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Anmol Dogra | GitHub | LinkedIn | +91-8219284682

National Institute of Technology Hamirpur,India
Dual Degree in Electronics and Communication CGPA : 8.62, July 2018 - May 2023
G.S.S.S Sanahi Hamirpur, India
Intermediate(12th) – Non-Medical, HPBOSE Percentage : 87.4, 2017

Pepcoding Education Private Limited New Delhi,India
Teaching Assistant Intern Link Remote,May 2021 - August-2021
➢ Responsible for mentoring 100+ students in debugging their code.
➢ Helping students with the concepts of data structures and algorithms.


Programming Languages: Java (with OOPs and Data Structures), JavaScript, HTML5.
Tools & Technologies: Front End Development, Reactjs (Learning), Nextjs ,CSS , Tailwind.css , GitHub.
Courses & Curriculum: Data Structures, OOPs.

Instagram Reels Ongoing
Technologies Used : Nextjs, FireBase
➢ Created an Instagram Reels Clone wherein users can post their Reels, And Other Users can Like, Comment on their posts.
➢ They can even post their pictures and Follow, Unfollow their friends and check their profile pictures.
➢ Firebase services are used for user authentication, storing videos. Firestore database is used for querying and syncing data.

Excel clone Link

Technologies Used : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DSA Concepts.
➢ Developed a web application Excel clone with added features such as Text Alignments and CRUD operations.
➢ Various text formatting and sheet handling methods were also included.
➢ Implements Infix evaluation of formula using Stacks and algorithms for cycle detection in a directed graph using Graphs.

Real Time Social Distance Monitoring System Link

Technologies Used : Keras, Opencv, Scipy
➢ Social Distancing Project where you can measure distance between two faces and also check whether they're wearing masks.
➢ Haar-cascade classifier and mobilenetV2 model to detect faces and mask in video.
➢ OpenCv to access the face and Scipy to measure distance between two faces.

LeetScrapper Link
Technologies Used : Puppeteer, JavaScript
➢ Automation project using puppeteer and automated leetcode.
➢ Questions are stored in pdf using pdfkit.
➢ The project secured the 2nd position in a hackathon organized by Pepcoding.

➢ Ranked 2739 among 11,000 participants in the Leetcode Bi-Weekly contest-56. Link
➢ Runner up of the hackathon conducted by Pepcoding Education Private Limited among 100+ participants. Link
➢ Solved around 400+ Questions on Leetcode and GeeksForGeeks.

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