Final PEEM Descriptive

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The basic engineering services offered by
lngenero consist of core documentation of
projects, including process flow diagrams, heat &
mass balances, piping and instrumentation
diagrams (P&IDs), control & operational
philosophy, basic equipment sizing, equipment
specifications, conceptual equipment layout, etc.
A combination of a highly dedicated, industry skilled team with cutting edge
technical tools and expertise utilizing more than 90 different state-of-the-art
software enables lngenero to provide design and engineering services to our
clients, customized to meet their targets. lngenero's highly experienced
engineers have extensive process engineering expertise in oil and gas, refining,
gasification, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and specialty chemicals. lngenero's
engineering team has successfully performed over 3 million man hours in
projects of various sizes and scope over the past few years. lngenero's most
popular engineering delivery modes are:
Functional organization has been divided to put the
specialists in the top position throughout the enterprise.
This is an organization in which we can define as a system
in which functional department are created to deal with the
problems of business at various levels. Functional authority
rema ins confined to functional guidance to different
departments. This helps in maintaining quality and
uniformity of performance of different functions
throughout the enterprise.
Merits of Functional Organization

1. Specialization- Better division of labour takes place

which results in specialization of function and it's
consequent benefit.
2. Effective Control- Management control is simplified
as the mental functions are separated from manual
functions. Checks and balances keep the authority
within certain limits. Specialists may be asked to
judge the performance of various sections.
3. Efficiency- Greater efficiency is achieved because of
every function performing a limited number of
4. Economy- Specialization compiled with
standardization facilitates maximum production and
economical costs.
5. Expansion- Expert knowledge of functional manager
facilitates better control and supervision.

Demerits of Functional Organization

1. Confusion- The functional system is quite

complicated to put into operation, especially when it
is carried out at low levels. Therefore, co-ordination
becomes difficult.
2. Lack of Co-ordination- Disciplinary control becomes
weak as a worker is commanded not by one person
but a large number of people. Thus, there is no unity
of command.
3. Difficulty in fixing responsibility- Because of
multiple authority, it is difficult to fix responsibility.
4. Conflicts- There may be conflicts among the
supervisory staff of equal ranks. They may not agree
Pure Organization
'A "pure project organization" is a model of a
business where project managers have total
control over the project they oversee. Central
control at the managerial level must be weak for
t his to occur. Put simply, a "pure project
organization" might also be termed a "task force ."
In the case of a "pure project," the leader of this
task force would have to be given total authority
for a limited period to solve a particular problem.
In business, it is a great challenge to find an
example of such purity.
Within the pure project organisation (,,task-force") the project manager is fully responsible for a group
of specialists. which have temporarily dedicated their e ntire workforce lo lhe project (see Figure 2-3).

Top Management


Divisi'on Division

' I

limD~KEEIi~mm' Department Department

- mi1~
- Employee - Employee

- Ill~
- Employee - Employee

- Ill~ - Employee - Employee

Figure 2-3: Pure Project Organisation

The advantages are:

Simple and fast, as the project manager has full line authority over the project and aU members of
the project team are reporting directly to the project manager
The lines o f communication are shortened: lhe ability to make a swift decision is e nhanced
A cross-functional integration is supported as a pure project organisation can maintain a
permanent cadre of experts who develop skills in specific technologies
A project team that has a strong and separate identity and develops a high level of commitment
from its members
The organizational structure tends Lo support a holistic approach to the project

The disadvantages are:

Each project has to be fully staffed which can lead to a duplication of staff numbers
Project managers tend to stockpile equipment and technical assistance as this represents the
imponance of their project within the organisation
Concept 1 c A R E E R cl I F F . co M

An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risksand ~
enjoying most of the rewards. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator, a soufce \ /
of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or procedures.

Concept 2
Entrepreneurship is the act of setung out on your own and starting a business instead of
working ror someone else in his business. While entrepreneurs must deal with a larger number
of obstacles and fears than hourly or salaried employees, the payoff may be far greater as

Concept 3
Entrepreneurship refers to the concept of developing and managing a business venture in
order to gain profit by taking several risks 1n the corporate world . Simply put, entrepreneurship
is the willingness to start a new business.
Types of Entrepreneurs

Classification on the basis of:

- -

• Type of business

• Use of Technology

• !M otivation

• Growth

• Stages In Developme:n t

• Others
Type of business

• Business entrepreneur: C'Onvert ideas Into reality; deal with both

manufacturing and trading aspect of buslness (Small trading and
manufacturing business)

• Trading entrepreneur: Undertakes trading activ•ties; concerned

with marketing (Domestic and i:ntern ational level}

• Industrial, entr:ep~neur: Undertakes manu facturing activities 1only;


new product. development etc (t.extUe, electronics, etc)

• Corporate entrepreneur: Interested in management part of

organisation; exceptional ,o rganising:, coo~d[nating skills to
manage a conparate undertaking (AmbanJ, Tata famUies)

• Agricultural entrepreneur: Productcon and niarketln~ of

agncultural inputs ana outputs (Dairy, hortlcul~ure, rorestry),
Us,e of Technol,ogy

• Tech'nlcal entrepreneur: Production ortented, possesses tnnovative

skills in ma1n uracturing, quality control etc.

• Non technical ,e ntrepreneur: Develops marketing, distribution

'facllities and strategies

• Professional ent~epreneur: Uses the p~oceeds from sate of one

business 't o start another one. Brimming with Ideas to start ne\~

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