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A new narrative for the ocean

arratives help frame our thinking and action. On ing fisheries to “fish smarter, not harder” can help restore Jane Lubchenco is
the eve of World Oceans Day and in anticipation ocean ecosystems; reduce impacts of climate change; and the distinguished
of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science enhance food security, job creation, and poverty allevia- university professor
for Sustainable Development (2021–2030), a new tion. Combining remote sensing, artificial intelligence, at Oregon State
narrative for the ocean is warranted—one that big data, machine learning, transparency, and new poli- University, former
reflects current scientific knowledge and inspires cies can minimize illegal fishing. Enabling sustainable administrator of
new science and effective action. aquaculture—especially of low trophic species—could the U.S. National
For most of human history, people considered the contribute substantially to food security, with a much Oceanic and
ocean so immense, bountiful, and resilient that it was smaller environmental footprint than that of terrestrial Atmospheric
impossible to deplete or disrupt it. The overarching nar- animal production. Creating fully and highly protected,
rative was, “The ocean is so vast, it is simply too big to well-designed marine protected areas will safeguard

Downloaded from on October 25, 2019

fail.” This mindset persists today, bringing even more biodiversity, replenish the ocean, and help mitigate and
and the first U.S.
intense, unsustainable uses adapt to climate change and
Science Envoy for
of the ocean that reflect igno- ocean acidification. Incorpo-
rance; the allure of new eco- rating ocean actions into the the Ocean (2014–
nomic opportunity; or the need climate agenda is essential to 2016). lubchenco@
for food, resources, and devel- reducing greenhouse gas emis-
opment. However, the folly of sions and adapting to climate Twitter:
this too-big-to-fail narrative disruption. Expanding the @JaneLubchenco
has become glaringly obvious range of effective solutions and
through overpowering scien- scaling them globally requires Steven D. Gaines
tific evidence of depletion, dis- scientists to engage actively is dean and
ruption, and pollution. Climate with communities, fishers, distinguished
change, ocean acidification, businesses, nongovernmental professor at the
habitat destruction, overfish- organizations, managers, and Bren School of
ing, and nutrient, plastic, and policy-makers so that solutions Environmental
toxic pollution are insidious. are complementary, integrated, Science and
These changes threaten the effective, and rapid. Management at
most vulnerable people; the A new narrative does not au- the University of
economic prosperity, qual- tomatically change the status California, Santa
ity of life, and opportunities quo but, if widely adopted, can
for everyone; and the well-
“In healing the ocean, reset expectations and liberate
Barbara. gaines@
being of the ocean’s amazing we can heal ourselves.” ingenuity. Yes, the challenges
life forms. Problems appear are fierce, and the future is
too complex, vested interests too powerful, and system unpredictable. But here is an opportunity to replicate,
inertia too great, especially as demands on the ocean accelerate, and escalate existing successes while driving
escalate. A new narrative has arisen: “The ocean is mas- innovative and transformative changes. Key players in
sively and fatally depleted and disrupted. The ocean is the policy and business communities are open to inno-
simply too big to fix.” The result? Depression and lack of vation. Now is the moment for more scientists to pivot
engagement and motivation. from simply documenting the tragedy underway to also
Yet despite the undeniable challenges, hints of a new creating scalable solutions.
ocean mindset are emerging. Many powerful solutions al- It is time for a new ocean narrative that says, “The
ready exist and could be scaled up. Opportunities abound ocean is so central to our future. It’s too important to
to develop new solutions that are based on efficiency, neglect.” In creating a new solution space for the ocean,
incentives, technology, biotechnology, and regenerative we can also address broader global problems. In healing
and holistic approaches. Moreover, because the ocean the ocean, we can heal ourselves. The ocean sustains

is central to the functioning of the planet and human and feeds us. It connects us. It is our past and our fu-
well-being, many ocean solutions could bring substantial ture. The ocean is not too big to fail, nor is it too big to
co-benefits to address poverty, hunger, economic devel- fix. It is too big to ignore.
opment, inequity, peace, security, coastal resilience, and
climate mitigation and adaptation. For example, reform- – Jane Lubchenco and Steven D. Gaines


SCIENCE 7 JUNE 2019 • VOL 364 ISSUE 6444 911

Published by AAAS
A new narrative for the ocean
Jane Lubchenco and Steven D. Gaines

Science 364 (6444), 911.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aay2241

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