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Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry

Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log

Date: 4/18 Time: 12:00-2:00 Hours: 2.0 hours
Project Activity: Deciding who qualifies for year-long English/math
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1 and Standard 3

Before the scheduling can take place on PowerSchool, there are decisions that need to be made
regarding certain classes and students. All developmental courses that are targeted for IEP students and
year-long classes are of particular concern for scheduling. Understanding how to properly identify those that
would qualify for these developmental or year-long courses is a major concern. The year-long English class
was first piloted in the 2010-2011 school year. The idea was based on the success of the year-long math class
that was implemented several years ago. Those students who score below grade level on MAP and NDSA
scores are in need of more instructional time to bring them up to grade level. The year-long courses are
designed to cover the same material in a semester course, but stretch them out over a year to aid in retention and
reinforcement of skills. Math has seen drastic increases in scores for those in the year-long math classes.
Pam, the assistant principal, and I started the referral process for English by looking and MAP scores
and NDSA scores. Grade level scores are at 218-220, so anyone below that would be excellent candidates for
the classes. However, once we looked at those scores, we noticed many are on IEP’s or are ELL students. I had
to ask the question, how do their needs dictate where they need to be? If they are on an IEP for language or
reading they are then on the course for a developmental course paired with a read write class, which reinforces
those skills in an effort to bring them up to grade level. Students that are not on an IEP cannot take the
read/write class and therefore are perfect candidates. ELL students do not take an additional English course
once they are dismissed from and ILP and would also be great candidates.
Once we examined the list more closely, we decided there was a need for two developmental English
courses and two year-long English courses. Each class would have a maximum of 20 students. The
Developmental class and read/write class would still pair up to create a year of English exposure. The year-long
English classes would be made up of those students that are not at grade level, and for the most part not IEP
students, with the exception of those that are not disabled in reading or language. To determine the success of
the program, data will be taken from MAP scores at the beginning of the year and the end of the year.

Date: 4/20 Time: 12:30 to 2:00 Hours: 1hr30min

Project Activity: Discussion of year-long English/Math status
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1 and Standard 3

Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
Pam and I met again to follow up on our conversation a couple of days ago to finalize the list of students
for year-long English and Math. We also discussed some problems that may occur. We are wondering if MAP
scores are enough or the most accurate to determine those that qualify for the year-long English. They are
accurate for math, but not sure for English. Another concern is that Special Ed teachers take over scheduling for
the students on their case load. Many will place them according to what they think the student can handle. I
think some of their decision must be based off of what the data indicates as well as what they perceive is the
best fit. It gets difficult to change schedules once the year has begun and students are failing three weeks in. To
me, I think this is an opportunity for the administrators to utilize their power in overseeing the placements of
these students. Scheduling takes a great deal of time and finesse to make it work. There is a much higher
chance of success for students to be placed right from the beginning rather than dropping those three weeks into
a class where they have to play catch-up.

Date: 5/6 Time: 12:30 to 1:30 Hours: 1 hour

Project Activity: Review status of schedules in PowerSchool;
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1

We are currently in a state of waiting for the Middle School and High School to finish up their
schedules. Once that is complete, we can run the numbers and start the balancing. I am curious as to the
balancing of schedules and how it all works. I understand the importance of balancing them and I am curious
how much time it will take. I cannot imagine how daunting of a task it must have been before there were
computers and programs to do the majority of crunching the numbers. Now, once it reaches 80% of completion
we can go in and start manipulating numbers and classes. I am eager to see the process!

Date: 5/11 Time: 12:30 -1:30 Hours: 1 hour

Project Activity: Review of scheduling and balancing
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1

This year my teaching team and another team on our floor has accepted the responsibility of continuing
the STEM program into our wing. Both English teachers are coordinating the pilot of the year-long English
class which can only have 20 students that are below grade level. This creates a new problem in the scheduling
process because we must accommodate for the English, STEM and also AVID. The 80 STEM students are to be
placed within our two teams. With that placement they must be paired up English/World Geography and
Math/Science in order for us to practice team teaching and bring in certain elements of STEM. We also have to
watch for the scheduling of the AVID program that is designated to the other team.
Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
Pam and I decided that because my team was the first selected for the STEM program we would place as
many of those students with us. The AVID student will have to stay on the other side with their AVID teacher.
This balancing of schedules act has been complicated by some great programs.
We only want students to have two core classes a semester with the exception of the year-long courses.
It is complicated not only by the various English courses but the four levels of math. It is difficult to pair
everyone up exactly with one team and there are going to have to be some students who are split on the two
teams. I am overwhelmed at how many restrictions we have to scheduling and have a new awareness as the
complexity and time consumption scheduling truly is. As a teacher, I just look at my class list and go with it. I
had no idea what all went into scheduling.

Date: 5/11 Time: 3:45-4:45 Hours: 1 hour

Project Activity: Plan and Design of signs for classroom and school
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1 & 3

As a representative of the RTI-B team, a colleague and I met to discuss what signage is needed for the
school to display our goals and expectations for students and staff. I feel like this is a very important job
because currently there are no signs that welcome or state what we are or what our expectations are. In a
previous class, the signage issue was a part of my action plan for creating a more welcoming environment with
standards. Part of the issue is that this is a new school, and within a couple of years we are moving from being
a Ninth Grade Center to becoming the second West Fargo High School. The expectations should not change
however because we are basing it off of our RTI and 21st Century Skills training. We have already designed a
behavior matrix and know the district’s vision for the upcoming school year. We also decided to get the
students involved in the process by having the graphics students help design and post the expectations in the
locker and team areas. My concern is that this will take some time so it will not be done by the first day of
school, but at least it gives them some ownership to the school. Having ownership in a school that they are only
in for one year is huge!

Date: 5/23-5/25 Time: 8-11pm each night Hours: 9hrs

Project Activity: Checking schedules; modifying and changing as necessary to complete schedules and
balance them.
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1

The students are in and the numbers have been crunched across the district. The first part of balancing is
to look at the students leaving Sheyenne and going to the high school. We have to make sure they have their
Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
core and elective classes to create a complete schedule. Pam and I have split up the list and I am thankful for
that. The frustrating part that I run into when looking at the schedules that if they need to be changed, figuring
out how to make the schedule work. Each student has their own puzzle of a schedule which must fit into each
class’s puzzle and then the school’s puzzle. There are limits to when classes are offered during the day, quarter,
semester, if it is a block or skinny, and how many students can be in a class, and prerequisites to classes. With
the growing number of students in West Fargo, the high school has run into a huge issue of space. Luckily, the
referendum passed this school year so we will be expanding to make room. However, this year with scheduling
those students that have failed a class they are no longer able to repeat the course at the high school. They are
now going to be bussed back to Sheyenne for that class.
I am curious as to the demeanor of the repeat students when they find out they will be back with us to
repeat a class. Up until now, students have been pushed onto the next level. Which raises another issue of why
that happens? While their grades are not counted to graduation or placed on their official transcript, we are
doing the students a disservice if we pass them along even though they failed. They may be missing the
background knowledge necessary to succeed at the next level, or the maturity and understanding of the
importance of a particular class or skill.

Date: 5/23 to 5/26 Time: 12-1:30 Hours: 6 hours

Project Activity: Finalizing and formulating solutions to schedules
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1

I am spending time each day during my prep meeting with Pam or the counselors to aid in finding a
solution to the schedules I am struggling with. We are also making changes to schedules if students are
requesting. I feel drained and I think everyone does. It is nearing the end of the year and there have been a lot
of student issues this year. Requests for schedule changes are somewhat frustrating because we have asked
students to look at them when they were first signing up for classes in March. There are several who have
changed their minds about what they would like to take for electives. Now we are trying to balance those
schedules that were messed up by the computer and students changing their minds. While I am frustrated, I do
recognize the importance of having students be in the classes they want so that it is worthwhile and meaningful
to them.

Date: 5/26 Time: 3:30-4:30 Hours: 1 hour

Project Activity: PD Team establishing future work days
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1
Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
The district office decided to institute site-based professional development for the upcoming school year.
As a part of the professional development team, I have collaborated with my colleagues and the administrators
to develop a book study. We sent out a survey to the staff to gain insight into what they want and need. Based
on the results, we will be conducting a book study on technology in the classroom and a mentoring program
focusing on at-risk students. Both are aligned to the wants and needs of the staff and the district’s goals.
This past school year, I have piloted the mentoring program that coincides with the Check and Connect
book. This will serve as the baseline for one of the book studies. I have helped to develop a form to use with
the students as well as helped with the tracking of the students’ progress. It has been a very rewarding
experience and I look forward to sharing my experience with the group. The goal of this program is to target the
tier two students and help them to succeed in school. The overall goal is to decrease drop-out rates. After
reading the Check and Connect book and going through the process, I can definitely see the benefits.

Date: 6/3 Time: 11:00 – 11:20 Hours: 20 min

Project Activity: Email regarding professional development survey
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 2

I sent out an email reminding the staff about a professional development survey. This survey is critical
to us because we want input on what kind of professional development we want for next year. This is a great
opportunity for staff to give their input. There are always going to be those that will not be happy no matter
what is being done but this is their opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings. Those that choose not to
participate in the survey have nothing to complain about. The email stressed the importance of the survey,
thanked those who already completed it and reminded those have not.

Date: 7/7 Time: 10:40 -11:00 Hours: 20 min

Project Activity: Email with Pam to set up meeting times and agenda for July/August
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 3

We spoke at the end of the school year on days to meet and plan but it is important to confirm those
dates and times. I just want to touch base, stay in communication while school is out. I also needed to let her
know that I would be bringing in my newborn when we do meet. The things that I will be working on:
prep-time meetings and schedules are all important pieces to a school year starting off right and running
smoothly. I am glad to have the opportunity to have a more inside look into the operations of some key pieces.

Date: 8/3 – 8/4 Time: 9:30-10:30 and 8-10 Hours: 6 hours

Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
Project Activity: Locker Assignments
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1 & 3

Typically in the past we have assigned lockers by their first block class or their main team area if
possible. This year we are assigning lockers according to their OH teachers, which they all have during the
middle of the day. The decision was based the idea of Check & Connect program we are instituting this year. It
is a mentoring program where teachers will select a student that is a tier 2 or 3 student that needs more
interventions to aid in succeeding. This was a fairly easy process of printing out OH schedules and aligning
students up according to that teacher’s area. I think this is a great idea because it allows teachers and students to
have easy access to one another. If a student is a check and connect student they will be able to meet with their
teacher in between classes or right after school if necessary.
This process of assigning lockers did take some time. Usually the computer can assign lockers but this
is a great opportunity to help those tier 2 or 3 students simply by having that easy access to a teacher. One area
of concern however is if a student schedule will change, their OH may change. Also, their locker may not be
near any other classes which may cause tardiness. We will need to re-evaluate at the semester time to see if this
is the best method but it does look promising.

Date: 8/10 Time: 9-1 Hours: 4 hours

Project Activity: Back to School Registration
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1, 3 and 4

Today was a busy day. I was in charge of helping the new students to the school with registration,
changes in class schedules, parking permits, answering phones, and setting up meetings with counselors. This
took place in the office. Out in the commons were a string of other teachers that helped with handing out
schedules, setting up lunch accounts, handing out student identification cards, activity passes, and taking school
pictures. I felt like I was a receptionist, but it was that visibility piece that is so important for administrators.
This is one of those great opportunities to be visible to those coming to this school, to show that you care and
you are there for the student and the family. What an excellent time to communicate the expectations that you
have of yourself but the school as well! I was preforming the same tasks that the administrators were that day
but only for a short period of time. I really enjoyed today! I was able to meet and greet students and parents.
While I may not remember all of their names, I will remember this experience.

Date: 8/11 Time: 9:30 – 10:30 Hours: 1 hour

Project Activity: RTI-B Staff Buy-Ins
Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 3, 1

Getting staff excited about the upcoming school year and creating a warm and inviting atmosphere has
never really been an issue at Sheyenne. This past school year was very difficult and gripes and complaining
was filtering in the air. The counselors, Pam and I wanted to start things off on the right foot. We started
talking of ways to get the staff to ‘buy-in’ to the new school year. We came up with a couple of different ideas
that would start the school year off on the right foot and carry us through the year. Right away we asked staff to
bring in their favorite school picture of themselves. We did prom pictures last year and they were great! Within
the first couple of weeks we will hold a team decorating contest, complete with a traveling trophy and Sandy’s
doughnuts. During homecoming will hold another contest with teachers and their study hall students decorating
their doors. I think we also need some team building activities. It would be great if we could do some sort of a
challenge, obstacle course, or scavenger hunt to build those communications skills and partnerships with one

Date: 8/15 Time: 9-11:30 Hours: 2.5 hours

Project Activity: Determining Alternative Ed and At-Risk Students
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1, 2

Determining which students to keep a look out for in regards to alternative education students or at-risk
students can be a daunting but important task. It is important to make sure students are placed where they need
to be in order to be successful. Some students may need to be in a special class, like the Alternative Ed program
or some just need someone they can talk to at school. Communication with the previous schools and teachers is
crucial. Today we went through the list of students that were in the alternative programs last year and any
special notes or recommendations that came from students or counselors to determine which students are at-risk
or in need of the alternative program. The at-risk list will be monitored the first month to see how they are
adjusting to the new school. Some will be taken off and others will be added on but this will be a great base for
the check and connect program we are starting this year. It will also allow the teachers to monitor these
students more closely. Many of these students are the tier two students that are in need of that little extra help,
guidance, etc. to succeed. As an administrator, the communication between schools in regards to the needs of
the students is essential to preparing for the following school year. I would hope that positive news also follows
the different classes. It is so easy to get hung up on the negative, but it is so important to focus on the positives
as well.
Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
Date: 8/22 Time: 10:00 to 12:15 Hours: 2.25 hours
Project Activity: Put together information sheet on Check and Connect for back to school PowerPoint
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 3

I reviewed the Check and Connect book and created a document that is an overview of key points. This
will be used to communicate with the staff what it is and how it will be used as professional development this
upcoming year. I am curious how many staff members will choose this option versus the technology integration
for their book study. My fear is that many will not have a true understanding of what this program is all about
and how much of an impact it can have. I also wonder how many will believe that they already do this and so
they will choose the technology book instead.
Date: 8/23 Time: 9-1 Hours: 4 hours
Project Activity: Creating a Substitute folder and professional development binders
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 4, 3
At the end of last year it was brought to our attention that when substitutes come into our building there
is confusion with our rules, expectations, and general protocols. One of the biggest issues was students leaving
the classroom. We were experiencing a large amount of bullying and vandalism of bathrooms and lockers.
Another issue was that substitutes were unaware of what to do in case of an emergency. We decided that
putting together a folder for when substitutes come into our building would be a great option to relay that
information. In the folder we included a school schedule, building map, evacuation and lockdown procedures,
behavior matrix and general classroom policies. The responses from the teachers when they saw this was
positive and were confident this would help to alleviate some of the stress and past situations. Looking back, I
am quite surprised this has not always been in place. I think it is a great example of the continual growth and
development to meet the needs of the staff and students. It is also good practice to prepare those that are coming
in to teach our students.
With professional development becoming site based, we also decided that it would be good to provide
the staff with a means to keep all information in one place to be able to reference if needed. There would be the
Sheyenne updates, agenda for the week, and any material provided during meetings or the book studies. In each
binder we included tab dividers, their name and books for the book study, the school calendar and district
Coming back to this entry there has been great to see and reflect on how things are going. There has
been a lot of positive feedback for both the sub binder and the professional development binder. It is great to
see when things are useful and successful.
Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
Date: 8/24 Time: 2:00 -2:30 Hours: 30 min
Project Activity: Email to staff - PD
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 2

This morning we started back to school meetings. I am a little disappointed at how the PowerPoint went
with the professional development. Pam did an excellent job of explaining both options for book studies but the
rest of what we talked about was technology. We have to use our SharePoint calendar post our lesson plans so
that there is easy access for students and parents. This is great! The teachers that I spoke with are all leaning
toward the technology book study over the mentoring book study because they feel that if they already have to
implement more technology and use it more, then its more applicable. I understand this and wonder if
professional development should or could be designed differently to incorporate both? Both are beneficial to
the teachers and students. I wonder if some will participate in both. My email was a brief overview of each
book study and reminded them to choose within a week of what they want to do.

Date: 9/1 Time: 7:30-8:30 Hours: 1 hour

Project Activity: professional development meeting
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 2

This was our first professional development meeting. We discussed what the format would be for the
meetings that we would hold throughout the year. We discussed several ideas for professional development
regarding the book study and the possibility of planning site visits for teachers. There is already a fund set up
for that so we are going set up the guidelines for the next meeting for that. Starting in December and continuing
into second semester we are going to start the planning of next year’s professional development. I am excited to
be a part of the process and hope to make it meaningful and not feel so rushed.

Date: 9/8 Time: 3:30 – 4:30 Hours: 1 hour

Project Activity: RTI B meeting
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 2, & 3

Today’s meeting was frustrating. I feel like we go in circles with what we still need to do and what is
being done. We still need to get signage up and we need to get more staff involved. We are going to ask the
staff to man the halls during class times and before school to help the students to get to class on time. That
seems to be a big issue for a lot of the students that were at the STEM center because they could move freely
between classrooms when they wanted or needed to. We also want to make sure that we are keeping an eye out
Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
for bullying as that was a major concern last year. I hope at the next meeting we see more guidance from the

Date: 9/15 Time: 7:30-8:30 Hours: 1 hour

Project Activity: professional development meeting
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 2

We created a list of possible site visits for teachers. We included schools, and a variety of businesses
from construction, Microsoft, banking, etc. We hope to continue to add to this list as teachers participated in
site visits. It is our goal to have forms set up for the next meeting for teachers to be able to use when they
participate in site visits. The site visits are for teachers to go and see what skills and tools the students need to
be prepared when they enter the workforce or to be college ready. The purpose of the forms is to give structure
and meaning. It also provides a mean to report their findings back to the staff. I think this is a critical
component of professional development and is vital to the success.

Date: 9/19 Time: 12:30 – 4:00 Hours: 3.5hours

Project Activity: RTI district level
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1 & 3

Today was a very enlightening day. I gained a lot of perspective on what a principal and the district is
working on to increase the success rate of students while decreasing the drop-out rate. I am on the Secondary
RTI training team at the building level.
Math and English are the top indicators to a student’s success or failure in school and the likelihood they
will graduate or drop out. The Response to Intervention (RTI) program has two components: the behavior and
the academic. We have already completed the behavior portion for our school and we are now in the process of
implementing the academic side. I found it interesting that this program is not new. In fact, it was introduced to
WF about 10 years ago. The problem was that while everyone liked it, there were too many other initiatives
already on the table and adding another one was not feasible or practical. The district never said that a school
could not do the program, but it was never on the agenda to implement it district wide until this year. In fact,
many schools, primarily the elementary schools have already implemented the program.
This past year the district office put together a team to create an Action Plan to implement district wide.
Looking at the action plan I saw so many similarities to what I was engaged in with my classes I was amazed!
There was a timeline of what needed to be done when, who will be involved and when, and a way to complete
Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
and implement the various stages. The key piece to all of this is having an effective way to measure if the
stages are implemented with fidelity. We did not talk too much about the ways of measurement and continuous
monitoring but I did email the coordinator to see.

Date: 9/20 Time: 12:00 to 1:45 Hours: 1.75 hour

Project Activity: Create a course of action for RTI
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1 &3

The RTI team met today to review the meeting yesterday and come up with an initial plan to get started.
One of our biggest areas of concern is commitment and buy-in. We decided to pair up with the RTI-B team and
the professional development team to strategize on ways to introduce and bring in the commitment and buy-in
from the staff. Research says that a program will not work if we don’t have at least 80% buy in. A survey is
going out Sept. 26 to the staff on what their beliefs are on RTI. This will give great insight into where we are at
and how much more is needed for staff buy-in and commitment. I brought up to Pam about creating and action
plan for our school that will consider us not only as a ninth grade center but also as we move forward to
becoming a second high school. I think now is the perfect time to set the tone and culture of where we want to
be when that second school is in place.

Date: 9/25 Time: 1-3 Hours: 2 hours

Project Activity: Plan Check and Connect Presentation
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1

This last week I spoke to Pam about the possibility of leading part of the Check and Connect portion of
the book study. Up until this point I feel like I have not taken complete ownership of an activity. I am not sure
how much to take over, how to take over or when. This is definitely an area of growth! Pam was willing to let
me lead the book study. This presentation covers the history and importance of the book study and then leads
into discussion. I am excited to present this and curious to see who is going to be involved.

Date: 9/26 Time: 1:30 – 3:30 Hours: 2.0 hours

Project Activity: Lead book study
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1, 2 & 3

The book study was a success! I really enjoyed leading this activity. I spoke to some of those that
participated to gain some insight and feedback about the program and how I did. All were very kind. I lead the
Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
PowerPoint and the breaking into groups for discussions. Pam lead one group and I lead the other. Then we
teamed up and lead one big discussion. I liked working with her in this position. I felt like a leader and that
was very inspiring. Many great points were brought up and we had a great healthy discussion of where we are
at and where do we need to go. These are the activities that encourage me and build my confidence for me to
want to be an administrator and think that I could actually do it.

Date: 9/26 Time: 4-6 Hours: 2 hour

Project Activity: Create and update SharePoint discussion on book study
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1 & 3

I want to make sure to keep the book study discussion up to date online. This gives all staff members
instant access and information regarding Check and Connect. I created links of forms for teachers to use with
their students, tracking pages, and concerns that we have. This is a great living page that we can collaborate
with each other.

Date: 9/29 Time: ½ hour block 1 ½ hour block 2 Hours: 1hour

Project Activity: Homecoming door judging
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 3 &4

I aided in gathering staff that were on prep to go around and look at all the doors that were decorated for
homecoming. I also participated in the judging. There was some fierce competition the students and the staff
was very involved. It was great to see! The winners received a doughnut party. This was a great activity to
create a fun involved culture.

Date: 9/30 Time: 10:30-11:30 Hours: 1

Project Activity: Book Study Discussion Question
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1 &2

Now that the book study is rolled out we are beginning the discussion process. Every week we will have
a new discussion question that we have to respond to. I will be formulating the discussion questions each week.
I went back through my classes to see how to set up the questions. The online classes focused on discussions
online and I will be able to use those skills to implement effective discussions here. I like how many of the
discussions required responses to at least 2 other posts that includes one thing you liked and one thing to
improve or think about. This will enable us to use some higher level thinking skills and drive the book study.
Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
The first discussion question we have is: What is one thing that you are most looking forward to and one
concern you have with the Check and Connect program?

Date: 9/30 Time: 12:30 – 2:30 Hours: 1 hour

Project Activity: 4MAT Scheduling
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1 &2

This has been one of the larger tasks that I have taken on where I put all of the pieces together from start
to finish. 4Mat is a survey for students to take that will give them information on their preferred learning styles.
I was in charge of creating a schedule, an information sheet for teachers and a record sheet for students.
Assigning all teachers to a computer lab during one of their study halls for their students to take the 4Mat
survey was challenging. There are 4 computer labs to use and two times for study halls. There is also one class
in the computer lab that I had to find a place for them to go for a full week. This activity allowed me to use my
leadership, managing, and communication skills to design and implement a plan that the whole school will
utilize to complete the 4Mat survey. This process has to be utilized multiple times throughout the school year
for MAP testing, Personal Education Plans, and more. This was a great activity for me to try and gave me the
experience that would help me in the future for scheduling tests or surveys.

Date: 10/7 Hours: 1 hour

Project Activity: Reading and summarizing discussion question 1 for Check and Connect
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 4, 1

The post for discussion question 1 was due today. I sat down and read through all of the posts,
responding to each. I wanted staff to get feedback to what they post as we know that is a critical aspect of adult
learning. Here is what I posted in summation of all other posts:
Everyone had excellent posts! I think we all can agree that this program is more than just meeting
students. It is about building a relationship with them and helping them to find success. For some it may be
attending school on a regular basis, completing homework every night, or preparing to go to college.

One thing that I most look forward to is watching the students grow as a person to find that confidence
in themselves and that 'can do' attitude.

I also hope that with the success of this program we can continue to build it as we make the shift to the
next high school.

One thing that I am most concerned with is knowing what to do when what we are doing stops working,
regardless of changes/modifications to the system.

Date: 10/12 Time: 1-2 Hours: 1 hour

Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
Project Activity: STEM – Meeting with Asst. Superintendent
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 2

Today we had a surprise meeting to determine our level of implementation of STEM based activities.
The meeting overall went fine. We explained what we needed to and discussed what the main issues of parents
have regarding our implementation. What bothers me and Pam, our assistant principal is that this was the
second time that she showed up unannounced. I understand that she does not always know when she is going to
have time but it puts us in a state of defense right off the bat. If we had a meeting set up we could prepare
ourselves with examples and answers prior to the meeting. To me, that is good practice and communication and
something that I will take with me.

Date: 10/13 Time: 7-8:30 Hours: 1.5 hour

Project Activity: PD Planning
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 4, 1, 2

I designed and created a form to be used by staff members when they go and observe businesses and
universities. The purpose of this is for staff to take back what the necessary skills and knowledge that students
need if they were to go into that type of business or workforce. This is a very powerful opportunity and we
● Business/university reflection form
● RTI – A – Re-Cap of meeting
● Discussion Questions – responding to others

Date: 10/13 Time: 3:30-4:30 Hours: 1 hour

Project Activity: RTI-B meeting
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1, 3

At this meeting we discussed signage again and now have two pieces that are posted in the commons.
The graphics students are supposed to be continually working on the other pieces for the hallways, library and
commons. I feel that it is difficult for us as a secondary school implementing the behavior piece of RTI. There
are not any other models schools we can reference. We seem to be struggling with knowing what to do next. It
feels like a hurry up and wait game because we are going to be transitioning into the second high school. I
believe that the academic piece fits in nicely with this; we still have a lot more we could and need to do if we
truly want this implemented effectively.
Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
Date: 10/26 Time: 12-1 Hours: 1
Project Activity: Observation of office area
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1

Today I decided to spend some time in the office area observing day- to-day activities. I just wanted to
see the interactions between the administrators, assistants, counselors, SRO officer, students and teachers during
the busy school day. The administrative assistants have a lot on their plate. It reminded me of when I was a
receptionist at a law firm during college. The assistants are one of the most visible representatives of the school
From students coming down to seeing a counselor, parents coming in to pick up kids, people calling in with
questions, to teachers needing help with copies. What a critical and key element to the perceptions of the
students, staff, parents and other community members. Our receptionist is great! She is friendly, patient and
supportive to everyone. I have known those in similar positions that did not have these outstanding qualities
and it made a huge difference on my perceptions of the building or office. One thing that I think everyone
could use more of is positive feedback. Our administrative assistant has to deal with a lot and I hope that she is
recognized and commended for it. I am going to send her a Sheyenne Shout-out this week!

Date: Every Friday Time: 12:30-1:30 Hours: 17 hours total

Project Activity: Plan and discuss next week’s meeting agenda, updates for Sheyenne, and review at-risk
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1, 3

Every Friday I meet with the counselors and the assistant principal. We go through what we need to
cover for the next week’s meeting. We base this on what we believe staff members need or what they have
requested. It may just be updates of testing schedules, student schedules, etc. We also decide what part of the
book studies we want to discuss. If there are any concerns with students we will ask the counselors to meet
with them to see what is going on. I really enjoy this process because I feel informed of what it going on and
prepared with upcoming events or tasks. I have also heard from several teachers that they like to receive the
Sheyenne updates and what will be covered in the next meeting at the end of each week. They feel informed
and prepared. There are many benefits to preparing these documents each week. First, we have documentation
of what we are covering in our prep-time meetings. We also can go back and review what we are doing to make
sure we are aligned with our vision and goals, and we are not duplicating on any meetings. This is a very
powerful tool for us to communicate with the staff.

Date: 10/28 Time: 12:00 - 1:30 Hours: 1.5

Project Activity: Meeting with a person wanting to observe in our school
Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1

A MSUM student contacted our administration about coming in to observe various classrooms for her
practicum in psychology. A meeting was set up in order to discuss what exactly she needed and what our
expectations and protocols are for those that wish to come in to our school for practicums or observations. After
she discussed what type of classrooms she needed and what information she would be gathering we basically
went through our visitation and substitute teaching folders. Each was compiled of our rules and expectations of
the school, students, staff and visitors. It also included our school schedule, classroom assignments, phone
numbers, and crisis management procedures. This was a great meeting to sit in on as I learned about
information they give to visitors as well as how they relay that information. I was pleased to see that they
included and discussed the behavior matrix we designed as a part of RTI and provided the information we put
together for substitute teachers. I felt that the administrator did an excellent job of not only relaying our
expectations but emphasized what our school is all about: students. This is a meeting that I will take with me as
I move into an administrative role.

Date: Every Other Wednesday Time: 12:00 - 1:30 Hours: 15 hours

Project Activity: STEM – Planning, and various meetings
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 2
We have attended various meetings with District Office members and the STEM staff to gain an
understanding of what STEM currently is, what we want it to be, and how we are going to implement it within
our team and school. The frustrating part is that we have varying sides to the whole situation. The staff and
students at STEM currently want to see the collaboration among all four core classes to continue and they want
us to show and use the engineering model and design throughout our coursework. We however, envision
ourselves as implementing 21st Century skills, which corresponds to the vision of the district. With that we will
be implementing best practice and technology on a new and improved level. We are utilizing voters, active
boards, blogs, discussion boards, individual websites, etc. We will be collaborating with one other core class but
we cannot do more than that because of our school size, and the varying levels of math classes that need to be
offered to meet the needs of students.
Another component of this is that the STEM center was really created as a valve to reduce the growing
class sizes. They employed this model as a way to leer students to join the program. Because we see ourselves
and the district moving towards 21st Century Skills, we also believe that if it is good for one group it is good for
all. With that said, my team and I have taken the leadership responsibility in trying out various forms of
Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
technology and activities, and reporting our successes and failures with the hopes that it will trickle down to all
staff members in the next two or three years.

Date: 11/3 Time: 12-1:30 Hours: 1.5 hours

Project Activity: discussion of D21 assessment and preparation of orals
I spoke with Pam after I have taken the D21 assessment. We discussed the format, and what I thought I
did well and what I thought I could do better. It was so relieving to be able to speak to my administrator about
my concerns. Pam did an excellent job of listening to me and giving me words of advice and reassurances. She
also helped me with some of the questions I had with my orals. While I went to her more as a teacher, I learned
what a good administrator does to support their staff.

Date: 11/9 Time: 3:30-4:30 Hours: 1 hour

Project Activity: RTI meeting
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1 & 3

This meeting was addressing the needs of specific students that were struggling behaviorally. We stat as
a group to discuss and formulize ideas and steps to help the teachers and the students see success. This was a
very powerful meeting. We typed up what we discussed and are waiting to hear back from the teachers. We
also discussed the Check and Connect program and how nicely this fits right in. The biggest thing we found is
that students are not connected to anything; their home, friends; school, etc. We are looking at pairing a couple
of them up with the counselors as check and connect kids to hopefully provide them with some needed

Date: 11/10 Time: 12-1 and 5-6 Hours: 2 hours

Project Activity: Planning, prepping and posting discussion question # 2
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1, 2, 3
For this next post, I had to meet with Pam to discuss possible options for discussion. We have been at
the program for about a month and a half and I wanted to make sure that we were all on the same page. For this
discussion I posted: This chapter focuses on the implementation steps for the program. What step do you find
the most challenging and why? Are there any areas that we need clarify?
I was amazed at the response to this question. Teachers really evaluated themselves, the program and the
students they are working with. Some of the challenges they are facing is finding ways to motivate students,
Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log
involve the uninvolved parent and keeping records of progress. I think that these are great things we as a staff
and team need to look further into to address these needs and find things to try. The adult learning section from
ED 735 has really helped me to understand how the staff is learning and what they need to stay motivated to
grow as well.

Date: 11/21 Time: 12-4:30 Hours: 4.5 hours

Project Activity: RTI Training Day 2
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 2
Today was day 2 of training for RTI -A. Today was about looking at what was already in place and
where to go from here. There is a lot more that I could say about today’s training but I want to reflect on
something else. There has been a situation in our school with a staff member that has appeared to come to a
head this year between members at the district level and the administration. During part of our training we were
to get into building teams and pair up with one district member to discuss what is currently in place for our at
risk students, specifically the ‘alternative’ education students. This was a huge issue for us last year as we had a
number of students that were self-contained previous to entering our school. We did not have such a program in
our school but by the end of the school year it was decided there was a need for an alternative setting. It was to
be staffed by the particular teacher that was insistent for the program, and who was qualified for the job. The
person got what she wanted but is not complaining at the district level on a number of issues. The district
member that was a part of our group was the person that the staff member has confided in on the whole situation
and is a supporter of this person.
During our discussion there was uncomfortable tension and digs made towards the administrator
regarding this person and the program. I am not saying that the program we implemented is perfect because it
is not. The issue I have is the demeanor in which the situation is being held. It is way out of line to have this
conversation among other staff members. The administrator did an impeccable job of neutralizing the situation
and moving the discussion along. My question is what can or should the administrator do to alleviate the
situation? Each person has their own clear views of the situation and person, but how do you prevent another
uncomfortable situation without overstepping the line?
Date: 12/1 Time: 12-2:00 Hours: 2 Hours
Project Activity: Planning, prepping, and posting discussion question #3
Competencies/Indicators: Standard 1, 2, 3 4
Here is what I posted for discussion question 3:

Chapter 3: Key personnel for implementation of Check & Connect

Tri-College Practicum GuideAmanda Henry
Part VIII – Daily Reflective Log

The mentors and the program coordinator are the key pieces to make this program be implemented successfully.
Without them, this program will not be implemented in the way that it was intended: "to promote student
engagement by providing persistent support to attain academic and behavioral standards..." (pg. 1).

As we are in the first round with this program we are looking for some feedback as to what you need to help
you be successful in your mentorship role. Go back to Chapter 2 and read step 6 starting on page 19 and check
in with what you are doing. Compare that with the role of the mentor in Chapter 3.

What is it that you feel you are doing well? What do you feel you need to work on? What can we help you

I feel that it is really important that we set the stage for our future as a second high school. Knowing
that his program will be around, it is my goal to continually work out the bugs and get the resources and
materials needed for success. I will be meeting with Pam Dec. 16th to discuss the results from discussion #2 and
#3 and to begin the process of pooling resources and materials for students, parents and teachers.

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