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What is the communicative purpose of the text?

to review a film for a public audience

How does the writer compare paragraph 1 and paragraph 2?

Paragraph 1 tells us about one of the four superheroes movies while paragraph 2
tells us about that the movie is really remarkable.
Why did miss Riana complete this form?
To subscribe a magazine.

What is the name of the magazine which miss Riana want to

Woman’s liberty
What should the candidates do related to the postponement?
Noting the postponement of date and time.

Which of the following agrees to the text?

The result of declaration will be announced on 14/12/2015.

What is the purpose of using questions in the advertisement?

To capture the readers’ attention to read the advertisement
“We are arranging a Free Career Guidance Seminar”
The underlined word has the same meaning to . . . .

What is the issue discussed in the text?

A sensitive issue related to religion.
What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
The disadvantage of publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

“… the editor’s choice of the vulgar cartoon very possibly provokes

a conflict ….”
The underlined word has the same meaning with . . . .
What is the main focus of the text?
The reasons why ethanol as suitable alternative to the fuel.

According to the text, ethanol can save the forest because ....
it is produced from agricultural products

Which information about ethanol is found in the text?

Ethanol is friendly to the environment
“.... lower emissions of CO is emitted by motor engine …. ”
(Paragraph 3).
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….

The text is mostly about James Watt’s invention which is closely

related to his experience when he was young, that is, ….
he made many inventions.
What did James Watt do before moving to Glasgow?
Staying in London temporarily.

What was happened to James’s life before 1782?

Invented the double-acting steam engines.
The underlined word in sentence,” ... beginning to transform life in
Britain...,” (paragraph 4) has similar meaning to....

What is the message of the poem?

Hope encourages us to face our future.
“Hope is like faith one must have both”
What figurative language does the sentence use?

What is the background of the story?

Two roosters were fighting fiercely to be the king of the farm yard.
How does the writer compare paragraph 1 and paragraph 2?
Paragraph 1 tells us about two rooster were fighting fiercely while paragraph 2 tells
us about the winner flew up to a high wall

What can we learn from the story?

Don’t be cocky when we have achieved our goal.

What is the message from the song?

We should help each other

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