06ec6035 - Advanced Microcontrollers and Real Time Operating Systems

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Compiled by

Jagadeesh Kumar P


Module2 Part1
Reference Book

What is an RTOS?
A Real Time Operating System, commonly known as an RTOS, is a software
component that rapidly switches between tasks,

- giving the impression that multiple programs are being executed at the
same time on a single processing core.

In actual the processing core can only execute one program at any one time, and
what the RTOS is actually doing is rapidly switching between individual
programming threads (or Tasks)

- to give the impression that multiple programs are executing


The difference between an OS (Operating System) such as Windows or Unix and an RTOS
(Real Time Operating System) found in embedded systems,

- is the response time to external events.

OS’s typically provide a non-deterministic, soft real time response, where there are no
guarantees as to when each task will complete, but they will try to stay responsive to
the user.

An RTOS differs in that it typically provides a hard real time response, providing a fast,
highly deterministic reaction to external events.

The difference between the two can be highlighted through examples – compare, for
example, the editing of a document on a PC to the operation of a precision motor control.

Inconsistent terminology - when we discuss real-time operating systems.

Many people use the acronym RTOS (which they pronounce “are toss").

Others use the terms kernel, real-time kernel, or the acronym for this, RTK.

Some use all of these terms synonymously; others use kernel to mean some subcollection
containing the most basic services offered by the larger RTOS.

These latter people consider things like network support software, debugging tools, and
even memory management to be part of the RTOS but not part of the kernel.

Since there is no general agreement about where the kernel stops and the RTOS begins, the
reference book ignores these distinctions and use the term RTOS indiscriminately.

The First Place --

Despite the similar name, most real-time operating systems are rather different from
desktop machine operating systems such as Windows or Unix

On a desktop computer, the OS takes the control of the machine as soon as it is turned on
and lets start the application.

- We compile and link the application separately from the OS.

In an Embedded System we usually link the application and RTOS.

- During boot-up time the application usually gets the control first, and then it starts the
- Thus the application and the RTOS are much more tightly tied to one another than an
application and its OS.
The Second Place --

Many RTOS do not protect themselves as carefully from the application as do desktop

Eg. Most desktop OSs check any pointer we pass into a system function is valid, but many
RTOSs skip this step in the interest of better performance.

if the application is doing something like passing a bad pointer into the RTOS, the
application is probably about to crash anyway;

- for many embedded systems, it may not matter if the application takes the RTOS down
with it - the whole system will have to be rebooted anyway.

The Third Place --

In the third place, to save memory RTOSs typically include just the services, that we need for
our embedded system and no more.

Most RTOSs allow us to configure them extensively before we link them to the application,
letting us leave out any functions we don't plan to use

Unless we need them, we can configure away such common operating system functions as
file managers, I/O drivers, utilities, and perhaps even memory management,

The Third Place --

Architectures for Embedded Software

The most important factor that determines which architecture will be the most
appropriate for any given system is how much control we need to have over
system response.

How hard it will be to achieve good response depends not only on the absolute
response time requirements but also

- on the speed of our microprocessor and the other processing


Architectures for Embedded Software

A system with little to do whose response-time requirements are few and not
particularly stringent can be written with a very simple architecture.

A system that must respond rapidly to many different events and that has
various processing requirements, all with different deadlines and different
priorities, will require a more complex architecture.

Architectures for Embedded Software
Will discuss four architectures,

- starting with the simplest one, which offers us practically no control of our
response and priorities, and moving onto others that give us greater control
but at the cost of increased complexity.

The four are

- round -robin , round -robin with interrupts, function-queue-scheduling and

real-time operating system.

Round -Robin
Simplest architecture

No interrupts

No shared data

No latency concerns

Round -Robin
Adequate for simple jobs – Digital

To measure resistance, current &


System makes continuous

measurements and changes the
display to reflect the most recent

Round -Robin
Round –robin works well for this

There are only 3 I/O devices

No particularly lengthy processing

No tight response requirements

Round robin architecture has only

one advantage – simplicity- but
inadequate for many systems

Round -Robin

Round -Robin

Round -Robin

Round-Robin with Interrupts
Interrupt routines deals with very urgent needs of h/d and set flags

Main loop polls the flags and does the follow-up processing required by the

Gives a little bit more control over priorities – possible to assign priorities for
various interrupts

Interrupt routines can get good response – μC stops what ever it is doing in main

Round-Robin with Interrupts

Round-Robin with Interrupts

Round-Robin with Interrupts

fDeviceA, fDeviceB…. fDeviceZ and other data are shared between the ISR and
the task code in main

Shared data problems …

Committed to use various techniques discussed

Round-Robin with Interrupts

Round-Robin with Interrupts

Round-Robin with Interrupts

Example: communications bridge

Device with two ports on it that forwards data

traffic received on the first port to the second and
vice versa.

Also assume that – data on one of the ports is

encrypted – bridge has to encrypt and decrypt
the data passes through it

Round-Robin with Interrupts
Whenever a character is received on one of the ports – it
causes an interrupt – μC must read from the I/O h/d - it must
be serviced reasonably quickly

Must read before the next one arrives

μC write characters to the I/O h/d

I/O h/d sends the characters over the communication link –

and interrupts the μC when it is ready for the next

Routines are there to read characters from and write

characters to queues and test whether a queue is empty or

Round-Robin with Interrupts
The encryption routine can encrypt characters one at a
time and

Decryption routine can decrypt characters one at a time

Round-Robin with Interrupts

Round-Robin with Interrupts

Round-Robin with Interrupts

Round-Robin with Interrupts
μC executes the ISRs vGotCharacterOnLinkA and vGotCharacterOnLinkB
whenever the h/d receives a character

The ISR reads the characters from the h/d and put them into the queues
qDataFromLinkA and qDataFromLinkB

The task code in the main routine calls vEncrypt and vDecrypt which

- reads these queues,

- encrypt and decrypt the data and
- write the data to qDataToLinkA and qDataToLinkB

Round-Robin with Interrupts
The variables fLinkAReadyToSend and fLinkBReadyToSend keep track of
whether I/O h/d is ready to send characters on the two communication links

Whenever the task code sends a character

- It sets the corresponding variable to FALSE

- I/O h/d is now busy – sending characters

When character has been sent ,

- I/O h/d will interrupt and

- ISR sets the variable to TRUE

Round-Robin with Interrupts
When the task code writes to the h/d or to these varaibles – interrupt is disabled
– to avoid the shared data problem

The ISRs receives the characters and write them to the queues

This process get priority over the process of moving characters among the

- Decrypting and Encrypting them

- and sending them out

This way a sudden burst of characters will not overrun the system – even if
encryption & decryption process are time consuming

Characteristics of Round-Robin-with-Interrupts
All task codes execute at the same priority

Let the task codes that deal with devices A, B, and C take 200ms each

If devices A, B, and C all interrupt when the controller is executing the statements
at the top of the loop

Then task code for C may have to wait 400 milliseconds before it starts to execute.

Function Queue Scheduling
The interrupt routines add function pointers to a queue of function pointers
– for the main function to call

The main routine just reads pointers from the queue and calls the functions

No rules says that main has to call the function in the order that the routines

It can be called based on any priority that suits the purpose

Function Queue Scheduling

Function Queue Scheduling
With a little clever coding that queue up the function parameters

- any task code that need quicker response can be executed earlier

The worst wait for the highest priority task code function is the length of the
longest task code function

- this happens if the longest task code function has just started when the
interrupt for the highest-priority device occurs

This is better than the round-robin-with-interrupts

- is the sum of times taken by all the handlers

Function Queue Scheduling
The trade-off for this better response –

The response for the lower priority task functions may get worse

Under round-robin-with-interrupts all of the task code gets a chance to run each
time main goes around the loop

But here, lower priority functions may never execute if the interrupt routines
schedule the higher priority functions frequently

Real Time Operating System Architecture
Interrupt routines take care of most urgent operations

Then they signal that there is work for the task code to do

void interrupt vHandleDeviceA (void)

{ !! Take care of Device A

!!Set signal X }

void interrupt vHandleDeviceB (void)

{ !! Take care of Device B

!!Set signal Y } ………

Real Time Operating System Architecture
void Task1 (void)

{ while (True)

{ !!wait for signal X

!!Handle data to or from i/o device A} }

void Task2 (void)

{ while (True)

{ !!wait for signal Y

!!Handle data to or from i/o device B}

} ………
Real Time Operating System Architecture

The signaling between the interrupt routines and the task code is handled by the RTOS

Need not use shared variables for this

Code inside the RTOS decides which of the task code function to run

RTOS knows about the various task code routines and run based on urgency

RTOS can suspend one task code routine in the middle of its processing to run another

Real Time Operating System Architecture
In the previous example

If task1 is of higher priority than task2 and If task2 is in the middle of processing and If interrupt routine
vHandleDeviceA sets the signal X, then

- RTOS will suspend Task2 and run Task1

The worst case wait time for the highest priority task code is zero

changes to lower priority tasks do not generally affect the response of higher priority ones

Real Time Operating System Architecture
Disadvantage of using RTOS

RTOS itself uses a certain amount of processing time

We are getting a better response at the expense of a little bit of throughput

Selecting an architecture

Select the simplest architecture that will meet the response requirements

Writing embedded system software itself is complicated enough

If the system has requirements that necessitate an RTOS then lean toward using it

Select an appropriate RTOS which has a collection of useful tools to test and debug the system

If it make sense for the system – create hybrids of architectures

Characteristics of various architectures
Round Robin

Priorities available

- None

Worst response time for Task Code

- Sum of all task code

Stability of response when the code changes

- Poor


- Very simple
Characteristics of various architectures
Round Robin with interrupts

Priorities available

- Interrupt routines in priority order – then all task code at the same priority

Worst response time for Task Code

- Sum of all task code

Stability of response when the code changes

- Good for interrupt routines but Poor for task code


- Must deal with data sharing problem

Characteristics of various architectures
Function Queue scheduling

Priorities available

- Interrupt routines in priority order – then task code in priority order

Worst response time for Task Code

- Execution time of the longest function

Stability of response when the code changes

- Relatively Good


- Must deal with data sharing problem and write function queue code
Characteristics of various architectures
Real Time OS
Priorities available

- Interrupt routines in priority order – then task code in priority order

Worst response time for Task Code

- Zero

Stability of response when the code changes

- Very Good


- Most complex – much of the complexity is inside the OS

Characteristics of various architectures


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