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University of San Jose- Recoletos


Department of Psychology and Library Information Science

Worksheet 1.1

Give your insights on the following quotations by relating each with actual scenarios
1. “There is only one good -- knowledge and one evil -- ignorance.” – Socrates
2. “If the world is not perfect, it is not because of God or the ideals, but because the raw materials
were not perfect.” – Plato
3. “The very perfection of a man is consummated --- when he finds out his imperfections.” – Saint
4. “It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well.” – Rene Descartes

5. “We can never be directly aware of ourselves, only of what we are experiencing at any given
moment.” – David Hume
1– Approaching 0 – Beginners
Criteria 3 – Mastery 2 – Proficient Level
Proficient Level Level
Provides a well logical Provides a logical manner Provides a not so logical
Introduction No evidence.
manner of explanation. of explanation. manner of explanation.
Uses expressive and Uses expressive yet less Use either expressive or
Body informative approach of informative approach of informative approach of No evidence.
argument. argument argument
Gives an impact to the
Gives an impact to the Gives an impact yet did
readers yet its view about
Conclusion readers and a clear overall not show any clear view No evidence.
the argument is not
view of the argument. about the argument

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