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Letter From Mr.

Darcy to Elizabeth

I chose this style of creative writing, simply because I have the belief writing letters is a
habit that has been lost to the age of technology, along with everything it meant, aside
from the contents of the letter itself. The kind of effort that someone puts into a letter is
unmatched in this day and age, in the past, people would have to gather the materials
required (stamps, seals, envelopes, etc…), think thoroughly of what they wanted to say to
this person whom they would be writing to, write it, seal it and send it, just to await
patiently for weeks, probably months for a reply. That alone, is a great effort that we do
not see nowadays, but also, you had to know the person’s address in order to write to
them, which required a certain level of trust and knowledge about them. Writing a letter,
compared to sending a text, feels that much more intimate and shows a certain level of
dedication. And because they are not delivered nearly as fast, you had to pay attention to
what you were writing, as it would be everything that the person would know from you
until the next letter arrived.
November 12th, 1812

Dear Miss Elizabeth Bennet

I write to you with the intention of knowing about your wellbeing and current situation.
Along with an explanation of my actions during the past year, I believed that if you were
to not contact me for so long, I would make an effort to make you understand my
previous actions regarding your sister and my best friend. If after the explanation you do
not wish to have any further contact with me, I will have to understand and accept your
decision. I can only hope you will not only agree with me on my reasoning for said
interference, or at least my position and the path of action that resulted on their

Firstly, I do want to mention that I do care about your wellbeing, mentioning we have
avoided contact for a long time, I wish to know that you and your family are doing well,
that you feel contempt with your life and that everyone around you possess optimal

In regard to my actions, I want to say that I have known Charles for a long time, a time
that I have managed to care for him, he remains to this day, one of my closest friends
almost ever since we met. It is because I care for my friend, that I did what I did, I would
never wish ill for anyone and logically I would protect the people I consider friends from
the heartache and despair that follows along a bad marriage. I do not wish to insult your
sister Caroline, by any means, or anyone in your family for that matter.

I decided to interfere after getting to know more about Caroline and her interest in
Charles. Knowing that you probably know Caroline a lot better than I do, you probably also
know about her interest in status, wealth and other superficial matters alike. Although I do
not judge your sister for her interests, it was in my best judgement to keep them away for
each other, for a marriage like that could only end in heartbreak and sadness. Your sister
simply did not care for Charles in the way a future wife to be should. It goes without
mentioning, that they still had yet to develop love between them. In order to avoid said
heartache, I had to dissuade him from marrying her.

She simply did not care for him; she saw his wealth and his status before she ever
considered him as the man. She only cared for this sort of superficial matters in a way that
I would rather keep away from him, as far away as I can manage. I do feel like I
overstepped on a boundary and abused my relationship with Charles in order to manage
this, but I stand by my decision, I would not be able to call myself his friend, one of his
closest friends that is, if I had only stood by without doing anything.
Currently though, it may feel like a mistake and you may not want anything to do with me
from now on, but later on in life, Charles will find a woman that deserves him as a man
and has the same priorities, and I am certain that Caroline will find a man, whose
intentions line up with her own.

Still, I hope you can forgive me and understand, because I want to have a nice relationship
with you, I am curious in where the future will take us both, together. I will wait for your
reply, whether it is to reject me completely or to re-establish the relationship between us.
I hope it results in the latter though.

Yours truly,

Fitzwilliam Darcy

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