerial ing the vehicle’s motion. The system’s dynamics are not only
vehicles. The control law is derived using a backstepping nonlinear, but also difficult to satisfactorily characterize, due
procedure. A technique derived from dynamic surface con- to the complexity of the system’s aerodynamic properties.
trol is used to simplify the expression of the obtained control Accordingly, due to the nonlinear nature of the system,
algorithm, with no significant loss in terms of performance. linear control techniques are expected to perform relatively
Proof of stability is obtained using Lyapunov stability the- poorly ([1]), as they can not account nor compensate for non-
ory. Results from numerical simulations illustrate the per- linear phenomenon affecting the vehicle’s dynamics. In [2],
formance of the obtained controller. a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller and a Lin-
ear Quadratic (LQ) controller were implemented and proved
capable of regulating the system. However, these designs
1 . INTRODUCTION rely on a linearized version of the vehicle’s model. The con-
Numerous research group have in recent years focused trollers perform adequately if the vehicle is in a configura-
on control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). This fam- tion close to that the model was linearized about, but the per-
ily of vehicles can be divided in two distinct classes. Air- formance dramatically deteriorates if the vehicle state sig-
planes can reach considerable speed, allowing them to cover nificantly differs from this desired equilibrium. As a result,
long distances in a relatively short amount of time. These these controllers have difficulties in handling perturbations,
vehicles naturally lend themselves well to mission pertaining and seem unlikely to allow for trajectory tracking.
to surveillance of extensive areas. They can be distinguished As stated above, a nonlinear controller should be better
from Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) vehicles, as the suited to handle and account for nonlinearities in the vehi-
latter are not able to reach comparable speeds, but are physi- cle’s model. Indeed, a backstepping technique ([3]) yielded
cally able to hover in the vicinity of an arbitrary entity. They a control algorithm that, when implemented on the same sys-
are therefore particularly well suited for missions involving tem as that considered in [2], outperformed the PID and LQ
the monitoring of stationary or slow moving targets. controllers ([4]). Similarly, in [5, 6], feedback linearization
Focussing on the VTOL category, another distinction ([7]) and a different backstepping approach were used and al-
can be made between classical helicopters, which essen- lowed to satisfactorily control the vehicle’s altitude and yaw.
tially use a single main rotor for lift in conjunction with an As mentioned above, due to the presence of intricate
auxiliary tail rotor used to adjust the vehicle’s attitude, and aerodynamic forces, obtaining a mathematical model satis-
quadrotors, which use a combination of four rotors for both factorily describing a quadrotor dynamical behavior is a dif-
lift and attitude. Although quadrotors feature more rotors ficult task. To handle uncertainties in the model, a robust
than classical helicopters, they are of a simpler mechanical feedback linearization approach was used in [8]. The ob-
design, as the latter requires a tilting mechanism to orient the tained control law proved to be robust to parameter uncer-
main rotor to adjust pitch and roll, which is more simply ac- tainties in simulation.
complished, for quadrotors, using differential lift on pairs of Classically, model uncertainties are handled using adap-
rotors. This simplified mechanical design however puts the tive techniques. In [9], a Single Hidden Layer Neural Net-
onus on the control system to provide levels of agility and work (SHL-NN) is used to compensate for unknown dy-
maneuverability comparable to that of classical helicopters. namics and allows implementation of the obtained controller
Controlling the motion of a quadrotor UAV is a chal- with almost no knowledge of the system’s dynamics. The ap-

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2006 Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, FCRAR 2006 Miami, Florida, May 25-26, 2006
proach was extended in [10], allowing the control algorithm where
to satisfy control input saturation constraints, and success-
fully implemented on a physical system. The algorithm is  
cθ cψ sφ sθ cψ − cφ sψ cφ sθ cψ + sφ sψ
limited to control of the vehicle’s pitch. J1 (η2 ) ,  cθ sψ sφ sθ sψ + cφ cψ cφ sθ sψ − sφ cψ , (7)
In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive control algo- −sθ sφ c θ cφ cθ
rithm, solving the attitude and altitude tracking control prob-  
lem for quadrotor aerial vehicles. A direct adaptive control 1 sφtθ cφtθ
law is derived, using an integrator backstepping approach J2 (η2 ) ,  0 cφ −sφ , (8)
([3]). Section 2 details the considered mathematical model. 0 sφ /cθ cφ /cθ
A step by step description of the controller derivation is pre-
sented in Section 3. Results of numerical simulations illus- and sς , cς , and tς denote the sine, cosine and tangent of angle
trate the performance of the controller. ς. Equations (5) and (6) constitute the kinematic equations
of the considered system.

2.1 Kinematics 2.2 Dynamics
Considering motion in six degrees of freedom, the vehi- The equations characterizing the dynamic behavior of
cle’s position is described by the system are of the form ([11])

£ ¤T 1 1£ ¤T
η1 , xN yE z , (1) ν̇1 (t) = C1 (ν2 (t))ν1 (t) + fg (φ(t), θ(t)) + 0 0 fz (t) ,
m m
ν1 (0) = ν10 , t > 0,(9)
where (xN , yE ) denotes the position of the vehicle in a two
ν̇2 (t) = I −1C2 (ν2 (t))ν2 (t) + I −1 τ(t), ν2 (0) = ν20 , (10)
dimensional frame, the xN axis is arbitrarily chosen to point
North, the yE axis East, while the z axis is pointing down-
ward. The vector η1 is expressed in an Earth Fixed Frame where m is the mass of the vehicle,
(EFF) of arbitrary origin. The vehicle’s attitude is described
by  
ix 0 0
£ ¤T I ,  0 iy 0  , (11)
η2 , φ θ ψ , (2) 0 0 iz

where φ, θ and ψ denote the vehicle’s roll, pitch, and yaw, is the rotational inertia matrix,
respectively. Position and attitude are regrouped in η ,
£ T T ¤T    
η1 η2 . The body-fixed velocities are introduced with 0 r −q 0 −iz r iy q
the following notation, C1 (η2 ), −r 0 p , C2 (η2 ), iz r 0 −ix p ,(12)
q −p 0 −iy q ix p 0
£ ¤T
ν1 , u v w , (3)
£ ¤T £ ¤T
ν2 , p q r , (4) are Coriolis matrices, fg (φ, θ) , g −sθ cθ sφ cθ cφ is the
vector of restoring forces, g is the gravity acceleration, Fz is
where u, v and w are the forward, lateral and downward ve- the thrust provided by the propulsion system, and τ regroups
locities, expressed in the Body Fixed Frame (BFF), while the torques and moments generated by the propellers.
p, q and r are the angular velocities in roll, pitch and yaw, We augment the dynamical system (9)-(10) with the fol-
respectively. Linear and angular velocities are regrouped in lowing equation, which models the delay between a change
£ ¤T in a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal provided to the
the velocity vector ν , νT1 νT2 . The overall state of the
£ ¤T motors and the time at which it affects the remaining dynam-
vehicle is described by the state vector x , ηT νT .
ics of the vehicle,
The time derivatives of (1) and (2) are related to (3) and
(4) as follows ([11]), ¡ ¢
τ̃˙ (t) = T −1 −τ̃(t) + g2m B̃Λ−1 p2 (t) , τ̃(0) = τ̃0, t > 0, (13)
η̇1 = J1 (η2 )ν1, (5)
η̇2 = J2 (η2 )ν2, (6) where T ∈ R4×4 is a diagonal matrix of time constants, T >

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2006 Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, FCRAR 2006 Miami, Florida, May 25-26, 2006
£ ¤T
0, τ̃ , fz τT , gm ∈ R, Now consider the following filter,

    ³ · ¸T
k 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 03×1
0 lk 0 0 1 1 −2 0 −1  T1 χ̇1(t)+χ1(t)=J3−1(η2 (t)) ksz
B̃ ,  , Λ,   , (14) u(t)sθ (t)−v(t)sφ (t)cθ (t)
0 0 lk 0 
4 1 0 −2 1  ´ 1
0 0 0 d 1 2 0 −1 +G1 ep (t) + J3T (η2 (t))ep (t), t > 0, (19)

where k, l and d ∈ R, and, finally, p2 ∈ R4 regroups the where G1 ∈ R4×4 , G1 > 0, with initial condition χ1 (0) = χ10
squares of the PWM signals provided to the four motors. and associated filtering error

à · ¸T !
α1 (xr1 , x, χ1 ) , J3−1(η2 ) ksz +G1 ep (xr1 , ηs )
RITHM usθ −vsφ cθ
In this Section, we will introduce the considered track- 1
ing errors. Then, following an approach similar to that pre- + J3T (η2 )ep (xr1 , ηs ) − χ1 , (20)
sented in [12], we will derive a nonlinear control law which
solves the considered tracking problem. Note that the ve- and define the velocity error
hicle does not directly track a desired trajectory, but that of
a reference system corresponding to a virtual vehicle. This
reference system, composed of third order oscillators ([13]), ev (xr2 , x, χ1 ) , J3−1(η2 )xr2 + χ1 − νs . (21)
will track the desired trajectory. The state of this reference
system is noted xr ∈ R12 . Using (20) and (21), we can rewrite (17) as

µ ¶
3.1 Tracking Error 1 T
£ ¤T V̇1 (ep , ev , η2 , α1 ) = −eTp G1 ep + ep J3(η2 ) α1 − J3 (η2 )ep
We define ηs , ηT2 ksz z , where ksz ∈ R is a scal- 2
ing constant. The position of the reference system is given
£ T ¤T +eTv J3T(η2 )ep , (22)
by xr1 , xra ksz xrz , where xra ∈ R3 corresponds to three
reference angles, and xrz ∈ R is a reference altitude. The the first term of which is negative quadratic, the second is due
considered position error is of the form to the filtering error, and third is due to the velocity error.

ep (xr1 , ηs ) , xr1 − ηs . (15)

3.3 Second Lyapunov Function Candidate
Consider the following function of ep and ev ,
3.2 First Lyapunov Function Candidate
Consider the following function of ep ,
1 1
V2 (ep , ev ) , eTp ep + eTv ev , (23)
1 2 2
V1 (ep ) , eTp ep , (16)
which is C 1 for all ep , ev ∈ R4 , V2 (ep , ev ) > 0 for all ep , ev ∈
note that V1 (ep ) ∈ C 1 for all ep ∈ R4 , V1 (ep ) > 0 for all ep ∈ R4 \ {0}, and V2 (0, 0) = 0. The time derivative of V2 (ep , ev )
R4 \ {0}, and V1 (0) = 0. The time derivative of V1 (ep ) is is given by
given by ³ ep ´
³ V̇2 (epv , xr , x, α1 , τ̃) = −eTp G1 ep + ep J3(η2 ) α1 − J3T(η2 )
£ ¤T´ ¡ ¢ 2
V̇1(xr , x) = eTp xr2 −J3 (η2 )νs+ksz 01×3 usθ −vsφ cθ ,(17) +eTv J3T(η2 )ep + ėv (xr , x, α1 , τ̃) , (24)

£ ¤T £ ¤T
where xr2 , ẋr1 , νs , νT2 krz w , 0i× j is the i × j dimen- where epv , eTp eTv , and
sional zero matrix, and
· ¸ ėv(xr , x, τ̃, α1)=M −1Θ∗1 fev(xr , x, α1)+J3−1(η2)xr3 −M −1B̂τ̃,
J2 (η2 ) 03×1
J3 (η2 ) , . (18)
01×3 cφ cθ (25)

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2006 Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, FCRAR 2006 Miami, Florida, May 25-26, 2006
with The first term in (33) is due to the estimation error Θ̃1 , the
second one to the tracking error eτ , the third term is negative
fev (xr , x, α1 ) , quadratic, the fourth and fifth terms are related to filtering
" £ ¤T # errors.
qr pr pq pv − qu
£ ¤T ¡ ¢ , (26)
ksz g 01×3 −cφ cθ + dtd J3−1 (η2 ) xr2 + T1−1 α1
· ¸ 3.4 Third Lyapunov Function Candidate
I 03×1 £ £ ¤ ¤ Consider the following function of ep , ev and Θ̃1 ,
M, m , Θ∗1 , diag iz − iy ix − iz iy − ix 1 M .
01×3 ksz
(27) 1 1 ¡ ¢
V3 (epv , Θ̃1 ) , eTpv epv + tr M −1 Θ̃1 Γ−1
1 Θ̃1 ,
2 2
We now define a second filter as follows,
· ¸ where Γ1 ∈ R8×8 , Γ1 > 0. Note that V3 (epv , Θ̃1 ) is C 1 for all
T2 χ̇2(t)+χ2(t) = fev (t) + −1
, epv ∈ R8 and Θ̃1 ∈ R4×8 , V3 (epv , Θ̃1 ) > 0 for all (epv , Θ̃1 ) ∈
J3 (η2 (t))ep (t) + G2 ev (t) R8 ∪ R4×8 \ {0}, and V3 (0, 0) = 0. The time derivative of
χ2 (0) = χ20 , t > 0, (28) V3 (epv , Θ̃1 ) is given by

where G2 ∈ R4×4 , G2 > 0, with associated filtering error V̇3 (epvτ , xr , x, α, Θ̃1 ,t)=−eTpv G12 epv +eTτ B̂T M −1ev
· ¸ 1
04×1 +eTpv P(η2 )α − eTp J3 (η2 )J3T (η2 )ep ,
α2 (epv , xr , x, χ1 ) , fev (xr , x, α1 )+ −χ2, ¡ ¡ 2 ¢¢
J3−1 (η2 )ep + G2 ev −tr M −1 Θ̃1 ϕ1(xr3 , η2 , χ2)ev − Γ−1 1 Θ̇1 (t)
and define the new tracking error

Θ̇1 (t) = ev (t)ϕT1 (t)Γ1 − σ1 kev (t)k2 Θ1 (t),

eτ (xr , x, χ2 , τ̃, Θ1 ) , B̂T Θ1 ϕ1 (xr3 , η2 , χ2 ) − τ̃, (30)
Θ1 (0) = Θ10 , t > 0,(37)

where Θ1 is an estimate of Θ∗1 and

where σ1 ∈ R, σ1 > 0, we obtain
µ · ¸¶
ϕ1 (xr3 , η2 , χ2 ) , χ2 + . (31) V̇3 (epvτ , xr , x, α, Θ̃1 )=−eTpv G12 epv +eTτ B̂T M −1ev +eTpv P(η2 )α
J3−1 (η2 )xr3
1 ¡ ¢
− eTp J3 (η2 )J3T (η2 )ep − σ1 kev k2 tr M −1 Θ̃1 Γ−1 1 Θ1 .(38)
Using (29) and (30), we can rewrite (25) as 2

ėv (epvτ , xr , x, χ2 , α2 , Θ̃1 ) = −J3T (η2 )ep − G2 ev 3.5 Fourth Lyapunov Function Candidate
¡ ¢ Consider the following function of epvτ and Θ̃1 ,
+M −1 Θ∗1 α2 − Θ̃1 ϕ1 (xr3 , η2 , χ2 ) + B̂eτ ,(32)

£ ¤T 1 1 ¡ ¢
where Θ̃1 , Θ1 −Θ∗1 , and epvτ , eTpv eTτ . Combining (32) V4 (epvτ , Θ̃1 ) , eTpvτ epvτ + tr M −1 Θ̃1 Γ−1
1 Θ̃1 , (39)
2 2
and (24), we obtain

which is C 1 for all epvτ ∈ R12 and Θ̃1 ∈ R4×8 , V4 (epvτ , Θ̃1 ) >
V̇2 (epvτ , xr , x, α, Θ̃1 )=−ev M −1Θ̃1ϕ1(xr3 , η2 , χ2)+eTτ B̂T M −1ev 0 for all (epvτ , Θ̃1 ) ∈ R12 ∪ R4×8 \ {0}, and V4 (0, 0) = 0. The
−eTpv G12 epv + eTpv P(η2 )α − eTp J3 (η2 )J3T (η2 )ep ,(33) time derivative of V4 (epvτ , Θ̃1 ) is given by

where V̇4 (epvτ , xr , x, α, Θ̃1 ,t) = −eTpv G12 epv + eTpv P(η2 )α
1 ¡ ¢
· ¸ · ¸ − eTp J3 (η2 )J3T (η2 )ep − σ1 kev k2 tr M −1 Θ̃1 Γ−1
1 Θ1
G1 04×4 J3 (η2 ) 04×8 2 ¡ ¢
G12 , , P(η2 ) , . (34)
04×4 G2 04×4 M −1 Θ∗1 +eTτ B̂T M −1 ev + ėτ (t) , (40)

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where time derivative of V5 (epvτ , Θ̃) is given by

ėτ (xr , x, Θ1 , χ2 , α2 , r̂, τ̃, p2 )= B̂T Θ̇1 (xr , x, Θ1 )ϕ1 (xr3 , η2 , χ2 ) V̇5 (epvτ , xr , x, α, Θ̃,t) = −eTpvτ G123 epvτ + eTpv P(η2 )α
µ ¶
d −1 1 ¡ ¢
+Θ1 T2 α2 + Θ12 J (η2 ) xr3 − eTp J3 (η2 )J3T (η2 )ep − σ1 kev k2 tr M −1 Θ̃1 Γ−1 1 Θ1
dt 3 2¡ ¡ ¢¢
¢ −tr B̄Θ̃2 ϕ2(t)eTτ − Γ−1 2 Θ̇2 (t)
+Θ12 J3−1 (η2 )ẋr3 (xr , r̂) + T −1 τ̃ − B̄Λ−1 p2 , (41) . (48)

where Θ12 is the (1, 4) × (5, 8) block of Θ1 . Now consider Choosing

the control command
Θ̇2 (t) = eτ (t)ϕT2 (t)Γ2 − σ2 keτ (t)k2 Θ2 (t),
p2 (t) , ΛΘ2 (t)ϕ2 (t), t > 0, (42) Θ2 (0) = Θ20 , t > 0,(49)

where £Θ2 ∈ R4×12 ¤ is an estimate of Θ∗2 , where σ2 ∈ R, σ2 > 0, we obtain

1 −1
B̃ T T −1 B̂T M −1 I4 , I j is the jth dimensional
identity matrix, and V̇5 (epvτ , xr , x, α, Θ̃) = −eTpvτ G123 epvτ + eTpv P(η2 )α
1 ¡ ¢
£ ¤T − eTp J3 (η2 )J3T (η2 )ep − σ1 kev k2 tr M −1 Θ̃1 Γ−1 1 Θ1

ϕ2 (t) , τ̃T (t) eTv (t) ϕ̃T2 (t) , t > 0, (43) 2 ¡ ¢

³ −σ2 keτ k2 tr B̄Θ̃2 Γ−1 2 Θ2 .
ϕ̃2 (xr , x, Θ1 , χ2 , α2 , r̂, eτ ) , B̂T Θ̇1 (xr , x, Θ1 )ϕ1 (xr3 , η2 , χ2 )
µ ¶
d −1 Note that, by completion of the square,
+Θ1 T2−1 α2 + Θ12 J3 (η2 ) xr3
´ 1
+Θ12 J3 (η2 )ẋr3 (xr , r̂) + G3 eτ , (44) eTp J3 (η2 )α1 = − (J3T (η2 )ep − α1 )T (J3T (η2 )ep − α1 )
1 T 1
e J3 (η2 )J3T (η2 )ep + kα1 k2 . (51)
Combining (41) and (42), we obtain 2 p 2

In addition, for kTi k sufficiently small, kαi (t)k < ᾱi , t > 0,
ėτ (t) = −B̂T M −1 ev (t) − G3 eτ (t) − B̄Θ̃2 (t)ϕ2 (t), (45)
i = 1, 2, and we obtain the following upper bound on V̇5 ,

where Θ̃2 = Θ2 − Θ∗2 , and B̄ = g2m T −1 B̃. Hence, 1

V̇5 (epvτ , xr , x, α, Θ̃) 6 −eTpvτ G123 epvτ + ᾱ21 + kev kM −1 Θ∗1 ᾱ2
V̇4 (epvτ , xr , x, α, Θ̃,t) = −eTpvτ G123 epvτ + eTpv P(η2 )α σ1 ¡ ¡ ¢ ¡ −1 ¢¢
+ kev k2 tr M −1 Θ∗1 Γ−1 ∗T
1 Θ1 − tr M Θ̃1 Γ1 Θ̃1
−1 T

¡ ¢ 2
− eTp J3 (η2 )J3T (η2 )ep − σ1 kev k2 tr M −1 Θ̃1 Γ−1 σ2 ¡ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢¢
1 Θ1
2 + keτ k2 tr B̄Θ∗2 Γ−1 ∗T −1 T
2 Θ2 − tr B̄Θ̃2 Γ2 Θ̃2 , (52)
−eTτ B̄Θ̃2 ϕ2 (t), (46)
Which guarantees convergence of (epvτ , Θ̃) ([14]) to the
£ ¤ £ ¤
where Θ̃ , Θ̃1 Θ̃2 , and G123 , diag G1 G2 G3 . compact set

n 1
3.6 Fifth Lyapunov Function Candidate M , (epvτ , Θ̃) : eTpvτ G123 epvτ 6 ᾱ21 + kev kM −1 Θ∗1 ᾱ2
Consider the following function of epvτ and Θ̃, ¡ ¢ ¡ −1 ∗ −1 ∗T ¢
tr M −1 Θ̃1 Γ−1
1 Θ̃1 6 tr M Θ1 Γ1 Θ1

¡ ¢ ¡ ∗ −1 ∗T ¢ o
tr B̄Θ̃2 Γ−1 Θ̃T
6 tr B̄Θ2 Γ2 Θ2 .(53)
1 1 2 ¡ ¢ 2 2
V5 (epvτ , Θ̃) , eTpvτ epvτ + ∑ tr M −1 Θ̃i Γ−1
i Θ̃i , (47)
2 2 i=1
which is C 1 for all epvτ ∈ R12 and Θ̃ ∈ R4×20 , V5 (epvτ , Θ̃) > 0 The control law (42) presented in Section 3 was tested
for all (epvτ , Θ̃) ∈ R12 ∪ R4×20 \ {0}, and V5 (0, 0) = 0. The through numerical simulation. The reference system used is

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2006 Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, FCRAR 2006 Miami, Florida, May 25-26, 2006
of the form bustness to unmodelled or mismodelled dynamics, and com-
pensation for external perturbations such as winds.
      
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 ẋr2 (t)  =  04×4 04×4 I4   xr2 (t)  +  04×4  r̂(t),
ẋr3 (t) −ω20 −ω20 −Ar4 xr3 (t) ω20
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2006 Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, FCRAR 2006 Miami, Florida, May 25-26, 2006

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