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Name: Jayson Feb D.

Villarino Subject: Mathematics in the Modern


Yr. and Sec: BS ARCH 2-C Date: October 14, 2019

The most wonderful thing to witness is to see the smallest scale of beauty within it’s

colossal shell. Living in this mass-produced universe means there are much to unfold and these

things may appear interesting especial on those who sees beauty in discovering. The underlying

patterns in every matter do not necessarily explain something, yet being able to discover its

congruency and symmetrical facet tend to impart to us that every single thing existed has its own

probable cause. Human, by nature, finds attraction toward symmetry. This tends to be accepted

pleasingly by our visual senses, hence, plays a very important role in life. Numerous scientists all

over the years have paved way upon the advance exploitation of significant patterns, rhythm and

balance enlaced in nature whether it may be trees, leaves, plants and such.

As a formal thought system, Mathematics has the objective to develop, classify and

exploit patterns. The field covers constant eco-chamber which is inclined into correct thinking.

Thus, rules including the designated formulas, calculus and other sub-units of mathematics

which are proven and verified to be correct and accurate shall never be change because these

we’re already examined thoroughly by several experiments and tests. Nature’s Number from

Chapters 5 to 9 written by Ian Stewart presented to us the concept of beauty within the field of

Mathematics. It explains broadly all about symmetry where it conceived that human body is

bilaterally symmetric connotes that the left half of our body is near enough or as same as its right

half. What’s the most important logic we could ever gained unto this chapter is the ideology that

lies behind every single matter existing- symmetry. The pattern does not condone scientific

chemical reactions nor piled any amazing facts and effects. However, it gives us an avenue to

realize that the existence of every single thing in this world can be manifested with significant

reasons or causes rather than randomly subsisting. ‘Nature is nothing if not rhythmic, and its

rhythms are many and varied.’ The book also gives us a very comprehensive overview about the

rhythms. Rhythm, as being defined, is a regular pattern of sounds and movements. Only few
people have appreciated the beauty of rhythm: the beat of our heart and the regular movements

of our breathing. For this reason, it is safe to say that most people have not yet discovered how

sophisticated life is. The beauty of heartbeat, our pulse and how our lungs inhale and exhale the

oxygen and carbon dioxide respectively are so fascinating to witness. This cycle of rhythm has

been the fundamental symbol of life. If this would stop from its continuous rhythmic movements,

basically it signifies death. Most of this chapter tackles about gait analysis centralizing a branch

of Mathematical biology that is anchored around the questions "How do animals move?" and

"Why do they move like that?"

Bottom-line, the book of Ian Stewart explicit explains to us that Mathematics are present

everywhere, starting from the process of excavating the formats and rule behind some observed

pattern or regularity and using these aforementioned rules and features to comprehensively

explain the world’s facet and dig out events that are currently unravelling.

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